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Ballsdeep69 Usama - 1733458913
It's wild because his viewpoint is basically "yeah you're being oppressed by the law.. but so are we! LEARN TO DEAL!
Ballsdeep69 - 1733458125
It is kind of odd that not a single one of them can picture a world where they get him by a means that isn't kind of against his will.
Ballsdeep69 Acestar - 1733437615
Congratulations! it's a Boy New season
Ballsdeep69 Thomas_JCG - 1733436931
I hit this with every idol Arc in any manga I never get the appeal so it's never interesting.
Ballsdeep69 Zero - 1733436794
Queer is a word used to encompass people that are minority sexualities such as homosexual, bisexual and asexual, as well as people that are minority gender identities such as transexual, it is a word commonly used as such in the United States and some other English-speaking countries.
Ballsdeep69 Keimaro - 1733436658
I believe they're pointing it out because of the uncommon-ness of it, as a form of praise that the author is both choosing to do something that is less common among their peers and they're doing it well. While praising something simply for being diverse isn't good, praising something that is good for being good while also finding the time to be diverse isn't bad.
Ballsdeep69 Sukari - 1733403773
It's slightly better than real life because in this the bastards at least know their bastards while in real life a lot of bastards assume they're just part of the 90%, it's that honesty that really makes these bastards soar.
Ballsdeep69 Bungus - 1733403462
Every construction project he's completed is a demonstration of the skills he's learned. what the system does for him is let him run calculations simulations and stress tests on materials that he has to manually set up because in the modern world most of the materials already have a lot of these stats well known and recorded but in this world he has to do the recording, he still has to know the construction techniques know what physical labor is required figure out what materials are required figure out what's construction techniques would be best for any given area what materials are best for any given area and other necessary requirements- proof of this is the fact that when he originally built the irrigation and improved architecture for the town he forgot about the sewage situation and had to recruit a dragon to deal with that, it's a construction was mostly the systems work they would have reminded him that sewage is essential. like there are things the system helps him with directly but he still mostly has to put in effort to get anything accomplished. As a general trend Korean series are often less guilty of a lot of these specific isekai tropes in general because they mostly take place in modern times or are isekai romances, and the ones that don't often heavily emphasize hard work and effort on the part of the protagonists to earn their accomplishments in some capacity even if they give them a system(weirdly enough the non-isekai Korean action stories are more likely to just have a main character that's strong because they're strong or are giving their powers without much effort but even still effort is preferred) as compared to Japanese series of the genre which you could argue are Japanese savior stories.
Ballsdeep69 - 1733402363
I do love how so far this clan seems to be composed entirely of like 90% decent people and like 10 complete bastards but they're all like different flavors of complete bastard.
Ballsdeep69 - 1733402039
I once again find myself in a series where the only female romantic interest that isn't 100% a problem is the one from the Tang clan that has no hope of succeeding.
Ballsdeep69 - 1733398319
This conversation has the energy of Dracula trying to give a speech to a bunch of drunk vampire hunters, all while Van Helsing is kinda bummed that he has to be on their side right now.
I'm meant the metaphorical way, lady killer....kill this lady... no? okay. I'll just... See myself out.
Ballsdeep69 - 1733366560
Three months to 9/11, I want it to somehow affect the plot but only very tangentially like someone tries to escape the country but they can't leave because planes are on lock or something. Or alternatively for it to get no mention and no reference even from the Americans.
He better not kill this lady or he's going to catch a case.
Ballsdeep69 - 1733355107
Him when his subordinates explain the tropes™️
Ballsdeep69 SpinelesS - 1733187681
What if they just fuse upon contact Like time travel doubles
Ballsdeep69 SumurTua - 1733169924
Ballsdeep69 Shthar - 1733145396
If I'm being honest it's not any more frantic than it has been previously, it just does this thing where every few chapters it'll have a complete non sequitur chapter that technically provides you information but mostly has random b******* happen.
I believe it's the dude that was using the life absorption skill secretly.