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Ballsdeep69 Rubenotsus - 1720925247
Going by the conversation there are more so pointing out that as a long range damage dealer he should have stayed long range and dealt damage until it died instead of going into its attack range where he is now vulnerable, which is fair considering either way he would have been able to kill it one way is safer the other way is cooler, he chose cool over safety.
That is a problem I had with it, that he has a respawn power with basically no drawbacks and only benefits and instead of grinding he kept getting the bare minimum stats and then doing stuff, and then every time he ran into anything even kind of strong he panicked like he couldn't just grind through a couple lives and then kill it, the main character is just so weak-willed, unless it concerns listening to whatever the woman he's with has to do, then he's ride or die despite not dating her not being married to her not even expressly stating that he liked her before all of this started - she was a crush he had at work, wasted potential is the only way I could describe this.
I thought the translators just started trying harder or something because the conversations have been flowing a lot better.
Ballsdeep69 Chuunico - 1720843822
Now I'm just imagining that "Japan gets teleported to another world" series but it's America, good God the war crimes, the shock and awe, the tax collection what a sight in my mind
Ballsdeep69 The Savior - 1720843730
I'll be honest man that plot armor is already stretched pretty thin keeping alive half the named characters of his squad, if you're trying to bend the shape one more time it's liable to completely shatter.
I mean she is still technically a holy healer, so I don't think she's supposed to be endorsing necromancy, but given her track record towards Necromancers, she probably might do that if it ever comes to it.
Ballsdeep69 - 1720819171
I appreciate his candor at least
Ballsdeep69 HateMe - 1720818407
It just seems strange that that's a design principle, like even the goblins in goblin Slayer do that specifically because it's how they reproduce, these things are just doing it to be a more f***** up threat.(Which kind of loops back to the fact that 90% of the time if a woman is in danger in this series, it's under threat of rape)
Ballsdeep69 Keo - 1720800157
He turned into a mad Max villain so fast, it's impressive honestly.
I actually think it would be tremendously funny if he did that twice.
You see I thought they said something about that character being female last chapter, but I checked and no no mention of it it's just that iruma compared him to bachiko, and that the character's short and wears a crop top so everyone just kind of assumed female, even though they did use the "-kun" honorific, which I believe is for boys .
Ballsdeep69 - 1720761914
Going by how many lives the AI blew through, that man must have spent several lives just savescumming and looking for more one-ups, cuz he seems not just surprised but nearly dumbfounded by the fact that the main character just grinded properly instead of leaning in on his multiple lives hack.
It's slight conjecture based on previous and current events in the story, as well as a basic concept present in many series of similar genre.
I'm going off of what was said in the chapter and the context I'm pretty sure the "invisibility" as you claim it is more so a visual representation of "hiding his presence" the thing they're sensing in the moment that allows them to block the attacks is a combination of most likely bloodlust and that he can't hide his presence while actively attacking only on the lead up to the attack. Such as why in the chapter he says "hiding presence, not body" in response to the person saying he "disappeared" he's not literally visually disappearing as in turning invisible he's an assassin in this fantasy world that's Mastered hiding presence which gives you the effect of being imperceptible to other living creatures there aren't sufficiently trained to higher degree of sense, I will readily admit my example of the predator is misleading, a better example might be characters that are said to be "stealthy enough to walk right through the front door without people perceiving them" nevertheless you asked for distinction this is the distinction hiding presence is appearing invisible or being hard to find to people that don't have high level senses, hiding your body would be to literally turn invisible or hide behind things. One is based on personal perception the other based on general perception.
Or to give real word examples hiding your presence might be blending in a crowd, your goal isn't to appear as if you don't exist in the space - it's to not be noticed individually, hiding your body would be physically hiding in something like a closet, your goal is to not be perceived as a person at all - for people to not think you're there. It's just in the fantasy worlds these things tend to get taken to extremes that make no sense using regular logic.
Well in the world of magic and Aura and being able to sense bloodlust I think "presence" does have a bit of a different meaning, and they're standing with their backs to each other all night on guard because they were told he's going to come for them and then he started talking to them so they know he's there they just have no f****** clue where, and the reason I say he's hiding his presence as opposed to being invisible is that if you're invisible no one can see you at all if you're just hiding your presence in this sense people with skill can distinguish where you are (such as the main character). I believe that is at least why they use the word choice they use in this chapter they literally know that he's there but they cannot perceive him because he is hiding his presence.
The distinction though is the difference between standing right in front of someone and they aren't able to see or hear you versus someone not being able to see or hear you because you've hidden somewhere clearly out of sight, the erasing presence would be the first hiding would be the second, I guess to explain it in another way if there was a camera watching them he would be clearly visible, he's only hidden to the people that he is directly in front of at the moment.
More like invisiblility - but only to the senses, like he's there he's just making sure you can't tell that for sure.
It's like the Predator he's making himself imperceptible but he's still right there.
Ballsdeep69 - 1720666736
He probably caught that s*** with his teeth
Ballsdeep69 - 1720664378
In hindsight I'm just now realizing that this clone probably was a police officer in his cover job before he got summoned up.