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Ballsdeep69 Meringue - 1721716395
I feel like she's similar to the Fang dude in this regard, a naturally gifted adaptoid of a fighter.
Ballsdeep69 The_Lurker - 1721716319
Ballsdeep69 Meringue - 1721716143
I was confused for a second as to why her thought bubbles also had the accent, but I guess it was for the sake of consistency.
Ballsdeep69 Hako Ryner - 1721716142
That and when fighting the main character she was told that she didn't have experience fighting her equals so she's only used to overwhelming advantage, I guess the start of this match was her adapting.
Yeah I guess this fight is just a hybrid balanced tank DPS versus a dedicated critical specialist speed based DPS, or I guess something like a "glass" 50 cal sniper rifle versus an "iron" 12gauge shotgun
Ballsdeep69 - 1721715336
I feel like those two sisters are about to get dog walked.
. If I'm going off of her vibe so far and the fact that she's quitting a big group just to fight a small timer because she saw a potential on a good fight she might even be similar to that fang dude. We're going off of how formal she seems, she might have something in common with that Muay Thai guy that works for that Prince.
Ballsdeep69 Meringue - 1721715249
Well she's currently in a rich family so she might just pay for a surgery or something.
Ballsdeep69 - 1721714740
I'm so far loving that the cop is like twice as screwed up as the Yakuza.
Technically chronostasis/ chronokinetic stasis as he can't freely control the movement of time, merely temporarily halt it.
Ballsdeep69 King - 1721575184
The saddest thing is it's not even about just being weak, it's about spending your whole life getting strong having the confidence having the foundation finally thinking your at that place where you are strong, only to be faced with those that can outpace you in less than half your lifetime, those that can outline your full Sprint while they're just walking, and you want to do your best you want to keep up but you physically can't anymore. We all see the young supplanting the old as a natural thing, but it still hurts a bit when you become the old.
Ballsdeep69 Amoria - 1721510256
I honestly think it's because this art style lends itself to having animal hybrid characters, like The clashing of hard and soft lines and exaggeration of anatomy just highlights the difference in animals but when you make everyone human it just makes the humans look like they have overly long necks - sometimes weirdly stiff bodies - bulbous limbs and eyes, and while the rough line work provides a sense of energy into animal characters that often matches their general aesthetic when you do it to humans it sometimes just makes the art look unpolished.
To be fair, riboku's whole strategy was to completely shut down ousens ability to use wacky bullshit gimmick strategies by forcing the series of blunt direct confrontations with minimal maneuvering. It's like playing a fighting game and ouseb is a high difficulty high maneuverability weird gimmick character, and riboku just got him into stunlock and beat his ass before he was able to pull out f****** anything from his moveset - made him look like a complete b**** as a result.
Ballsdeep69 Kybert - 1721494431
I sure hope so I'm getting sick of this man succeeding, and while I may be able to spoil myself by just looking up actual history.... I don't f****** want to I'll let it be a surprise.
Ballsdeep69 Mangaguy - 1721494312
The treaties are of benefit because they're currently fighting their neighbor, if they dropped everything to invade Qin they would in turn get invaded, but by the end of the treaty they would have succeeded in their war or failed either way they would be free to do what they wish next, or more simply everyone didn't get together to jump Qin, because even if they hate that country they all still hate each other just as much ( and depending on which countries, more) they don't all agree to invade one country because they quite frankly don't trust each other, why risk conquest and leave your back exposed when you can settle for peace.
Ballsdeep69 Brik - 1721405768
Kengan I like more for the fighting, Baki I like more for the weird bullshit that happens.
It started as a putin meme manga, but after certain events leave that maybe less appropriate to laugh at he course corrected.
Ballsdeep69 - 1721355544
I do like this spin on a selfish protagonist, because a lot of series use that to mean the protagonist is a dick to everyone just because, cough cough looking at you China cough cough while for this one it just means that he more or less doesn't really do anything if it doesn't benefit him specifically either immediately or in the long run even if you think for a second he might be. it really highlights that being selfish isn't a bad thing (unless it's at the active expense and loss utterly of others) it's just something you do to benefit yourself.
Ballsdeep69 CdaddyB - 1721314500
Asked and answered, thanks.
Ballsdeep69 - 1721299511
Wait why did he not think of scent? He's from Modern times the smells back then should be crippling. even discounting that - using soap without any scent should be a strange thing for him like I feel like he should have noticed something's missing, I guess he was here for a while before he made the soap so he might have just forgot.