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1412 points
341 Comment(s)
152 Upvote(s)
BernieBear ZURTAR - 1722310542
Hehe, this manga was so good, I bet there are people who don't even like porn all that much will still take a look at the doujins.

I know hentai is generally so kinky that you have to specifically SAY so if you only like normal sex (the term is called vanilla) but I've seen some pretty wholesome stuff before.

I haven't looked at Nagatoro doujins yet but I wouldn't be surprised some were like that.
BernieBear Koza - 1722310077
Yeaaahhhh! This manga was so good that a bad ending would've upset me more than usual.

Like when an author that's this competent suddenly pulls a complete stinker of an ending, the first place my mind goes is "Oh shit. Something bad happened to the author. Whose ass am I kicking??"
BernieBear O Matius - 1722254157
That's one comforting thing about her. We all know she's still gonna be okay if she doesn't get Saotome. She's the type that anyone who's healthy could love.

A person's gotta have a very negative mindset to find dislike Ushigome-esque personalities.
BernieBear mtrickster - 1722076269
That pun though 😏 Unintentional, I'm guessing πŸ˜„

Did anyone else see Yupiel and Nagatoro completely by coincidence? Most people seem to have one through the other. But I had to be told it was the same author.

For context, if anyone doesn't already know what we're talking about, you might be better off not knowing. It's one of the kinds of kinky that upsets most people. Not r-word, gore, or bodily function stuff. The other kind 🍭

I read Yupiel forever ago and forgot all about it (no disrespect) but was very late to the party on Nagatoro, and when I started I was like "Why do I like this cruel mean bitch??? Something about those facial expressions..."

I HATE seeing people sad-cry, like no matter who tf it is or what they've done, I hate it. Even if a character is straight-up evil I'd rather see anything else happen. Chop their frickin' head off if ya want, but no crying 🀬

For that reason, I almost dropped Nagatoro early on. I've since figured out that when it comes to mean characters, what's really relevant is who they target. If it's just anyone then they don't seem so bad, but if it's someone who's super vulnerable like this MC then it icks me.

Thankfully Nagatoro eased up pretty quickly, so I think I would've been patient enough either way. But still it's super funny to consider the possibility that I subconsciously gave an (at that point, and subejctively) unlikable character a pass because she was triggering THAT memory 🀣
BernieBear - 1722001833
Please don't change pre-established facts like the characters' names... I know it's your scanlation but it's the author's story. You're altering someone else's stuff. Content should be presented the way the creator intended.

I will factor in the possibility that the names used before were inaccurate and that these ones are true to the original. In that case, I mean this toward the first one.

I've even seen scanlators change mannerisms and speech patterns, like just because the one scanlation team stopped after 200 chapters, now suddenlya character that's been there the entire time is suddenly totally different.

A Japanese ninja suddenly started using Elizabethan English like they do in Shakespeare plays, and a Chinese girl who used to have cute broken English started talking like a Neanderthal cave person πŸ˜”

Saw someone else make a character stop doing that cute third person speech thing, and someone else who used to make puns just completely stop and suddenly sounded like a drunk Scot, including adding extra letters to make the words sound slurred. Like hello, translator??? You are misspelling the words on purpose πŸ˜–
Hahaha!!! I'm kinda surprised you're getting downvoted. That picture is hilarious. I don't care for unprovoked trolling one tiny little bit, it's toxic. But I'm also the kind of person who is fair to a fault. If someone tricks me, I gotta say touché 🀷

It's clever when something is a bit deceptive but comes with the fact that the people who disapprove can't FAIRLY deny that it was their own mind that went there.

Having said that, I know people do it because they're stressed. I hope you got it out of your system, and that you don't do stuff like this all the time.

Some people are sensitive. And no, that's not your problem, but it's usually not their fault. Usually they were mistreated, and it may still be happening, so it's nice for them to get a break. Take it easy m8 πŸ€™
BernieBear R Tuin - 1721659103
That's always been one of my favorite things about this manga. The girls who aren't crushing on Saotome are so supportive of their friends, like even when they're not completely sold on him themselves yet.

As long as they know their friend is sure, that's all they need. Some of the assist moves they've pulled have been fucking legendary. This was a bit disappointing since Kamogawa blew it and I'm really rooting for her.

But that quick thinking by their friend was impressive. She seemed to be the only one to instantly realize how flirtatious the passing part could potentially be, and made sure they both got the opportunity to do it with him. But I agree with your second point as well.

