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Towan IsekaidInfinite - 1718824439
Funnily enough, just before reading this chapter I was wishing for our MC to get a friend, a bro. I am psychic! =3

Definitely nice and the end image? Looking epic, so I cannot wait for their friendship to develop!
Towan User-1514650375 - 1718821331
Yup. He will be there definitely. And I hope for the best.

Also hoping Eclis will get a good ending too. Poor dude being manipulated and used after falling from his position of noble and turning into a slave. I would say he is one of the most tragic characters alongside Penelope.
Towan User-2321552849 - 1718812187
...For shipping a character with an MC in a Harem Manga? Are you serious or can you not see the irony of your statement? It is more likely that you should be touching grass if you are that offended over someone having some fun on here. Just try to live life. No need to insult others my dude or dudette.
Towan - 1718639383
Damn, a priest and a little boy with a kiss mark close by. I mean, not that I blame them for eying our boy suspiciously. xD
Towan Bungus - 1718439344
I would assume their bodies are quite tough, despite looking human. Digimon had one that had its upper body resemble more its lower body than full on human, so there are different depictions as well. Either way, it is really interesting to see the author's take on these races. It is always quite unusual. And the jumpsuit....goddamn I had to come back here to look at that picture again! xD
Towan Noumo - 1718384497
I get that, but Lloyd still has been putting his life on the line for others time and time again. Yes, he thinks about himself a lot, but so does he about others. The construction workers when the winter heart went out of control? He was helping them instead of getting the hell out of dodge. How about the mermaids, elves, dragon soul, shit annihilating dragon, skeleton crew, the queen and so on and so forth? He has done so much good that you would have a hard time saying that doesn't care about everyone's happiness. He looks out for others, but also punishes evildoers harshly.
Towan - 1718382082
Soooo, is he gonna lick them better like they did with him by putting the mana of the sun in his tongue? =3
Towan Lightpowder - 1718122272
Agreed. Noted last chapter before that he is fucked. Our girl here will trample her way through his boss battles so fast that Taylor won't even have the chance to grow or rescue his friend for that matter. xD
Towan - 1718041552
These trials are BS to be honest. Only 25% of people reach the 10th floor and then you have trials like the 17th floor and this floor that reduce that number further. If you have bad luck, you are dead, basically. The two most talented individuals could meet in such trials and one of them would die. That's how stupid it is. Merit means nothing if a talented individual can die due to bad luck.
Towan User-5611550814 - 1718041010
All hail the Emperor of Popois! =D
Towan Casual Reader - 1718033919
I want the doppelganger to be alive, just so he can have black popoi sidekicks! xD
Towan Zera - 1718033192
There is the one dude that met The Love who has a brown background with a Korean letter too. But yup, that bird is new, so we can expect to see another addition.
Towan The one and only - 1718030332
Honestly, I am curious how the 20th floor was before, because Palaham and the others died on the 15th floor. So were there only ruins on the 20th floor prior?
Towan - 1718015724
Ah. There was someone in chat, saying they would take care of Hypocrite. I wondered if that was mistranslated or the plans changed, but now it all is coming together. =D