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Nora Danish
1500 points
110 Comment(s)
452 Upvote(s)
Nora Danish - 1 day ago
The story is like all over the place but everything is leading to the same path. Is this controlled chaos?
Nora Danish - 7 days ago
It's a shame because I personally think this manga has potential. I like it when an MC just power through all enemies without any plans or strategy just like Kaiju no. 8. But we all can feel it. The axe is dropping.
Nora Danish - 10 days ago
Girl power! Even the powers are feminine. Hair powa and sing sing powa! Me likey
Nora Danish - 15 days ago
Cool. Let's defeat the ender dragon together. Bring your bows and bucket of water, bois
Nora Danish - 17 days ago
It's okay to have short breaks because the artwork is always insane!
Nora Danish - 29 days ago
I had a good laugh when I see the statue haha why is it in beach wear? Hahahaha! And they just tied it in place! Hahaha I love this comic
Nora Danish - 29 days ago
Warhammer 4k. FOR THE EMPEROR
Nora Danish - 1 month ago
Ness would be like, fine I'll be gay to isagi too! Double gay powaaaaaaa
Nora Danish - 1 month ago
Beautifully drawn. I love those eyes
Nora Danish - 1 month ago
Hi guys. If you've been reading the comments, U would stumble upon my stories. Some of them may be perverted so I would like to apologise on that. However, some of the stories are true. I leave it up to you to decide which ones are made up and which ones are true.

Anyway, looks like Komi is ending and I'm feeling sad because I love this manga so much. I could relate to it because I'm kinda introverted and shy. I don't have many friends. In fact, currently I only have one best friend now which I treasure the most. The others are just co workers. I take inspiration from Komi to be braver and confident in expressing myself.

It has been a ride. Happy new year everyone. Take care of yourself, physically and mentally.
Nora Danish - 1 month ago

After all... Rudo is still just a kid
Nora Danish - 3 months ago
Why don't you train under granny? Yeah the two new guys seems to be trained under granny so I guess we will get a look how powerful her students would be in the next chapter. I mean, look at momo. Maybe the curse object guy would eat a finger and be like domain expansion or something
Nora Danish - 3 months ago
They are school kids. Keep your minds out of the gutter. But they definitely would have kissed a lot. The more they kissed, the more intense it would get. The more passionate. The more tongue. As they kissed, Tadano the gentleman would be careful of his hands. He would only be holding her waist, the safest place for his hands to be. But Komi, the passionate Komi, would be... Arghhhhhsnsnhs they're kids! Nothing more happened, okay?? Besides, the room has no locks. Grandma could be coming at any time.
Nora Danish - 3 months ago
I have no stories to relate to this chapter. I never exposed myself in front of fellow bros. If you have, you better say no homo.
Nora Danish - 4 months ago
In 2018, my dad had a stroke. At that time, I was in college in another state. All flights and buses were booked, so I decided to rent a car to see my dad. I rarely drove at that time so I drove slowly. It was a 5 hour drive and halfway through it, my uncle called me. He said, Nora please stop the car. I have to tell you, your dad has just passed away. Take your time. We'll all be waiting here. I cried at the side of the road. A state police stopped by and asked do I need assistance. I told him what happened and he hugged me for a long time. He escorted me until I crossed the state of my hometown. I arrived at the hospital and all of my family members were there. They said I could go in for a last goodbye. I entered the room and mom was there sitting by his side. I touched his hand and it was cold. I finally understood how cold a dead body can be. I always see it in movies but I finally understood how cold it was. I touched his face. It seemed like he was sleeping. And then I went home. On my way to our house, I fell asleep on the wheel and hit the back of someone's car. I was driving slowly so no one was hurt. I explained to the guy why I fell asleep and he drove me home. I fell asleep in his car. A stranger's car. Thinking about it, that could have ended badly but he got me home safe and sound. We exchanged contacts and he was off.
Nora Danish - 4 months ago
Come on Rin, be my puzzle piece
Nora Danish - 4 months ago
She reminds me of my classmate during high school. No not her personality but her physical. My classmate was tall and a bit big boned but not the fat look kinda big. She's so alluring I would say because while other girls were flat on the chests, she was like having mountains on her chest. I knew I didn't have a chance to be her boyfriend but having just brothers, I always longed for a big sister to take care of me. So during valentine, I bought a rose for her and asked if she could be my big sister. Oh shit to my surprise she said yes with a big smile. I called her sis and she took me under her wing. Thinking about it today makes me go what the hell was I thinking. Oh dang I was so cringe but yeah that was high school. She's now married and living at a countryside and have zero online presence so I could not stalk her. But I still think of my onii Chan from time to time
Nora Danish - 4 months ago
Okay another bad ass looking chick. But is it me or she looks like an older momo?
Nora Danish - 4 months ago
I'm sorry but that grave is too shallow. Deep deeper bruh
Nora Danish - 4 months ago
Okay now grow wings! Kaiser and isagi evolve and surpass that Barry Allen!