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DammitCarl Anonymoose - 1728100754
Except Frieren has never been one to initiate a fight against human even if said group of human has a mage killer. For one thing, she put tracking magic on the coin for precisely that, "tracking" and even went so far as to mask the magic so her purpose in the first place was clearly not to kill. Also, her current task is to investigate the assassination. Frieren doesn't go out of her way to do anything unless a grimoire is involved. She will fight back and kill if it comes to direct confrontation, but unless it's a demon she doesn't immediately go Terminator mode.
Could just be an illustration that's been drawn long ago and author decided to add in st the end of the chapter.
DammitCarl Anonymoose - 1728048666
And why would she do that?
DammitCarl Voozzyy - 1728036799
"Tactical Art Sauce, incoming!"
This one and the piece right after depicts the fight with Aura, and the two of them completes quite a spectacle.
Not like scalding hot, but just slightly. Lemonade, orange juice with a spoonful of honey or kumquat juice are much tastier served hot than cold.
DammitCarl - 1727867597
I know it's usually a plot device, but I just hate character like Mozu who has absolutely zero principle and will sway to any side long as she gets what she wants.
DammitCarl PixelOni - 1727840926
The X was probably originally drawn on the wall but because of the state of the building it crumbled into debris. Though I concur, that X is too damn small to be of use of denoting area with an un-detonated payload.
DammitCarl SSS - 1727699103
That is assuming he was ever high to begin with.
Construction and building usually involves tearing the old property down to build the new one anyway. What you're thinking of is "renovation" which is to expand on the existing property. And considering the state of the castle or whatever is left of it, destroying and tearing it down will help more than keeping it around.
DammitCarl - 1727607190
Well, while the sea is certainly his domain I somehow think it's not gonna be as one sided though. Remember all the sea creatures were big mad at MC for receiving the blessing and tried to kill him despite their big honcho literally said "hey, this my boi ain't no you bitchass touch him".
DammitCarl KYS_LOL - 1727607089
It's fine to be entitled to your own opinion. It's not fine to try and force your trash opinion on others.
DammitCarl - 1727605573
"Crazy wretch"
That's rich coming from the guy killing people for pastime.
DammitCarl Ballsdeep69 - 1727604478
Yeah nah, with that big a dent in his helmet I'd be surprised if his cranium was even intact.
DammitCarl Arbozaliyan - 1727604102
Said the one whose only vocabulary is one singular word.
That's rich.
DammitCarl Arbozaliyan - 1727602171
"Be more retarded" more like. The goat is shown again in Ch12, and this time it appears alongside MC's "deep sea horror" aura, then in the very next scene the baby Diana who is very likely the connection to the goat is announced as the prophecised "danger from the forest" and must be killed so tell me again, which part of this damn goat is "misunderstood and discriminated"?

My brother in Christ, you are reading a DARK FANTASY manga where otherworldly threats and demonic beings could be lurking around any corner, and you saw a goat emerging from a FOREST WHERE NO MAN DARES VENTURING and said "No ThE gOaT iS jUsT mIsUnDeRsToOd AnD dIsCrImInAtEd".
It's prejudice to assume anything when nothing happened but it takes a special kind of stupidity, like yours, to assume nothing when anything happened especially in this kind of setting. Either you take your head out of your own ass and separate reality from fiction or this really isn't the place for you.
DammitCarl Arbozaliyan - 1727598712
Then please, do enlighten me as to what part about this goat is "misunderstood and discriminated" when it is at first glance clearly portrayed as sinister, who dwells in a forest that no man dared to venture deep and is the set piece for a terrifying curse, sir Expert on Bigotry?

DammitCarl Arbozaliyan - 1727585444
And Satan's animal is also a damn goat. Your point?
DammitCarl Ultimateo - 1727431793
Well, I could give you two "huge" reasons off the top of my head, but then that would spoil the story.
DammitCarl kerauno - 1727358389
Well, it started out as a guy being godly at an fps then suddenly got isekai, but we don't know if he got isekai'd into the fps he was playing or not because details regarding it is next to nonexistent. So we just know Touri was previously a guy, and since she got aptitude for healing magic whic is a rarity in this world she got drafted, and that's about it as far as "genderswapped" plays into the story.
DammitCarl - 1727357057
Starting from ch73 and beyond, once those horrible excuse of a "translation" have been replaced with actual works of quality, please reply to this comment.