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Ballsdeep69 Crmsn_rain - 1725964071
Oh yeah I know about the xenophobia thing I was trying to explain to this guy that thats one of the reasons why the ark that got canceled was double stupid, because it envisioned this version of Korea were the immigrants were the one being discriminatory to the Koreans and he had to take like a couple extra steps to try to make that make sense when they could have just used the reverse, which is a thing that does happen in Korea, where immigrants are discriminated against by Koreans. What really highlight this for me was watching a Japanese game show where the goal was to not laugh and one of the contestants was half black half Japanese and like three separate people laughed just from seeing him, and more people laughed when he pulled out childhood photos of him just in his class with the other students, and I had to sit there and realize that there wasn't a joke I was missing the funny thing to them was just that he was half black.
5. This is more so in reference to the fact that if I don't know it - you did a good job writing. Because ideally you shouldn't need to know anything about the author of something to appreciate their work unless their work is very context heavy or biographical in some way, for example - reading an h.p.Lovecraft story, unless you're reading very specific selections of his writing you'll have no indication that he was vehemently racist for most of his life. If I'm not able to appreciate your art because of your viewpoints that have become incredibly evident in your art- that's fine! if that was your intention. but if it's just something that slips in cuz you can't help yourself that's a problem. (Also I was being slightly sarcastic) 6. This is an odd take, one can like something made by someone with a certain view or interest without sharing it. I prefer it if I don't know what you're into personally from watching your movie that doesn't have anything to do with that thing, with a counterpoint for that being QT who can't help but drag his foot fetish into every movie he makes at one point or another. 7.ok, everyone likes what they like.
I got time so I'll break this down, Point by point.1. My implication wasn't that brown people don't bully, it's that by and large there is a problem in Korea and East Asian countries in general of discrimination towards people of darker skin and immigrants. And instead of just using that fact, he essentially made up an edge case where he has to create an enclave of immigrants to Korea that are racist towards Koreans but also are the majority in the area they're in despite being in a country with a very low immigrant population in general,(not to mention the fact that most of the immigrants that are there are of Asian descent, predominantly Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese etc.) it's not to say it's impossible, but it is ignoring the actual problem that is in the area and is far more prevalent for the sake of telling one that is both heavily fictionalized and makes brown people villains. It's like telling a story about a poor white man that's being bullied by all the mean black people in the antebellum South, it's something that's theoretically possible but it by and large is not what the actual problem is and is quite literally the inverse of the actual problem.2. This isn't referring to you - simply what people mean when they say bad representation, if a story displays a myriad of behaviors and interest and many appearances for One race but when they show another race it is only in a single light (most often negative or stereotypical) it can easily be construed as racist as it gives the impression to some that you brought in a person of A different race solely to make them villainous/a joke/a prop.
3. Two points, one the other villains aren't white in this series they're Korean, two this was a section where I was suggesting ways he could have told the story that would have came across as less blatantly racist, you notice in my parentheses I did specifically state what one may accomplish with each potential version of this.4. This is in reference to writing quality, as an example there are a great many American made Christian-forward movies that are very bad in writing quality, typically because they're pushing an ideology before telling the story and often this means the story is made worse at the expense of trying to preach a message hamfistedly, this isn't to say one can't have opinions or views that affect their writing(all writers do) simply that more skilled writers are able to disseminate these opinions in a way that doesn't offend most of their audience from a qualitative point of view, unless that's their intention!
You demand what you do not possess
Ballsdeep69 - 1725949465
Ballsdeep69 - 1725947660
It wasn't even the slur to me, (you can use that depending on context) I think it was the engineering of this bizarre version of Korea where the darker skinned and immigrant people do the bullying instead of being bullied. Like instead of the very common and realistic " the kids bullied me because I looked different/was poor/had an accent etc." he had to walk like three extra steps to hit this weird anti-immigrant gotcha and make the brown people the bad guys, and not even in a way that makes sense under the slightest scrutiny.
