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1412 points
341 Comment(s)
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BernieBear IMD25 - 1716349425
🀦Obviously it's a little bit darker than three shadowing an little more pale than five shadowing.

Pick up a book once in awhile πŸ™„
BernieBear Gre - 1716348928
Sooo like, unpopular opinion... Presumably... πŸ€”

Does anyone else think boobs look better without nipples?

Like yeah, I get that from a strictly scientific standpoint that's absurd, since our inherent idea of conventional beauty is derived entirely from likelihood of survival, and they would have no function without the nipple.

I just mean aesthetically I've never liked nipples all that much.
You're welcome! It's what I do πŸ™‚πŸ€

Crying is no bueno. Well not unless you're Aqua from Konosuba. She's the only one who can cry without making me wanna throw hands.
BernieBear - 1716326839
Jeeze, even with such pure intentions, still such shady execution. Now I see why An and Ryo don't play by the rules a lot of the time. I wouldn't either. I'd struggle to maintain a facade that I was even keeping them in mind.

I know they're saving people's lives, but erasing someone else's memories has already got this mess DEEP in "the ends justify the means" territory already. That's a very dangerous principle. Might wanna make the rest of your logic a little more orthodox if that's gonna be an aspect of it.

I know Japan's preoccupation with productivity is cancer, everyone deserves a second chance, and compassion is my cocaine, but dude if we're thinking about the whole society then we gotta weigh the numbers.

There's what, like 20 students in the class? All getting their memories of their formal education tampered with to potentially rehabilitate one person who's already had their chance? The butterfly effect is a BFD. They might be setting them on course to end up in Relife themselves.

I know the subjects are chosen carefully, that it's always a victim of circumstance, and that their failure is not their own, but the students are the same minus the failure. Whatever method they're using to tamper with memories better be pretty fucking precise.

Like it better just only be who the subject was, and not the information of their interactions. It's healthy for younger people to be in close proximity to those who've basically got spoiler alerts for their problems without feeling like they're being preached to, but if they lose the benefits they got from their influence then that kinda defeats the purpose, no?

Like if they're gonna be like "I can't imagine how I forgot who taught me this lesson that changed my life, but thank you. I'm better off." then that's kind of a grey area, because if they remember exactly what the subject said/did, the most harmful thing they could speculate would be some kinda guardian angel type thing. Falsely believing someone's watching their back to any extent might make them less cautious.

But if it's gonna be more like "Why do I remember feeling stressed out and lost, then suddenly so grateful and liberated, but nothing else right before or after? Who tf was that and what happened?" then dude, no. Their imagination could wander off to all sorts of bad places with that. They could suspect innocent people of bad stuff. They could potentially believe it was something supernatural and start fearing an imaginary pursuer. Yikes.
BernieBear R Tuin - 1716238269
I'm not sure that was what it looked like. It was impolite but I don't think it was an insult. I think she was just presuming too much familiarity. Like the kind of thing where minority groups are comfortable using their slurs amongst themselves, and if an outsider's standing as an ally is strong enough, they can say it too. It's just established that there can't be any malice in it.

I don't think they've been properly introduced yet, but everyone knows Itachi is well known and well informed. And Makoto knows there's a lot of bad rumors floating around about herself, so it'd make sense to presume Itachi has heard it. She better apologize for it though. Might have flown if the mood was lighter at the time, but it was tense.

Maybe she was intending for it to be one of those pot/kettle things that are so absurdly blatant that you just know it had to be on purpose and was actually more like a fist bump than a smack in the face.

I do that when my fellow people of culture ask for sauce on questionable stuff. Like if a meme cites something taboo and puts 8 examples on it that are just screenies and someone's like "I need all the sauces. So I can lead a protest." I say "Well I'm not some degenerate freak, so I only recognize these two"

BernieBear R Tuin - 1716189963
It's astounding how many anime/manga characters seem to be completely unfamiliar with anime/manga, even in the ones that are set in modern-day Japan πŸ€”

I wonder if that's some kinda plot hole preventing thingy, like how almost every zombie movie's actors never know what a zombie is.

