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Ballsdeep69 Brucetier - 1727240792
Because previous to the skyscraper showing up we were explicitly told that the area he was in was a big city and a big Kingdom full of rich people and nobles implying both a social and technological level around late 1700s early 1800s where books are still a rarity that nobles are the only ones that can regularly afford, but the story of those two twins were them living in the slums in a city full of skyscrapers, with electricity and modern technology. Like there are still Mongolian nomadic people roaming our world right now that have smartphones and motorcycles because it's an easily available technology that makes life convenient and there's no reason not to have that technology if it doesn't actively conflict with your way of life. It would be like if those places that had mud huts or castles also just didn't have guns or the concept of electric lighting but they weren't like uncontacted tribes or anything they were a large city center in a relatively affluent country, that has magic. It would be like if 15th century Prague just existed right now in modern times at the same time as New York City and it was still considered a big modern city comparable to London. Or more basic example the Amish in America are people that essentially live like it's the 1800s by choice with the most advanced technology they're willing to use occasionally being pneumatic based or crank-based machinery, but I at least know why they live like that and there's no Amish City being treated like it's Chicago or New York while Chicago still exists. Any fictional world when you present things one of your basic goals is to make the world seem believable which means when something seems improbable I want an explanation as to why it's like that, or my suspension of disbelief is gone. It's like how if I'm watching a romantic comedy and a lion kills the main character I want to know where that lion came from and the explanation for how it ended up in this scene or the whole thing's going to seem out of nowhere and strange despite the fact that I know lions are animals that do exist.
Ballsdeep69 Trickyster - 1727240244
It's mainly that people read this week to week, so when a chapter comes out and it's more flashback instead of actual plot progression it stops being interesting after a couple chapters of it and starts being annoying, the exception would be if the flashbacks stayed in the flashback instead of bouncing back and forth to the actual plot we care about, that way you have time to actually care about the plot of the flashback instead of just wanting to get back to the current plot. And it's not as if I need them to explain literally everything I just want the explanations they do give me to not be so stupid that it makes me question everything else they do. like a lot of action movies are really dumb but the explanations they give you to justify what's going on is enough to justify what's going on for that basic story. but the story is attempting something complex but the actual triggers and motivations behind the complexity don't make sense so the complexity doesn't make sense either, it's like they're trying to draw a maze but all they have is a jumble of string covered in glue. I want to follow the maze to the end but there's no reasonable paths, no logic. it probably also doesn't help that previous to this the story was just about him going to school and becoming a better magician with a slow seep of information about the world and the magic system spreading outward from his viewpoint like korean Harry Potter, and now they're doing the cliche "terrorist / villain attacks the school plot" but because of the way this story has been presented so far it no longer fits the actual story to have something like that happen so abruptly, and while it's an interesting event, instead of sticking with that they keep cutting to flashbacks of stuff that happened 40 years ago that is only tangentially related to the current stuff.
Ballsdeep69 Trickyster - 1727238296
Not even starting with basic dumb s*** like the fact that they're both battle mages and were also both Battle mages in the past yet the way he beat him in the past was just... Burning his lab down without a fight on either side he just sat there and watched him burn his lab down... With him inside. Or how the villain seemingly came in with a plan but every step of this plan seems to be just winging it randomly but it's not painted as that, it's painted as if he planned parts of this somehow, "I'm going to kill all the kids and that's going to be alfeas' fault" "actually I'm going to explain why I'm right, and make the kids understand that alfeas is the bad guy and that was alfeas' fault" "or maybe I was going to kidnap them for experiments or something, Alfeas' fault!"Or once again how he used the magic that rendered everyone in the school except for like three people unable to battle including the headmaster and then just didn't capitalize on it, like he showed have been able to teleport and he didn't just... Teleport to him. Or the fact that he did that to his wife because he wanted to have children because that would "fix his relationship with her" but he couldn't because her condition made her medically...too dumb to handle the pain of childbirth? Like her condition makes her mentally unfit for childbirth butt fine for marriage?
Like if the emotional beats hit you that's whatever, if you like this writing that's fine, just don't come at me like I'm some kind of idiot bastard because I have problems with it that I have explained.
