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341 Comment(s)
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BernieBear - 1718644803
Fuck beans, I've already read all the translated chapters 🤦

How fast have they been coming? Scanlators do God's work, so I feel bad even asking, but yeah 😅
BernieBear Kizrat - 1718564332
Nah, that's a highly appropriate level of cute ❤
BernieBear Dumb face - 1718564264
Well, I mean... Winning best waifu when you got dick is more impressive than winning it with a pussy, no? 🤔

That's like being best mage when you got a derpy gymrat brain instead of a scrawny nerd brain.

Rifenhardt and Sillan are out here playin' with handicaps and still bein' pogchamps 🏆🏆🤙
Yeah, that moved me when Saotome did it, but when Kuzuhana did it, that pissed me off. I love me my wholesome stories, and to be cringe is to be free, but there's a limit.

Very young people are reading these stories, and making them think they're living in candyland ain't gonna do them any good in the long run.

That would never work in a million goddamn years. No way in fucking h*ck. There had to be SOME fighting. And that was realistic too. The psychological aspect was, I mean.

My dad explained this to me at a young age, maybe a little too young. There's usually not as many opponents as you see. Whoever's standing at the front of the group and doing all the talking may effectively be the only one who's even there.

Sometimes if you cut off the head, the body dies. If it doesn't work and they're all the real deal, you never had a chance to begin with. No shame in losing when outnumbered, and the record will show you didn't back down.
BernieBear Valantis - 1718301098
*Pawnch 💥🦅🔥🤛


Show me ya moves!
Mm-hm 😊

Thank you for asking 🙂🤝
Yeah, it's indoctrination. That lineage-based crap. Being betrayed by the person he respected the most just when he'd made the adjustment that he'd always been told was the issue should fix that.

He knows now that it was never a matter of inadequacy and that their system is just shit from the ground up. He was robbed of any chance of being his own definition of a success just because of who his parents are.

No matter how loyal he is, how hard he works, and how consistently he follows their rules, he's still gonna be looked down on. It won't take him long to see that that's essentially the same as what's being done to the other races.

If he's treated that unfairly even as a human, he's gonna know it'd be worse if he was anything else. We got us a badass rebel in the making ✊

Although the ideology "Only the strong survive. Weak individuals weaken the society as a whole." is cruel, it is at least practical. As a disabled person I hate it, it makes me wanna cry, but I'd be lying if I said it was stupid.

Now on the other hand "The circumstances of your birth (which you can't control) determines whether or not you have the right to be strong."... THAT is something I could poke a few holes in 🤔
BernieBear Anonymoose - 1718267697
I would be happy even with a lot less than besties. A Goku/Vegeta relationship would be plenty satisfying. Considering how bad this racism is, that might actually be better for their cause.

"He's not all that different from us. Most of them aren't. For fuck's sake maybe try actually talking to someone before you label them inferior." would be the truth, but it would get an IRL ex-racist labeled a race traitor. They wouldn't be able to help with diplomacy after that, so in a sense it's not really the right thing to say.

But "Dude, he's strong. A lot of them are strong. You can learn more about fighting if you don't kill everyone you fight. Just spar and learn. It's just a transaction. You don't have to respect them. Just keep your head on straight enough to pay attention." would basically be diplomacy masquerading as greed.

It'd get them all actually in close quarters and talking to each other with motivation to reign in their hostility, which is really all that needs to happen. They'll be able to make their judgment firsthand and see with their own eyes how wrong racism is.

It really shouldn't even take any empathy or compassion to understand this. Even if you take morality off the table entirely and don't care about anything but personal gain, racism is just plain counterproductive.

It's inefficient to enslave people and limit their contributions to only labor or sex or whatever you're making them do, when with education they could also contribute more complex stuff like ideas. They could invent things.

If someone you don't like figures out how to turn poop into pizza that doesn't mean you have to start liking them. It just means easier pizza. I'm not gonna act like I'm above any and all forms of hatred, but it never supersedes pizza.
BernieBear Ov3rCl9cK - 1718264839
As a wise awkward recluse's non-canon sassy emo-haired version once said,

"You can Socrates nuts 🥜"
BernieBear Dumb face - 1718059396
Fr though. Guy's so salty a cannonball could float on him.

Every competitive gamer knows a slur is more flattering than a fistbump if it comes from someone you beat.

Just pound it ya DLC tier whore 🤜🤛
Idk if he'll join the MC (hope so) but I definitely think you're right about him not dying. That backstory is way too good.

Sometimes extreme measures are taken to establish a character as a villain, but that can be done with a lot less work. It'd be more effective for him to kill someone who's weaker.
BernieBear Ov3rCl9cK - 1718058780
People are allowed to like things m8.

