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Ballsdeep69 Yoma - 1727318691
"them's fighting words!"
I'm thinking about how funny it would be if one of these series played out all the way to the end.... and then it was just the death dream as they died. Everyone would be so mad about it.
Ballsdeep69 - 1727315061
Alright, in I go.
Ballsdeep69 - 1727283915
Ballsdeep69 - 1727279281
"here have a little boss" "I-I don't want this"
Ballsdeep69 ok - 1727249583
Two things, the guy that originally made the comment was not the person that responded to you that he was African, (Ikuzo responded to you and Wise posted the original statement) and my thought was if your main focus was to get across that someone with a low IQ would consider 100 high, there are ways to do that comedically that come across less racist, and they're like you could have just said "100 is the average unless you had a recent head injury I guess" "100 is the average unless you're in a coma or something" "100 is the average, unless you've had many concussions" any myriad way to say "mentally impaired" in some fashion with work. Also the person that did respond as an African was offended by your comment, because regardless of how you meant it it didn't come across as "because the average IQ is lower there"(which was honestly still unnecessary to bring up if you're just correcting someone about the average IQ) how your comment came across to most people that read it was "100 is the average unless you're African, then you're dumber" and your response to him was essentially saying "I'm right you're dumb" and then asking if they say 100 IQ move over there as if that's not insulting.
Ballsdeep69 ok - 1727248495
Yes, theoretically? But more likely someone just wouldn't know the average IQ is 100 because IQ mostly doesn't mean anything to most people other than "a thing that if you have a lot of you're smart I guess" and just the correction that 100 is average was all that was necessary, adding in the part about Africa despite your intention just made you look racist because it seemed wicked unnecessary, like if it was an attempt at a joke it did not go over well clearly. Also that would apply to any 70 IQ kid regardless of if they're African, it would have been tasteless but you could have said "unless you're mentally retarded or something" and it still would have been a s***** thing to say and it still would have been needlessly insulting but it would have got your point across more clearly.
Ballsdeep69 ok - 1727248090
And everyone else's point was that there was no need to bring up Africa if you're just correcting someone about the average I. Q., and doing so needlessly just sort of makes you look racist. And your attempts to justify the fact that you just had to bring up Africa, don't make any sense.
Ballsdeep69 ok - 1727247977
Also reading comprehension? "and im not talking about no curve buddy. im simply looking at the numbers. i dont give a shit about what they wanted to do, im taking the number from every country and calculating their avg, its visibly lower than 100. if their goal was to keep it at 100 then theyre bad at their job" that's not how average IQ is determined. your method disregards population differences between countries.The average is 100 because it's the average of humans, regardless of country of origin. Your method weights countries with several hundred thousand people equally to countries with several billion, it's statistically dishonest at best.
Ballsdeep69 ok - 1727247510
What's funny is you never actually disputed my mention of the fact that it's based on just human population not divided by country (which have different populations) you just claim that i didn't understand it. And then in an effort to try to prove your point you literally negated your point because the nature of that test is built upon... the opposite of what you're saying. So yeah you're either really bad at math generally kind of stupid or you're just f****** with us. Either way it's hilarious to watch you try and perform. Also think for myself? About a test with a set definition and standard as to how it is performed and Carried out? It's not philosophy it's a standardized test.
Ballsdeep69 - 1727247282
Damn I completely forgot she was in that direction, I was like "why is he so confident? What's he got over there"?"
Ballsdeep69 ok - 1727247050 oh no how can I ever recover a maroon without basic math skills or knowledge about the system he decided to chime in about, has decided to insult me oh it's wounded me so.
Ballsdeep69 ok - 1727246831
Ballsdeep69 ok - 1727246261
Ah yes "I don't mean the actual scale I'm talking about I mean my version of the scale I'm using that proves my point" have a good day dipshit, I'll see you in the funny pages. (Also the average is based on the amount of people not the average in each country, you get that different countries have different amounts of people right? like is that a concept you understand? 100 is the average for humans, as in the total population of humans. Man you really are dumb.)
Ballsdeep69 ok - 1727245287
The average I.Q. was based off of a bell curve, and as such, is always 100, the test is literally edited and changed to make sure the average IQ remains 100, that's the whole point of the scale it literally doesn't work if the average for humans is lower than 100 that's how it was designed you jag. (That also contributes to why it's borderline pointless, a scale with no absolute values isn't t really viable as a scientific scale. Especially when it's used to measure something that is by its definition ephemeral and non-quantifiable)
Ballsdeep69 ok - 1727243754
Haha no "For modern IQ tests, the raw score is transformed to a normal distribution with mean 100 and standard deviation 15. This results in approximately two-thirds of the population scoring between IQ 85 and IQ 115 and about 2 percent each above 130 and below 70."The average of 100 very much includes the continent of Africa, just as it'll include countries with average IQs that are higher than 100, you get that's why it's the average right cuz it's all of them. You're not acknowledging a continents existence by needlessly bringing it up, any more than I would be denying a country's GDP statistics by not bringing up the United State's. Hell above All that IQ is not even a very good measure of actual intelligence, it only measures the specific intelligence needed For an IQ test. You can know the whole world's worth of physics and not know a single f****** thing about how to fix your car and the man that comes to fix it is more intelligent than you in that regard. If Your point was to get across average iq once again simply saying "the mean IQ for a human is 100" is all you needed, maybe tossing that 85 to 115 if you want to be more specific. But unless they specified what country they came from singling out Africa is strange you didn't single out a country with an average higher IQ, you didn't even single out a country you singled out a f****** continent.
Ballsdeep69 - 1727243131
He really is a Dragon Ball z fan to the end, in their first fight he tried to use Kamehameha, now he just used buu's human extinction attack as a base to essentially force people to make a Spirit bomb for him. It's what akim would have wanted, the Spirit bomb is truly a beautiful attack.
Ballsdeep69 - 1727242577
This is funnier because they did explicitly explain that this is how ghosts work at the start of the series but it was painted as a negative because they couldn't keep themselves together, with a vampire who specialty is absorbing magic and making it their own at the helm it becomes a pure positive, I'm also realizing that akim was probably technically an artificial ghost/demon hybrid, seeing that his body was also made of just the energy like a ghost and it was puppeting body parts instead of having actually functioning ones, but the energy was still bound to his heart like a demons.