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1114 points
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DammitCarl Blennus - 1719578268
Well, technically half the globe since he only delivers present at night.
DammitCarl - 1719568629
It's real funny of this midget little fuckboy to be talking about being a "knight" or "chivalry" all the time when in reality all you wanted to do is just stick your sword so deep into your girl it'd be called the Excalibur.
DammitCarl - 1719567682
Well, your girl is obsessed with the bodily fluids of other people while dressed like she belongs in the street, whereas you ever since appearing on screen have blushed more times than our main character ever did since the start of this series, basically you two are a couple of a slut and a cherry boy with too much "sticky white fluid" stored inside his body so I would not call your relationship "like", more of a "desire to fuck like base animals", and I definitely would not use your relationship for any standard of judging.

So sit your ass down and try again, fuckboy.
DammitCarl - 1719234376
While first impression of this new girl is already not on the good side, I had really hoped she'd have more... personality, so to say. This "overzealous fangirl" trope, regardless if it's an outsider or family member, is getting just extremely tiring to see every time it's on screen. Religion devouts of old at least had the decency to respect how their deity conduct themselves in scripture, but who gave these annoying bitches the authority to dictate how their idol should appear and act? You can leave Machina in the series, she's good for punchline, but this glasses bitch needs to just fuck off.
DammitCarl - 1719202563
Now that's a sneaky one on the third page.
DammitCarl - 1718958811
Yeah you blew up big time this time, Nanoha. Like when you wanted to catch up and look out for your old junior, she was extremely understanding and now when she's in a bind you act all immature like a little prick.
DammitCarl - 1718835821
No no no, you are the one 100% at fault here. You don't just give someone PTSD as a gift of first love, tie up your argument in the most confusing way possible without any further elaboration whatsoever, then after the fact try to win back their affection, twice, the second time by being a fucking homewrecker.
To be fair, teacher said "from the bust up" and Chidori's department do be taking a lot of space.
Ikemen basically "pretty boy". Male characters created for the purpose of being the "perfect handsome guy" and a subject for the in-universe girls to thirst over.
She works almost all day every day to support both of them, at night probably bury herself with calculating the finance for the month and the next, whereas he has school and other student stuff so of course they don't have much time to spend with each other.
DammitCarl Neurofez - 1718145276
No, he and the sister are of the same age, they're both first year. It's literally said on ch4 when Mitsuha was changing clothes.
My boy literally pointed out the mole position and immediately put 2 and 2 together two chapters, the fuck you mean he's senile? Her moles are also on her thigh and collarbone, the two spots not even her girl friend is gonna be able to see under normal circumstances and you think a loner like him will ever have the chance to?
DammitCarl - 1717905628
Makiba blud really be going reverse on an arcade machine.
DammitCarl - 1717902460
"NOOEEEH!!!"The doggo, refusing to go for a walk.
DammitCarl - 1717365127
"Good friend"
Don't you mean a good father and daughter?
DammitCarl - 1717325272
Ah yes, what a perfect chapter to start Pride Month with.
Guess he'll never rub one out alone then because "Wilma" will always do it for him. 😏
DammitCarl mtrickster - 1717310498
It still isn't magic by technicality.
Healing magic in this world works by replenishing the body with new "life force", which is this world equivalent of Ki, to make up for what has been lost. What he did was simply applying that logic to his own breathing technique to temporarily fill his body with clean "Ki" which yields the same effect as low-tier holy magic. I said low-tier because it only allowed him to touch the intangible spirit, everything else was still done with his fists.
Even irl breathing is a core part of meditation and many medical/scientific papers have already proven the existence of "life force" after studying Indian gurus. So no, it's not magic.
Reminder that bro died trying to contest with Truck-kun. So while yes, he failed, but that doesn't dismiss the absolute balls of steel on this lad.