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Ballsdeep69 L. K. - 1722286774
I think of it like a Roman system, but with colonialist morality. So they've got the stadium and the sport of it all, but they don't really consider slaves people and generally value their lives and deaths less, so this is more like watching a state sponsored dogfight to them than a brutal murder on stage. Though duels and executions were historically known to draw massive crowds back when those were public affairs so the morbid curiosity of humans really can't be underestimated. As an aside while the amount of death is exaggerated, the reaction to death in the ring really isn't. people in modern times might often find themselves surprised how savage humans get when they believe they are culturally and socially okay to do so. the general madness that envelops whole populations when genocides occur is one example of this, the general excitement in the Roman Colosseum rather there was a death or no death is another example of this, another example might simply just be the practice of bullfighting -in which a show is made and the bull is usually severely injured before even being taken to the events to lower the fairness of a fight and ensure the human is most likely able to win.
Ballsdeep69 Gakuku - 1722274693
"David's no good very bad day"
Ballsdeep69 - 1722274268
"It sucks to be tied down by something at a young age doesn't it, " she says to the Child Slave, gee ya think so?
Ballsdeep69 Bubonikz - 1722219194
I always try to snag it when it's available
Ballsdeep69 - 1722185588
I do love that he's basically low-key trying to use his double life to woo her but it's just not working because she just doesn't believe he's even interested in that.
Ballsdeep69 - 1722154088
damn he's been Disarmed in the most literal sense.

Ballsdeep69 SadDrake13 - 1722144298
Considering he was absolutely about to dip and he perfectly conceals his identity as the leader of the dump guild for most of that previous timeline and most of his current life to the point that she only found out because of a f****** time traveler, if he ran they would not f****** find him again- so I get her thinking she has to rush him now.
Ballsdeep69 Mangaguy - 1722143719
Also sometimes training your whole life to be able to fight somebody is just not enough, some people just be built different, look at the main character he's trained for like 8 months and he's already equal to her and yeah he did it through b******* and hacks, but villains always get hacks because they could do things that might give you a benefit that are morally questionable, like murdering people to steal their gear, or power leveling off of humans instead of monsters.
Ballsdeep69 Mangaguy - 1722143253
No the series definitely has the problem of the main character being significantly more important than everyone else all the time, but in that encounter didn't she only really get a shot at him because he did not assume she'd be anywhere close to him in skill so he was f****** around and when he got serious he basically immediately bodied her. The dump guild would at least provide him with money to be able to get good gear, and if he's been continuing his killing people activities (the main character mentions that in the original timeline the boss of the dump guild went into that blue dungeon himself, going off of this we can assume he's at least gone into other dungeons on dump guild activity to squad wipe people and such). Like don't get me wrong the practice of treating every single character other than the main character like essentially potato sacks to take beatings until the main character can save them sucks in writing - but at least this series provided a basic explanation this one time that doesn't feel like just making all the side characters useless, it's just hyping up that the villains actually a threat. Like they aren't saying that she sucks or anything they're essentially saying he's first generation so he's built different which is kind of a trend in these types of series.

Edit: seeing what he actually said I think his point was more-so that if she fights him solo she has a good chance to win but it's not certainty (let's assume it's like 65 to 75%) but if they jump him for certain they can win without anyone dying, so this is less a "just wait for Goku" moment and more a "f*** duels jump that mother f*****" moment
Ballsdeep69 - 1722142842
Wait is she just playing the game or is she stuck? she said she checked the favorability but when and how?
Ballsdeep69 Mangaguy - 1722141895
I mean they did actually provide a reason that makes sense as to why she wouldn't be able to do it solo, that being that he's had more time and more experience to gather power and strength than she has, meaning even if they get to the same rough level of strength he has significantly more polish on how to use it effectively and efficiently.
Ballsdeep69 - 1722141801
Quick someone hit me with that one Thanos meme, you know the one!
Ballsdeep69 - 1722141627
Why is it whenever there's evil vampires in a big group like this they're always so God damn sloppy with their food, there's always the one guy drinking blood out of a wine glass like a decent person but then the rest of them are just spilling their food all over the table, the floor, the f****** walls, just because you eat people doesn't mean you can't be civilized about it!
I'm convinced at this point that he's either cursed or is supposed to be a Magic build but chose warrior.
Ballsdeep69 Smug Mommy - 1722063941
I think my favorite part about their reactions is that they were slightly surprised until they saw he was involved and then the surprise just went away, like "oh dear is that a bone dragon whatever could that be doing here?...Oh wait is that Sir Lloyd? nevermind it makes perfect sense for a bone dragon to be here it's just Lloyd stuff"
Ballsdeep69 CHENGUE - 1722063543
If I remember correctly he is considered handsome in the murim world, alongside being considered a martial arts hero. here however,he is a surprisingly strong up and coming guy with average looks and background, very little in the way of charisma and self-awareness and his occasional strange behaviors are less acceptable in the real world and all of these things compound into him being considered kind of a strong weirdo which is not exactly a romantically desirable trait for the general public(unless you're handsome then you're eccentric instead of weird)
Ballsdeep69 AverageJoe - 1722029690
🎶...My one and only...🎶
Ballsdeep69 - 1722029278
I don't like it, it's not a good feeling to watch a bunch of people who train their whole life put their all into this, versus a guy who's trained some but mostly gets better at techniques by just putting points into stats, especially when it's a sport and not like a fight to the death, it cheapens the whole thing to me it feels like cheating. Also I feel like a lot of the art is like redraws of 3D models and photographs, like the way that evil businessman dudes facial hair looked In, I want to say chapter 10 or 11?, was just really off-putting because it was shaded like cheap 3d hair rendering. The fights themselves are good but it feels like it's just rushing from one fight to another with no meaningful characterization between them other than the basics making sure we know the good guys are good people and the bad guys are bad people( which is weird considering it's sports and not every guy you fight is gonna be an arrogant bastard or a complete asshole), a basic example of this is that he just reincarnated into somebody else that is overweight - him being overweight doesn't affect his ability to fight even a little bit and isn't even really commented on and the first chance they get they have a couple month time skip to him being in peak physical condition- like they established a setup but were not actually invested in exploring it , just getting from it to the plot they wanted in as little time as possible. I haven't got a training Arc or any real display of effort from the protagonist on screen as he lost weight offscreen and any technical skills he learns so far were things he either already knew or learned instantly from the magic system he just miraculously has, so it's missing that sense of effort present in most sports or fighting series that hook me. But I bailed at chapter 12 so this all may change.
TLDR. If you want like well-written characters or really flashy and exaggerated art or really fleshed out story maybe go elsewhere, if you just like well explained and presented relatively grounded, physical violence in a sports setting with the bare minimum setup to get you invested , this is absolutely for you.
Ballsdeep69 - 1722011977
That "its fine now because granny is here" is supposed to be heartfelt but it just came across as silly to me and it is entirely because I read it in an old woman voice and I don't know what it is about the line but it's just so silly To me, as far as everything else goes I don't actually care about ochacko one way or the other so most of this chapter just sort of bounced off of me emotionally, I see the aftermath of society changing is good I guess, I am just genuinely waiting for this to end at this point - maybe I'll reread this series one day and care more but as is that last Arc ,- the last two to three years of this manga - has left me entirely apathetic, good for you if you enjoy it though - I'm just somewhat tired of the whole thing at this point.