Ballsdeep69 Trickyster - 1727237704
My comment on the skyscrapers was less a comment on their impossibility and more a comments on the incongruity with one seemingly prosperous side of the world looking like the 1820s, while the other side of the world seems to be in 1982 with no actual explanation behind either city-state it just seems like bad world building. and this "story of failure and repentance" might make more sense if they spent more time on the repentance part of that equation, because as is it's been like 20 chapters giving us backstory about how he met her and how much he loved her and then how he decided she wasn't good enough and that he would "fix her" and then proceeded to have the entirety of his repentance be one chapter of him explaining that "I felt real bad... but no see I got a letter from her that said I shouldn't blame myself so I just stopped blaming myself and started a school." Also when a story seems morally conflicted and then they provide new information that seems to completely justify one side and exonerate the other it tends to imply the author wants you to agree with and understand the character as a good person that did reasonable and justifiable things that anyone would do and not a crazy dick that essentially magic lobotomized his wife because he didn't like that she was a little slow (despite marrying her because she was a little slow.) And yes I do expect the man that managed to do the one thing no one else in the world seems to be able to do which is conquer dark magic and make a f****** shadow homunculi be able to at least....want to make another one before he goes out into the field, like I'm no strategist either but I'm also not stupid and if the strongest person on the planet other than me has been rendered unable to fight but is able to recover and I just choose to leave him out of my sights and not keep tabs on him and do nothing about checking back on that it makes me look like a complete idiot. And yes he didn't treat her like a diseased princess... Until he did, which would be more understandable if they actually displayed the actual negatives of her condition and the toll it would take instead of just having people say she has a condition and then having her trust a (reasonable) lie once and then decide that she's the problem when he blows up in her face. It was intended to be a story of mistakes and redemption the problem is the writing doesn't support that in a sufficient enough way for this not to be bad. Not to mention stuff they just picked up and then dropped abruptly like how one of the reasons he was so mad at alfeas is because he "missed" his wife, his actions don't come across as consistent either logically or emotionally and they don't make a character that feels like a person.
Also you could have argued your point without being a dick about it and needlessly insulting me, like I've done. Except for calling you a dick just now.
Ballsdeep69 - 1727236941
It's like the cell saga, but everyone has a separate Arc that brought them there instead of all just sort of coming along because they heard there's a fight. Then they sort of did the Android 16 death but kind of sadder because Amber felt like a giant child that didn't know any better feeling pain for the first time and then getting killed by his own father for having the audacity to have weakness for a moment.
Ballsdeep69 - 1727232956
had this thought after I saw him with his head sitting there that bonus end page, but he looks a little bit like Android 16
Ballsdeep69 Keerun - 1727225930
To explain why: they just spent so much of our time to explain in so many flashbacks why the headmaster is morally gray at best and how he caused the death of his own wife with his pride and his wants and his stupid f****** ego, only to come in and say "no no JK don't worry about it the bad guy is super evil, he was actually going to take over the world, it was actually his plan the whole time which is why it's fine for the main character to burn everything down!" Like if this was his actual goal and he already has the ability to implant memories because he already made the shadow guy after the place burned down... why didn't he make more? why is he going about this in this way? Why did he erase the headmasters memories and then proceed to ignore him this entire time instead of immediately killing him first or at least keeping tabs on him in some way? (Why the f*** is the part of the world the main characters are from aesthetically, architecturally and technologically in the early industrial age but the place the two black hair kids are from just has a bunch of f****** skyscrapers and modern technology? This is unrelated it just still bugs me.)Instead of actually addressing the moral complexities of a man that absolutely caused the death of his wife because he couldn't be happy with what he had, we just have him be sad about it ( in another flashback) getting a letter that says "JK don't worry about it, it's not your fault you compelled me to take part in this experiment to make me smarter cuz you couldn't be satisfied with who I was despite marrying me for who I was, you weren't some weird possessive dickbag that sort of hid me from the world a bit, totally nothing predatory about our relationship no sir, so don't feel bad about it go along do good" none of these emotional beats hit because I'm too bothered by how stupid this all is so yeah this shit is so ass.
It's like negative magnets, even if you wanted to - you're compelled not to approach and they give off the same aura, you need some external stimuli to force interaction to occur or a positive magnet to share between the two.
Ballsdeep69 Keerun - 1727223875
Ballsdeep69 ok - 1727214181
Realistically a person that considers 100 high is just someone that doesn't know the scale Or the average and it also absolutely wasn't necessary to bring up Africa at all to deliver your point, here let me deliver the same point "actually 100 is average IQ for humans"
Ballsdeep69 - 1727213964
Ballsdeep69 - 1727203786
Ballsdeep69 Views - 1727202387
I guess you could forcefully flag himself the revolutionary by just declaring it in the presence of a hunter of the revolutionary.
Ballsdeep69 - 1727194390
They're playing soccer with that poor man's cabeza
Ballsdeep69 Miron - 1727152946
Oh Jesus Christ that's his thumb and pointer finger I was terrified for a second at what I thought that was.
Ballsdeep69 - 1727098284
I think glasses guy annoys me more than the first guy, first guy basically just ignored old girl when he got a girlfriend which is s*****, but is better than constantly trying to turn your friend into a third wheel no matter what because like even if you didn't know about her feelings that's just a s***** situation to put someone in constantly.
Ballsdeep69 - 1727097909
0 I've done a thing
Ballsdeep69 - 1727079232