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341 Comment(s)
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BernieBear AweMirage - 1719699212
Wouldn't it make more sense to say that to the person who brought it up?

That second comment was deleted before I got here, so idk what it said, and judging by context, I don't wanna know. But whatever it was was a reply to the person who said the quote
BernieBear Sortomek - 1719698958
Wow, this is the first time I've ever seen a deleted comment on mangakatana.

I'm not gonna ask what it said, since if they decided to get rid of it, it's probably for the best. It's just weird it's my first time seeing one. Been here for awhile.
Guarantee that's true in some cases.

In others though, when women have been through anything that's caused an implicit bias to distrust men, they can't stop themselves from being on the lookout for signs of danger even though they know it's unfair.

Since it's SA they're afraid of, anything with the slightest implication toward aggression, entitlement, or opposite sex attraction makes them uneasy, and anything to the contrary is comforting.

Of course when you think about it rationally, any guy could do this feminine stuff for any reason. It certainly doesn't mean he's gay or any nicer than anyone else. He could also still be a total horndog.

But implicit bias supercedes rationality. Even when you recognize it for what it is, you can't make it stop. All you can do is remember that it's there, and adjust your judgment accordingly. Always factor it in, basically.
I have a health concern โ˜๏ธ

If a guy's balls grow that much bigger while they're temporarily inside him, would it hurt??? ๐Ÿค”
๐ŸŽถWife-y shark๐ŸŽถ
๐ŸŽถDa-doot da-doot๐ŸŽถ

Omg, say it ain't so ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ Is Itachi is my betrayer?

I've had that ridiculous baby shark song in my head every day for so long that specifying it would make this touch your heart instead of your funny bone.

I don't have kids and nobody I live with does either, so I've been like why in the peanut butter balls am I always thinking of this stupid song? Wtf keeps crossing my mind that's reminding me of sharks??? Who tf would ever think about sharks this often unless they live under goddamn water??
Yeah, I don't pay as much attention to other countries as I should either. There's probably a lot of useful stuff to be learned, so if someone compiled it well enough like in a docuseries I might check it out.

But idc enough to do manual research, it's too inefficient. I only did that with a few of the safest countries when it used to look like I might need to flee my own, and omg...

Even though there was danger involved, those topics are so damn boring, it put me to sleep every time.
Same. Very impressive progress.

Someone vandalized a whole wall in one of my schools' bathrooms, wrote a ginormous long-winded BernieBear-esque mess on that thing with a marker just to bitch about one gay dude who was popular with girls.

I wasn't an LGBT ally yet at that age (I never made trouble for them, but I never stood up for them either. Not even a little bit) but all I knew about that student was he was in charge of a fashion show I went to earlier that year where the girls (and guys, but idc about that) were wearing outfits made of electrical tape. Black shiny electrical tape. That shit is paper thin.

I understood homophobia perfectly well, it's got nothing to do with anything except people cringing when they think about the sex (That's ALL it has ever been about. Never been morality on the table.) but that gay guy didn't bang other gay guys in front of me. He showed me hot girls wearing nothing but tape. Why would I dislike him?
Omfg, thank you!!

That's been confusing the shiitake mushroom shit outta me for abouty ninety million hundred fifty thousand hundred years ๐Ÿ˜ค I've been scratching my head so much over that that I've got like an inverse Mohawk going on. Just one long strip of bare scalp exposed with the rest of the hair normal.

I knew by context it had something to do with new people liking him, but I thought it was only romantic liking. For example IIRC Ayano's ping didn't happen until the chapter she caught feels and had that internal struggle about feeling like she was betraying Kamogawa.

I knew Ayano respected Saotome long before that, because she was already throwing in assist moves for Koharu before she joined the cheerleaders and bonded with Kamogawa, so why no ping until then?

The specific numbers have always been way too big for it to only be referring to the harem, and I didn't have any idea why there would be a colon involved.

Since it never happened this many times in one chapter, I never noticed the number added the left side was always the same as the number subtracted from the right side.

I'm still not sure of its consistency though ๐Ÿค”

A guy dancing around in a dress and wig is pretty ballsy for obvious reasons. That's one of those things where the bigots kinda shoot themselves in the foot, because the respect of the act is proportional to the stigma.

If there was no adversity to worry about, it wouldn't take any courage to do it. It would be nothing. It'd be like wearing anything else. But for people seeing him for the first time and only having that to go by, reaching the same level Ayano took time to reach seems pretty generous.

As far as progressive/conservative matters go, I've been given very mixed impressions of Japan. With respect in proportion to stigma, I'm thinking this points to a lot of extremists on both sides of the spectrum and not many people on the fence.
I'm not antagonizing you. I'm pretty sure you're joking, but this is related.

Toxic masculinity really needs to pick a lane sometimes. It goes like "Be an alpha male and take charge." but then turns around and says something like "It's not a real nickname if you give it to yourself. You need permission from other men, and they choose your nickname."

Like WHAT??? How the fresh-squeezed fuck is THAT manly??? I'm over here counting the number of players on a sports team and looking at the Greek alphabet on my phone like "Wait, I thought alpha was the FIRST letter. Do I read Greek from right to left like manga?"