Nihilism is poison.
That would be so awesome. I hope that liddle teacup titan sticks around too.
BernieBear Trecta - 1718057418
Agreed times infinity plus one 😳

She don't have any competition that I'm aware of, never seen an attractive dwarf in my life before meow, but winning is winning 🤙🏆

To be clear just in case any IRL little people or their admirers see this, I mean the fictional Dwarven race exclusively. Y'all are cuter than a puppy and a kitten napping in the same ramen noodle bowl all coiled up lookin' like a fur yin-yang 🥰
BernieBear Quad - 1718057010
Oh I just noticed you're the same person who made the joke. Sorry, that probably sounded more harsh than I meant it. I wasn't agreeing with them.

That person was dickhole empire nobility and your joke was poggers 🤙
BernieBear Anonymoose - 1718028563
Oh God, I'm so sorry I brought those fuckers to the front of your mind. Drop your cashapp and I'll buy you a beer or coffee or something.

I hate Githyankis. Like everything about them. All the way down to how their racial features are so good that I still wanted to play one, but there's no muscular build version. I would have to be like a frog skeleton.

Frogs are cute because they're chubby. If I'm gonna be a frog I wanna be chubby. I want a chubby tummy and chubby cheeks. Skellies are cool because they're spooky with the ribs and skull and all that. If I'm gonna be a skelly I wanna be spooky. Frog skelly just sucks.

I think racism IRL is like one of the most toxic counterproductive cancerous ways anyone can think, but the Githyankis forced me say to myself "I get it now... I don't agree with it, but I can't say it doesn't make sense 😞"

Gish is a blanket term for anyone that uses a combination of magic and physical attacks in combat. Like Negi Springfield. He's a little kid but he seems like he's strong and sturdy because his magic adds force to his martial arts strikes, and cushions impact when he gets hit by stuff. He also has ranged magic like projectile things. Negi's the GOAT.

Another example would be someone who uses ranged weapons like bows or guns, but the bullets/arrows/bolts or whatever they're using as ammo has magical properties. Don't quote me on this but I think by definition it has to be their own magic they're using to power their stuff. Like if they're infusing their own mana into their shots, or if their ammo is made of pure magic.

Like in a lot of fiction, magic bullets/arrows/weapons are standalone things and if you have them you can use them. You don't gotta know anything about magic. I'm not sure if someone is still a Gish if they just have magic gear. Of course this isn't gatekeeping, it's just word definitions.

Sorry again for making you think someone who shares your taste in manga likes Githyankis. If you ever need to talk I'm here. And if you'd rather just punch someone, I'm pretty tough and I also kinda deserve it.

And if it makes you feel any better, I just finished up the creche a few hours ago. There were only four people in the whole place I knocked out instead of killing because they were the only ones who didn't insult me.
I thought of that immediately when they mentioned that downward slash thing in his back story. I was like a thousand percent sure a reference to it was coming before the end of the chapter. I'm astounded that it stil hasn't.

I can never remember Bruce Lee's nationality though. He might not be Korean like the author but c'mon errybody knows Bruce Lee!! He taught us all what to drink during exercise! It's WAH-TAHHHH!!!

I only remember most famous people because I know which martial art comes from which country, but the martial art I associate with Bruce Lee is um.... Idk how to spell it. Sounds like "Jeet Koon Doh" and I know he invented it, so it doesn't make me think of any country.
Exactly! It was priceless! I imagined little kids doing pretend fighting 🤣😂🤣😂

"Hey that knocks you down! It's a bazooka!"
"Nuh-uh! I got a psychic forcefield!"
"F-... No you don't!"
"Yeah-huh! It comes from my ghost energy!"
"What the f-... We're playin' army guys!"
"I'm a psychic ghost army guy!"
"Motherfuc-... I ain't playin' no more!"
"You said a bad word! I'm tellin'!"

Or in this case

"C'mon you gotta at least make up new stuff!"
"Nuh-uh! This works on everything!"
"Motherf-... How!?"
"Because shut up, that's how!"
"Ok new rule. You can't block 6 sentences with 2 words!"
"I use Spiral Guard to block the new rule!"
Then the kid gets so mad he starts using racial slurs even though both kids are the same race 🤣
BernieBear Quad - 1717841641
Ehh, idk, I think it's kinda funny when people do over-the-top dramatic reactions to puns and dad jokes.

And it really makes me giggle when people type the way they'd speak if they were holding someone over the edge of a cliff by their throat with one hand.

Like "You stfu and listen to me right now, you piece of human garbage!" kinda stuff 🤣

Though, it's been a month and they haven't replied, so I guess you're probably right and they were serious.

If it was a newer comment I'd be sure the intensity was part of their bit and they actually liked the pun.