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DammitCarl - 1724236657
"You're not haunted by the war, Dr. Watson. You miss it."
And of course we gotta have one of these "secret third party undermining the plot for their own gain" and of fucking course one of them gotta be these absolutely-punchable-babyfaced fuck. God I hate this trope.
DammitCarl - 1724215695
Welp, that explains my question from Ch2, and perhaps a bit "too much info" on this girl. You wondered how she stays sane living with a girl who collects ghosts as her army of body-double, a childhood friend who can sense ghosts and even got dragged into his curse, well the answer is that "she ain't sane".
DammitCarl - 1724214116
Wait, the page with him being performed the purification shows his right arm, but why is the picture his grandma sent the left hand?
DammitCarl - 1724213664
So I get that the ghost of the sex worker is already a vengeful spirit at this point and needs to be dealt with, but the fact she went from being used when still alive to being a plaything for other ghosts in death is kind of a cruel fate.
-reads manga written by a Japanese author about a Japanese soldier
-demands they don't use the honorifics of their culture
-this very chapter literally mentions he can use Japanese because of the goddess' blessing.

Well, might as well go read American comics and demand they don't say the f-word or mention the pizza ever while you're at it, buddy.
Or he just need to believe hard enough. More effective if he WAAAAAAHG in battle.
DammitCarl iherePlia_ - 1723787337
More like if you're going into a maid cafe but know you can't follow them or handle the embarrassment then really you shouldn't be there in the first place.
DammitCarl - 1723702996
No, seriously. Of all things, why in God's name did you choose that as your presentation with the class?
DammitCarl Zen - 1723610748
Bruh, the shy girl literally cheered for the boy with the beach ball three chapters back during the 50m dash race.
DammitCarl MissBadEnd - 1723591953
That's a lot of balloons though. A normal amusement park balloon (30cm diameters) can lift 14 grams of weight for 14 litres of helium, whereas the ones shown in the image are as big as his whole body, so about triple in size (90cm diameters).
To calculate the volume of these balloons, we use 4/3 × pi × r × r × r with r being the balloon's radius. So that would be 4/3 × pi × 45^3 = 381,703 cm³ equating to 381 litres of helium aka each balloon can lift 381 gram.
Assuming the average teenager weight and him being of a lighter build, let's say 50kg, that would make 50,000 ÷ 381 = 131 balloons to completely lift him off the ground, and another 18 balloons to assure steady rise meaning 149 balloons total. Quick eyeballing of what's shown in the panel I counted ~40 balloons and that's just the surface layer of one side of the whole sphere.
So yeah, not that too out of the realm of possibility.
DammitCarl Aj_reader - 1723547392
Seems Krohwinkel is referring to yet another store. Like Pierre said, there are at least a dozen of these stores in Japan that were mysteriously connected to this world, and can just as mysteriously disappear.
*racks shotgun*
I just wanna talk to him. Don't worry, this thing is loaded with "confetti" rounds, it's just for congratulations and the like, nothing serious... hopefully.
You call it "cold", I say he's being "calm" and "strategic". He's going in after weighing all the risks and with a solid plan and clear goal in mind rather than just "going through the motion" of killing another dozen goblins or demons or serial killers and what have yoh. You could call his "attitude" cold but that's the extent of it and even then it still doesn't quite apply. Case in point, he's fully aware of each kill he made and even hesitated upon encountering the mother and baby goblin before deciding that letting them go can and will come back to bite him, or someone else, in the ass in the future
So do you say the goblins themselves aren't "cold" when there is a smaller skull along with a broken teddy bear among the remains, indicating among their victims there was a little child?
DammitCarl - 1723353531
Nah, chocolate mint is literally the best combination even more so than chocolate with vanilla filling.
DammitCarl - 1723281584
Like staring down the barrel of a gun, literally and figuratively.
DammitCarl - 1723259023
From Big Iron to a Dominator. That second form was straight up Destroy Decomposer, from the spherical energy blast to the end result.
DammitCarl Crazy - 1723106487
Fechippuru fucking barging through the door
"I heard there was hair fetish so I came as fast as I could!"
DammitCarl Chi Chi - 1723086773
Forced to rob a bank, yes, to frame D, no. Yellow only knew that there's an Invader parading as one of the cadet amidst the Rangers rank and file, he doesn't know who. Yellow ordered S to rob the bank since the Rangers vs Neo Rangers need an antagonist to really rile up the viewers, but D being in the area and happened to catch S before Hisui was most probably outside of his calculations.
DammitCarl - 1723008130
If you're thinking about reading this, don't. It's less a horror story and more of a gore-porn where it's gory just for the sake of it without any real depth or substances. All the twists you will find here are the typical plot-induced stupidity found in other thousands of zombie movies out there.