I suspect that's because there'd be fewer problems to solve if they already knew, so less story to write. I love how that just keeps getting more funny the longer I live. Idk if there's a cap on it.

"The town's been overrun by some kinda crazy... Biting... Monster... Things!"

Zombies. They're zombies.

"I know this vulnerable person's chronic health condition is flaring up, but we can't go outside! Those things are still out there!"

They're called zombies! You're using a smartphone right now! It's gotta be at least, what, 2005?? Zombie movies are older than home TVs!

"I stabbed it through its fucking heart and it just kept coming!"

The parasite/virus/bacteria/curse/chemical/whatever tf causes it isn't in the heart! It's in the brain! I ain't seen this movie before, but it's always in the brain!
Really though, was this fucktarded lemming raised by a coven of Karens!? 😀 Guy seems like he's seen some shit, but then he says "They ain't gonna do anything while they're working"

Not everyone in the world is a Starbucks barista living paycheck to paycheck and currently on the clock in front of recording cameras so they can't even stand up for themselves when someone asks for breast milk 😐

Those people Karens think they're dominating ain't bully food. They basically have the lease of their apartment held hostage by a corporation that's probably run by a psychopath.

Get yourself in a situation where you know that if the bully's patience disappears, so does the roof over your head. See how assertive you are then. Gonna get some street cred at the cost of your street address?? I wouldn't recommend it πŸ€”

And "as long as the most dangerous one isn't here right now, we're safe." says the guy who AT THIS VERY MOMENT is on a pinpoint retaliation thingy based on what happened to someone weaker than him days ago??? Ba'scuse me?? What goes around comes around πŸ˜…
BernieBear DMat (NPC) - 1716151844
Really though! I wouldn't be too harsh if they were living in more mundane circumstances, but she knew these wankers wanted her. Plus, she's been through enough to know rich people don't gotta play by the rules.

I'm guessing the author didn't want us to see her full power right off the bat, so there had to be some kinda handicap on her. And the orc had a huge handicap too. Good plan plot-wise but bad execution.

Could have temporarily lost the weapon some way besides negligence, like maybe how that creepy mage used some kinda spell to take the undead guardians' swords away. That was fuckin' poggers
BernieBear DMat (NPC) - 1716077640
I think that's the dagger the priest just bought. He's watching, so I guess he's trying to learn.

It'd make sense. Mana runs out eventually, so he might get caught without it at some point.

A smol weapon would make sense too. He wouldn't need much strength if his technique was good enough to only hit soft areas, it wouldn't weigh him down while traveling, and he could hide it in his robes and appear unarmed. A bigger sword could also be hidden if he had a taller frame, but him a smol boi πŸ™‚

A frontline-type fighter who caught him alone might not expect him to have a plan for the situation, and since it'd be a villain they would probably be reckless and overconfident, so even if they were ultimately intending to kill him, they might accidentally give him an opening to hit back.

And I'm guessing they wouldn't wanna kill him anyway. If was any type of military leader, the protocol for that situation would be capturing and not killing. Anyone who could heal would be a good prisoner of war, because they'd really want him back.

They'd probably have some of my own people captured, so we could negotiate a trade. Obviously I wouldn't want the other side to have their healer back, but if they had someone I loved, I'd still do it.
BernieBear - 1715776270
Would be even funnier out of context
BernieBear - 1715580173
Oh my God I could fucking cry 😭😭😭😭

He can't tell anyone about his past life, and there's no other plausible reason he would already know she's there. The only way he could think of to get past the ones who are considered more suitable and to her specifically, without causing suspicion, was to give the impression that her skin is the most important thing to him 😭😭😭

That's how their relationship is gonna start 😭

"You get to bypass the rest of your training because this guy cares more about your skin than any of the skills that people like about elves" 😭

As if slavery wouldn't be degrading enough already. Imagine being chosen based on something like that instead of your competence, when you've been lead to believe that your competence is basically all you are 😭


"I'm not fetishizing you. I already knew you were there because we were lovers in a past life but I couldn't tell THEM that." 😭

I don't think that'd work 😭😭😭😭

What the honey mustard hell, just noticed that's a minus sign 😳

Er... IS it??? How the barbecue balls did you get negative eight hundred points? Don't we get 50 a day just for using the site?
BernieBear Ballsdeep69 - 1715244170
Hahaha!!! Nice username 🀣 I just named my Baldur's Gate 3 character BallsDeep69 and it's been so funny seeing people use it in sentences when they're talking about serious stuff.

