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Ballsdeep69 Gakuku - 1720078599
i mean he did meet fishmen, and shapeshifting fire cannibals, and a fucking necromancer, but i will say those at least were explained before hand and offered One Surprise power max, these ice witches have already used like three different ones, so i understand the frustration.(and personally the yetis a couple chapters back bothered me way more, cause usually they come up with a fakey-fake bullshit name for monsters that are clearly real myth inspired to fit the world better (like frost apes, or Ice beasts, or violent yin Holwers or something) so when they just called them yetis it took me out of it, like bigfoot had just shown up or something.)
Ballsdeep69 - 1720073919
The rate this is going, main character might have to dip soon.
Ballsdeep69 Mangaguy - 1720072877
I liked the murim alliance corruption arc, I just think this North Sea Arc has kinda sucked - like usually every place the main character goes to we have a very clear idea of what he's supposed to be doing and the benefits he aims to get, this one seems a lot more relaxed in that regard and the Pacing hasn't been great, and the yetis were dumb, when those blood cult guys used magic it still kind of felt like it belonged, even the mermaid people feel kind of like they belong, but the magic stuff in this arc has just kind of felt out of place because it's too much, and is not as well explained, like those poison cannibal tribes men are weird but it was at least fully explained how they're powers work like that.
Ballsdeep69 Gakuku - 1720072535
To be fair he did fight a giant snake monster quite a while ago before this (he actually fought two), like the world has monsters they just usually don't show up that often, but I will admit the magic stuff happening in this Arc have been a step down from previous stuff.
Ballsdeep69 GeckoGecko - 1720071775
It's also funny because going by the premise it really feels like this series started as just another one of those horny gender role switch ones, but at some point the author got on his berserk mindset and said "what if I went ape shit, what if this was awesome though?" Like they realized they made a main character that was too cool to waste on just being horny so they made the series have some depth.
They can be slightly resistant to bleeding out if only due to the fact that they can manipulate their blood, but even then that's like an acquired trait not all of them can do that and while they do seem to heal slightly faster than regular people it's not significant enough to matter in most situations.
fuck mc, where's that duel they setup with the solitary swordsman at the start of last chapter? (also mc is just doing paperwork offscreen they cut to him last chapter)
that's a different matter, this is for business, That's for the love of the game.
Ballsdeep69 Chompy - 1719982080
I swear they treat her like a Pokemon at this point.
Okay it wasn't just me when the chapter started I thought it just cut to a different chapter, like what was that?
What about a suspiciously fox-like bird, would match her tendency to just show the fuck up places.
No... Let him cook, he cut through that misunderstanding like butter, we need more people like him.
Ballsdeep69 trustme - 1719942931
It's the first time I've seen a series actually commit to what it means for "gender roles to be reversed" in it's reality, it doesn't just mean all women are hornier and all men are less assertive, it also means women are the ones who predominantly fight and die in wars, who die violent deaths after leading violent lives.
Ballsdeep69 VERNE - 1719932895
As did I, I'm guessing maybe it was going to get canceled/ completed and they gave him like another volume to tie up loose ends or whatever. It's just doing the big reveal confession thing and then tossing us back into the slice of Life stuff felt weird.
Ballsdeep69 - 1719932852
I feel like I would have had less complaints about him dying to that same guy using the same attack over and over and never going to be able to dodge even once, if I got to see some of those deaths that were ust random happestance, it would at least make it clear that he couldn't use repetition so memorize attack pains and come up with the perfect counter plans because rain and things keep interrupting me so he has to actually improve. Also is that f****** slippy?
Also apparently single minded considering he hasn't tried strategy or tricks or anything else but one on one confrontations.
Ballsdeep69 ReiYuu - 1719929846
Isn't he a multi-year veteran? how the hell do you survive this long if any time anything dangerous went towards him he closed his f****** eyes, also closed eyes or not death is pretty painful and after three or four ( let alone 19) times experiencing it you will instinctively avoid it especially when you know it's coming, like if you just died to the same guy 20 times I'm fine with that but dying to the exact same attack from the same guy 20 times seems insane to me, specifically when it's like regular humans it's not like a guy pulled out a f****** wave beam or some shit
Ballsdeep69 VERNE - 1719928855
Oh so he's aiming for what it looks like the komi san author is aiming for, hitting that checkpoint by hook or by crook.
Ballsdeep69 - 1719927195
I am low-key kind of confused about this series at this point, because they did the confession chapter, had a Time skip, didn't reveal the results of the confession chapter, and then said they were about to do a flashback and then just kept having regular chapters again as if they didn't do that time skip chapter or the confession, did the author think they were getting canceled? Were they ready to end it in an editor told them to reconsider? The series feels like it's in a liminal space.