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Miscellaneous Bastard
1497 points
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if its to keep the quality up, two weeks is nothing.
roughly, i believe. there might be one or two details that have yet to be revealed but as far as main plotlines go i think we've caught up to his knowledge.
By the end of this day there will be at least one less Zeighardt in the world.
One I'd trust. Cause if they can have a cut like that and still look that good, then they definitely know what they're doing.
haha, so he's getting close to her because he wants the "curse" to go off. Crazy bastard.
we already know that Ichi falls outside the norm. So far nothing and no one has been able to predict what he will do, so who's to say that something like prophecy can read him? there's countless stories about one breaking away form prophecy and writing their own future, who's to say this is any different.

also, with how vague their being about the world hater majik, I suspect they are the prime majik or smth and when it gets caught/destroyed then all the majiks will either cease to exist or vanish. So the prophecy majik here might just not know what comes after because that's as far as their future goes.
As i had said last chapter. This guys “protection” has been the problem from the beginning.
My guess is that the plot dragged out too long with infrequent updates, so the Japanese audience lost interest.
The only one we know for sure is the little sister. And she only fell for him because he looks just like her dead older brother from before her parents remarriage.
He's had protagonist syndrome from childhood, and has chosen her as his Female lead. He thinks the world revolves around him. So of course he's cool and attractive. Great at everything he does. And, most importantly, he's never wrong. Since day one he's completely ignored anything she's tried to say and forced his own ideals and desires onto her. Meanwhile, she's hypersensory, and quickly gets overwhelmed to the point of full shutdown whenever he's nearby. Because of this, he thinks she's weak and timid, in need of protection, when that "protection" has been the actual problem since day one.

Also, the other girls meant jack shit to him from the beginning, he interpreted their affections as, instead of romantic interest, support for his "noble task" of protecting his "childhood friend". Again, protagonist syndrome. Now we're finally coming about to him actually realizing his dumbassery and hopefully he'll learn from this and try to be a better person. But, given this is a manga, the chances of that actually happening are slim to none.

TL;DR: This kid's been delulu since infancy.
Alright so I was right before the reread then, and was too biased while rereading. ill agree to that honestly.

Note: unconscious bias is a bitch.
i didn't skip anything, i just considered that influence to be inconclusive at best, so i couldn't really use it as solid evidence compared to the myriad of other points stating that he didn't want to be a mage because of the lack of income and ridicule.
If you never give your child a chance to spread her wings then she'll never fly.
lemme guess, sword chicks gonna get all pissy because he's on the backline, but then he's gonna save their ass from the clan and all will be forgiven without recompense.
... i can easily open a doorknob without my thumbs, it just takes more grip strength in your fingertips and palm.