BernieBear - 1715164037
❗❗❗ALRIGHT, anyone who sees this who hasn't started dating yet, listen to this. It could save your life, or someone else's.

❗Ako's behavior is not cute or funny or charming. It's fucking psycho. 🚩🚩🚩

βœ… Have your fun with fantasizing. The world around you is scary enough. You can't afford to be afraid of your own thoughts. Think about whatever you want. Attractions to unhealthy fictional characters is as normal as hiccups, but keep it between your ears.

❗But if you meet someone who's like that IRL, never speak to them again! It might be difficult to be firm about it if you're timid or compassionate, because they're scary and pitiful, but you HAVE TO. They're not joking. If you give them any time to get more attached it'll be worse.
BernieBear - 1715130756
Reply button bugged rn, so I'll just say this for whoever sees it in the future. (Referring to those other comments.)

If you ever get the feeling you're talking to someone who's so hard up for a fistbump that they'll flex stuff they don't have to people they're never gonna see again, the healthy response is compassion, not mocking.

And I don't mean that feigned compassion shit where you say "Seek professional help" or "Who hurt you?". That's much worse than a straightforward insult. Calling that a "dick move" wouldn't quite say it. It's more like a Richard move.

And if you're thinking "When I say that to people I really mean it.", it doesn't matter how you mean it. What matters is how they take it. If you haven't established yourself as a good person with them, they will take it as an insult.

And if you're thinking "Well that's their problem, not mine." That's how you don't genuinely care about them. You never did.

Stop and think for a minute about what kinda state of mind someone would have to be in to do that. Ffs just pound it.

BernieBear mtrickster - 1715109328
Hehe, I thought I was the only one using the word bombshell for that! I used it just a few days ago this comment section! I've been using snack a bit more often lately, but sometimes that doesn't quite say it. There's "Yum!" and then there's "BOOM!πŸ’₯"

I know it's kind of a silly thing to get happy about, but I think it's important to enjoy the little things in life πŸ€™
BernieBear Gardez70 - 1715102230
C'mon m8, be reasonable. For the sake of the plot, it's the author's job to make us hate the villains.

It was generous to only imply what happened instead of depicting the actual abuse. Like, I love Sword Art Online, but they go way too far with that shit.

There was a scene in I think season 4 that was almost the entire fucking episode, basically softcore NTR. I've never been so mad at a drawing before. Really didn't think it was possible after all I've seen.

Plus, remember, we're probably gonna get to see that guy die eventually. And the best authors always write it so the person they harmed the most kills them.

I'm hoping she cuts out both of his eyes and says "Ugh, that annoying gaze!"
You might be coming down a little hard on that person m8.
Being born into favorable circumstances is no more of a flaw than being born into disadvantageous ones.

The reason they know nothing of the world is the same as why you've seen enough that their comment disgusted you. Y'all are both playing the hands you were dealt, just like everyone else. We all got our flaws and our damage πŸ™‚

It's okay to be sheltered. What's not okay is when someone doesn't acknowledge their natural advantages and thinks they're completely self-made.
Yeah, a lot of people who have confidence issues, part of it is that they just don't give themselves enough credit. They'll say they never get any compliments, but they only count it if it comes from someone they'd date.

I know it's more satisfying in those instances, but you should really count everything from everyone. Even if it's to a lesser degree, it should be something. I can understand when people are focused on looks, I've been there.

I only like women, so attention from ones I think are hot is better. But you don't gotta be sexually attracted to guys to know what a desirable one looks like. Whatever your workout goals are, that's probably part of the reason you chose them.

Desirable in a general sense I mean. I know from meeting SWs that there's a market for everything and everyone is hot to someone, but some have wider audiences.
BernieBear Kale - 1715100369
Fr though he's like the butt baby of a saiyan and a Blaziken and doesn't let it go to his head. πŸ’œ this MC