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Nora Danish
1500 points
69 Comment(s)
252 Upvote(s)
Nora Danish - 1726625633
If I could repeat back the first time I was in bed with a girl, I would do it a thousand times. My girlfriend and I were out shopping and I sent her home. It was quite late and her roommates were sleeping. My girl was dark skinned but I swear to you I could see her blushing when she asked if I wanted to stay the night. I would be crazy if I said no to that, bro. But she said I had to wake up and leave before her roommates got up. It was not the first I went into her room but it was the first time I slept on her bed together with her. At first, she asked me to clean her makeup. She lay her head on my lap and using make up wipes, I wiped her makeup away. Then she went to shower. I promised you, the moment she took off her clothes in front of me, my heart almost literally leaped out off my chest, bro. She wore her towel and went out of the room to shower. When she returned back, oh man, oohhhh mannnn. She wore her pajamas which were satin button up shirt and shorts. I was about to die then she sat down on the bed. She had to dry her hair first so we kissed and make out first before we lay in bed. Her bed was single bed so we really had to be close to each other. We embraced each other and made out for a long time. Then I fingered her and she came so much. Before anything else happened, she fell asleep in my arms. I was in heat but I didn't want to wake her up so I jacked off and went home before everyone else woke up.
Nora Danish - 1726623951
I love the kaiju designs. This is only the first collosal titan. I think the wolf would be the last one but I'm sure there will be more side quests like the samurai robot boss. Hell yeah
Nora Danish - 1726587547
Yoru goes pew pew pew
Nora Danish - 1726095723
This manhwa reminded me of the time I played Raid Shadow Legends. It was fun and I spent quite some money to make it even more interesting. But I had to quit because there's so many things to do in the game and it became unhealthy
Nora Danish - 1725470542
Miguel lives bahahaha
Nora Danish - 1725463162
Now let's level up Esil so she can fight with young monarch. This is no longer solo levelling haha. This is party leveling
Nora Danish - 1725435727
This is getting complicated. Ctarnidd was so hyped but now I'm getting a bit bored. The samurai robot boss and wolf boss were so fearsome and fun to read. Octopus guy seems like riddles.
Nora Danish - 1725426942
I think he ate a chicken sandwich and therefore grew wings.
Nora Danish - 1725426574
I don't want to say I'm Chadano but when I first met my wife's family (we weren't married yet at that time), it was during her brother's wedding. Like what Akira did, her cousins were skeptical of me because I look like a nerd. But I tried my best to help out. It was a countryside wedding so I fried the chicken, I top-up the rice, I washed the dishes etc. at the end of the day, her father pulled me aside and we had a meal together. He said, "Based on what I see today, I approved of you being my daughter's boyfriend. In fact, the whole family approved." He said they all see how I helped out with sincerity. Not because I had to, but because I wanted to. I have been married to his daughter for more than 10 years now
Nora Danish - 1724202713
Ahhh... The sweetness of youth. I remember the first time I kissed a girl. She was my cousin. I had a family gathering at my grandma's and one of my cousins was very cute. The adults were talking and asked us kids to play anywhere in the house. I was the second oldest so I didn't want to play with the small ones. So I went into grandma's bedroom. As I was lying around bored, the oldest among us came in. She was like in college and I was in highschool. She pinned me down in bed and kissed me. He left hand reached for my dick but then the kids suddenly ran into the room screaming. She got off of me and left the room. Remember when I said one of the cousins was very cute? Well, that was not her. The oldest was very fat and yet muscular.
Nora Danish - 1723006640
This reminded me the first I had a nap with a girl. There was a girl I like and because of how fast rumours went, the girl found out that I liked her. Maybe it was to tease me or her friends dared her, we sat together in the bus on our way back from a school trip. We were tired from all the activities before and she fell asleep first. I was like, "Oh shit, even when drooling, she's still so cute. I couldn't sleep because I want to keep looking at her face but at the same time, I didn't want the other kids to notice me staring at her like an idiot. As time flew, I fell asleep too because I was tired. When I woke up, her head was on my shoulder and I felt like I died and went to heaven. When the bus finally reached our school, she woke up and wiped the drool from her chin. Maybe she was embarrassed because of the drooling so without saying anything she quickly got out of the bus and ran to her parents. I watched her went away. My shirt was a bit wet because she drooled on me but hell I was in heaven bro.
Nora Danish - 1722665226
Despite the ups and downs, I still read the chapters as soon as they came out. It's not perfect but this manga is good and I'll be rereading it someday
Nora Danish - 1722664826
Talk no Jutsu no working no jutsu
Nora Danish - 1722247810
Finally Angvall is showing her strength.
Nora Danish - 1721796541
Can I touch your nipple piercing?
Nora Danish - 1721065305
Looking at how the count use different powers, he probably set the whole thing up so he can steal that card ghost powers
Nora Danish - 1720584179
Now I feel like reading the chapters when Komi first met Rumiko again.