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Towan Ephion - 1719679008
Ah, there are stories with a shared universe. So that must be one of those. I thank you for pointing that out and even dropping the name. =3
Human like forms? An interesting thought. Personally, I would prefer anthro cuties. =3
Towan - 1719603903
I am feeling a bit irritated about the whole rumor that House Chade killed the Emperor. Mainly because no one is pointing out how incredibly stupid of an accusation that is. I mean, really? Sure, House Chade killed the old Emperor that liked them to install the Prince as the new Emperor who has been hating their guts with a hot burning passion! They literally could only lose if they did it. The only one profiting are literally every noble that hated House Chade. Also, also, why poison the cats then AFTER the Emperor died?! If the cats were an experiment to get the right poison for the Emperor, then this incident would have occurred BEFORE that! Poisoning the cats only attracts attention. It is so painfully obvious that this is all a set up by some nobles to fuck House Chade over. You have to either not know much about the circumstances or be VERY stupid to not see this!

Sorry for the rant. I hope this gets addressed in the trial. This is just so mind numbingly stupid!
Ah, I see. A fellow perv of culture as well! Though she does look a bit young for a MILF. So she could also be the daughter of someone they know. Either way a fine Waifu! =3

Towan - 1719599268
Hold up! Hold up! Lloyd in just his underwear? Wasn't there just an out-of-place part in the story around the demon realm arc where Lloyd said something like "It is not like we are friends." Are we looping around to that one moment now? Well, if we do there still needs to be a bit of development before it.
My man, don't forget to post the corresponding lewd image of that make out session~ =3
Towan SABiR_HUSSA1N - 1719551974
Or that, albeit I highly doubt Ein and Cassius want more competition. Especially a cute brother/son that hogs her all to himself! xD Both of these guys would though definitely be enamored with a mini Roselia. =3
Towan Bruce - 1719551602
Yup. Both dwarven princesses also want a part of that MC pie! xD
Towan Kurumi69 - 1719514777
Aren't they the ones he sorted by breast size? xD Maybe that one is a princess of the first town, I believe. They fought against some slime like enemy and Sekai saved them and there was much more history. I think I need to reread it.
I think it was obvious. They need MC to negate the contract without something going wrong, though I do understand the brother here. He wanted to protect MC instead of seeing him get into danger time and time again. A bit unfortunate how things went. Gotta see how it will play out next chapter. =3
Towan - 1719420945
A sobering reminder that we are still robbed of a daughter, despite the idea being planted not only in Ein's but all of our heads so many chapters ago! Just get to bed and make a daughter, dammit! xD
Towan - 1719322148
Alright, I am confused as to why there is even a discussion about demoting and disgracing Leon. I mean, sure, he wants an welcomes it, but he is the dude who still saved the kingdom. If anything people should be kissing his ass, just like the other girls in the palace have. I mean, did I really understand it right and it is because the secret weapon got destroyed? That would be stupid. Well, it would be stupid period. Leon is the hero that saved the kingdom after all.
Towan Gakuku - 1719134738
Agreed in a sense. If he makes something from monsters it should always taste bad. Feels strange that the whole point of this story is getting lost here and there if he just makes delicious food as often as he does. We are here to read about him making people suffer, dammit! xD
Towan User-7977853813 - 1719085024
The equivalent would be writing a program to do your job for you. I once read a comment about someone doing that and just having to check each afternoon that everything was okay. Basically not having to work much at all and living the high life. A real dream.
Towan User-4133159469 - 1719072999
Agreed! Our Sekai is a true man of culture! Even the lolis are stripped! =D

Honestly, I am wondering since there are several stories in the same world if there is one for his friend as well. That could be interesting if there was, because I would like them to meet again. He after all wanted to see Kim Suho again after he became as incredible as him.

As a side note, I wouldn't mind if original Lloyd got a story too. I would love to see where he ended up and how he is doing. There is so much rich story potential because of how well the characters were build up.
Towan Som Eone - 1719054416
Sauce for the blushing slime please! =3
Towan - 1718993081
Our tsun-tsun would be very jealous if she knew what he thinks of this girl. xD
Towan - 1718987003
Kim Suho's friend is a rich spoiled prick. Kim Suho's friend is just hanging out with him to be arrogant and feeling benevolent compared to a poor sod like him. Kim Suho's friend is just here for comic relief.

Kim Suho's friend has proved me wrong on these points. There was more to him than meets the eye. Kim Suho's friend actually deeply admired him and wanted to be friends with him because of that. Because he had a will of steel and was working hard through even the hardest of hardships. Kim Suho has inspired him to be a better person. I pray with all my heart that Kim Suho's friend managed to build his wealth back up again via hard work. It was a great flashback that made this chapter perfect.