If I wanna call myself the undying god-emperor Jellybean Poggers, Breaker of Worlds, I can. And if I needed validation then I would not be very poggers, yeah? They can bite my shiny metal ass ๐Ÿค™
BernieBear mtrickster - 1719383432
Yeah, she was a bombshell ๐Ÿฅต

I'm surprised I still haven't stumbled onto any rule34 art of her.
BernieBear Neurofez - 1719382762
Ooo, neato ๐Ÿ™‚

Thanks for the fun fact!
BernieBear Keimaro - 1719088238
Oof. I'm never gonna get over how that situation has the same proper term whether the partner is laying in a hammock sipping a glass of wine or crying with a gun in their face.

Don't get me wrong, I ain't yucking anyone's yum. No victim no crime. It's just those things just seem different enough that we could maybe come up with a second tag.

I bet a lot of the fetishists like it one way but not the other, and inefficient porn searches are annoying. Hard not to sympathize especially since I started using Pixiv and they only let me blacklist two tags. That ain't enough ๐Ÿ˜…
Omg, you've got a gif for a pfp!
Can just anyone do that? Or did you buy something?

I'm like eternally salty that almost nowhere online allows people to have gifs as pfps even though there ain't a goddamn thing holding them back ๐Ÿ˜ค

Myspace had gif pfps and that was like ninety-hundred twelvity-five eleventeen infinity years ago ๐Ÿ˜ก
It's only bothering me because he looks uncomfortable. If he owned it it'd be fine.

No matter what's going on idc how weird it is, but the people who are doing it gotta be into it.

That's just me though. Mama say "Don't yuck someone else's yum."
BernieBear Wanderer - 1718908004
Yup. I don't make the rules. I just decide what they should be and assert that they apply.
BernieBear Kurumi69 - 1718907403
If I ain't gonna see it or touch it, it's effectively not even there. So why should I care?

There's nothing to a drawing except for what it looks like.

If you draw what looks like a pizza I'ma think about eating it.

If your lore says it's a racoon that got run over by a steamroller idc.

Pavlovian response. Eyes see pizza, toofs go NOM!
BernieBear - 1718897418
God, these fictional moments where the MC meets someone who was their lover or best friend or something before, but now they're in a set of circumstances where that's all been undone but they remember it... I wonder if there's a proper trope term for it

Well whatever tf it is, if I can just get through life without that happening to me, I win. That would be devastating.
BernieBear Anonymoose - 1718897117
Oh snap, are you a DM?

Thank you for your service ๐Ÿค

๐Ÿ‘† That's a tradional respectful thing to do in my country if you see a military veteran in public, and I always do it unless I'm in a rush.

There are other groups of people I wish I could do the same thing with without then thinking I'm mocking them. Like DMs, scanlators, teachers, any parent of a small kid, etc.

Basically anyone who does extremely important stuff that would never get done if the responsibility fell on me.

Like if suddenly nobody else was able to read written language again, like everyone else could only use their memory and I was the only person who could still read.

I could be the most successful school teacher in the world, but I'd be like "Ehh... Let's just go back to the God thing."

Translation - Your kids would end up upside-down in trash cans within two weeks, and I'd rather you just think I'm lazy.
(First five things are sarcasm)

That's xenophobic! ๐Ÿ˜ก

Also I'm mad at you for not knowing my language even though I'm visiting your country! ๐Ÿ˜ก

Btw even if you're British I still call it my language ๐Ÿคฃ

And I don't have an American accent, you have a British accent ๐Ÿ˜†

Damn ignorant foreigners ๐Ÿ˜ก

Jk. I actually really am American, and the bigotry I see here is disgusting, (I would leave if the circumstances were right) but when it comes to xenophobia against us, I kinda get it.

This is assuming the stories I've heard about us acting up when we're abroad are true. They probably are. I think it'd be a silly thing to lie about. Wouldn't help anyone.

Believing someone's gonna be bad because of who they wanna have sex with or what the circumstances of their birth were is not fair.

But believing someone's gonna be bad because every one of them you've met has been a total dick is kinda reasonable.
BernieBear Ballsdeep69 - 1718890728
Oh please, yes. And there can be parts where he can only bring 8 people including himself even though there's nothing in the plot that says why he can't bring the others. And he can't exclude himself from any mission.

Like Martial King battle setup screen or whatever it's called, and we get the only 4th wall breaking of the entire manga. The MC is the only one who understands what's happening because he's the only one who's lead an army before.

"Rifen, why did only 8 of us come?"

"What do you mean?"

"There's 12 in our group, so wouldn't it make more sense-"

"We're strong. We'll be fine."

"....... Is this, like, a close-quarters stealth mission? Would a bigger group attract too much attention?"

"No, we're fighting 4 giant falcon-lions and 2 demon-Godzillas in a canyon."

"...... That sounds... Is everyone else busy? Defending our base? Or on another mission?"

"That has never been explained. It would be a lot of extra writing for not much... Look, plausibility is not as important as gameplay."

"What's never been explained? Game-what?"

Then Rifen gets impatient and just charges into the battle so people will stop grilling him.