Also as an aside the difference between the Korean bullies and the black one is that the victims are also Korean and the protagonists are also Korean, when the only brown people are the dog shit villains you write it gives the impression that the author thinks the only brown people that exist are bad ones, as if they don't exist outside of the context of their villainy. (Much like the often anti-japanese racism in Korean stories)Like make the victim brown or black instead of the bully (for an easy anti racism storyline), or make the immigrant bullies rich people that treat the locals like shit (so you can hide your racism under a veneer of society approved anti-rich sentiment), or simply make the group of immigrants a group that is more common in Korea, like another East Asian group( to lower suspension of disbelief). I don't think this series deserves to be cancelled or pulled anywhere but I do think that either the author needs a new editor or he needs to learn that when writing a story like this one rule is necessary: The story above all else, rather that be your own beliefs or any other agenda, if it hurts you're audiences ability to enjoy it, you need to let it take a backseat. I don't mind if you're racist as long as you don't make it evident in your work( because then I'm ignorant to it) the same way I don't care what fetishes a director has as long as they don't make me notice it(looking at you QT)
Ballsdeep69 - 1725912715
The funniest thing about this canceled ark looking back on it was that if they just made the kid being bullied an immigrant from anywhere and had him be bullied by Korean students, it would both be a more accurate reflection of the thing that does happen in real life, come across less racist and seem less cartoonishly silly, or hell if you want to keep it racist be more subtle about it just have him be a bully because he's bigger and stronger than them. why is he bigger and stronger than them oh I don't know? This is quite literally the worst execution to get to where he wanted to get to the worst of both worlds. You could have even made it about Rich immigrants moving to an area being s***** to the locals. that way you can hide the racism in the classism, a two for one deal.
Stuff like this is why sometimes things have to be localized as well as translated, if for no other reason than that words will have different contexts in other languages that make certain things God damn hilarious.
Ballsdeep69 Arnish - 1725906845
Fair point, the whole "neighbors with the guy that tried to kill them" thing is probably a major contributing factor. I guess it's more like Ireland's view towards the British then, just sort of a sustained simmer of dislike, never really allowed to cool down because one side didn't really change they just stopped doing it to you right now.
Ballsdeep69 Arnish - 1725905853
I think the difference there is that when Japan f***** over korea that it was a government action, and they did some of the really f***** up shit, (like I mean literally some of the s*** they did in Korea and China was denounced by Nazis that were onsite as too excessively cruel). And it lead to a minor negative association with the country's government itself which is why you'll notice often if they have a Japanese villain in a Korean series they're government sponsored in some way. It's like how individual Americans in Japanese series are usually a fun Foreigner but anybody affiliated with the American government is trying to get something out of Japan somehow, even if they're freindly. (This is at least my view as an American whose own people have that type of distrustful association towards the American government)
Ballsdeep69 Arnish - 1725904203
It's less active hatred and more that because of their actions during the war, they're considered a cultural villain of sorts, similar to how American films will have a middle eastern villain, or Communists, they're a stereotypical go to for "those guys that f***** us up that one time, I bet you they're scary" essentially they're easy targets so you can have them show up and no one will question why they're evil because of the negative association. A minor cultural bitterness. ( Probably not the only reason mind you, just an uneducated guess)
Ballsdeep69 Arnish - 1725901603
And don't forget British and french people, Japan loves them some British and french people. ( Also the reason is because of the Many heinous things the Japanese have done to Korea and mainland Asia throughout history, most recently during world war two, and while the people of mainland asia have invaded Japan in the past as well: it hasn't happened particularly recently, they pretty much unanimously failed and the only real lasting effect was reinforcing Japanese xenophobia. It's like how American and European things will still have German bad guys because of the Nazis. Except unlike Germany, Japan never really apologized for anything they did during the war (hell most of the people that were in charge during the war didn't even come out of power.) I believe the reason it kind of only goes one way is similar to how certain countries will have a lot of literature and film about British oppression and the British don't have a lot of stuff about them, the people on the side of the oppressed have to deal with being aggressed upon while the oppressors often just get to say they grew and move on.) also generally speaking the Japanese are not particularly interested in other cultures other than for novelty Factor, similar to how American audiences are interested in other peoples because of how many immigrants are in America and came here in the past, but the American people don't care about other countries their people nearly as much as they should sometimes, at least not beyond the context of what we can get from them.
Yeah it's like with gluttony, if an idiot's alive down there they are strong
I quit at chapter 12 if that any indication of quality.
Or how he kept asking if something was an "event" but there's never been a pop up, notification or message for any events, just for endings. You nailed it though the lack of detail is why has felt weird to read, it would be like if re:zero only ever had him people 2.have two meaningful conversations and then die before 3.restarting. and just skip anytime he spends in the timeline that isn't set up for the death. Like this is supposed to be tragic and sad and all that but because they spend so little time actually establishing the characters as people and so much time dragging them along as plot points I don't actually care when something bad happens to them because I'm both confused as to what the f*** is going on, and annoyed at his obvious ignorance of red flags because I'm not gotten his head enough to understand why he would ignore obviously shady s***.
Ballsdeep69 - 1725868752
Why is every single character that isn't Lena or his dad a red flag in this scenario? Like it's just the shadiest people constantly giving everybody side eye and side glances while giving you suspiciously good deals and he's just like "oh gee golly thanks friend."