She has known Kamogawa long enough that she should have known that might be too much for her. I suspect that excluding herself was part of the motivation, because she said she hasn't dated yet, and I have not forgotten how awkward I was before I dated.

I wish teenagers could somehow have their first relationship kinda handed to them for free somehow, because the boost I got from finally feeling desirable just once was significant.

That relationship only lasted two months, but after that I spent almost no time single until I was out of school. Everyone deserves that.

A HUGE part of being desirable is just feeling desirable, and ideally a person should be stronger than this, but I needed to hear it from someone else.
Thank you for spending so much time on that! 😊🀝 I'm sure I won't be the only one to benefit. Now I'm trying to speculate on the likelihood... There would definitely be enough simultaneous activities at a festival for there to be that many fragments...

But almost all the characters were at Cafe Blue Sky, and iirc no other festival events were mentioned. Other than the kitchen crew I think the only other story to tell that might be interesting would be what else the stuco got up to.

Makoto is a third year, so she's gonna be gone sooner than the rest of the characters. The author should probably wrap her story up. That is unless she's gonna be a faculty member next year which is what I'd do. Actually idk if that's possible. I'm sure a teacher would need higher education first, but maybe a club advisor could do with just a diploma?

She's a bit too likeable to get rid of after two semsters imo, and I think nobody else has permanently dissappeared. I also wanna know more about Karasuno. This deadpan zombie thing she's got going on makes it seem like she's got some underlying complexity.

It would be too dark for this manga but I'd normally suspect trauma. People aren't born like that. It's weird for someone who's in such an exciting period of their life. Especially with Japan's unhealthy attitude toward work, I'd be dreading the beginning of my work life. I'd really wanna go all out.
You sound like me reacting to social media.

Someone be like,
"Did you hear what this voice actor did? One of the crew members that helps him set up at conventions ate at a McDonald's because she could barely walk and it was close. So now that people know she supports the war in Israel they dug through all her internet stuff, and two of the artists her husband follows on his social media acount have drawn pictures of fictional minors."

So to summarize - The voice actor did nothing. His crew did nothing. His crew's relatives did nothing... And rule34 art exists? Mm-hm... C'mere a sec, hun...
I felt that too. Hit WAY too close to home.

Like IRL bigots saying "If you're so committed to tolerance then you should tolerate bigotry."

Hahahaha πŸ™„ Well lookie here Hershel, we got us a homophobe what found him a homonym. Well I'll be dang'd, they're evolving. Unless this is the only one with the mutation, of course πŸ€”

Bring me a spade♠️ for after I clockπŸ•° him in the melon🍈 because he's gonna be toast 🍞🧈
What would that mean? I'm kinda new to manga.

I've seen chapters numbered XXX.5 before and the implication seemed to be that if it isn't a whole number, whatever happens in it is something like this, that already happened. Like the flow of time in the story is not gonna move forward.

So if .5 is the midpoint between two whole numbers and .1 is 10% of the way, would that mean we're gonna get 9 more "This already happened" chapters before time moves forward again???

This manga has been under fire for its slow progress for quite awhile, so that would seem pretty negligent.
BernieBear - 1720945133
Oof. I hope that shit never happens to me again.

Circumstances pushing me into downplaying how much I like somebody, even to them themselves, even though it makes them feel bad.

Been a long time since it has.
Your last sentence speaks to me particularly loudly. That teaches a very harmful lesson. It makes people who are like that believe there's nothing objectively wrong with them and they have no responsibility to personal growth.

It makes it seem like they're just misunderstood, that they can just be as much of an asshole as they want, because being "real" supercedes health itself. They think someday they're gonna just stumble onto someone who wants someone exactly like them.

Like if they "stay true to themselves" for long enough, someone who knows what really matters will wander by, and everything's just gonna fall into place and their world will suddenly make sense. It's NOT coming. And they're hurting a lot of people while they wait. They're bad. They need to change.

It's very important to not be afraid of our own thoughts. We shouldn't hate ourselves over attractions to unhealthy characters, and we should not be afraid fantasize. But we need to see those attractions for what they are. Only fun. Not practical.

We gotta know that things IRL would not be like the fantasies, and that person would kill us. Same as violent video games. They're completely harmless in the hands of someone who has the wisdom. Nothing that isn't real matters, everything that IS real does.

We can simp for the fictional villains all we want. Have a blast. Get your ass tortured if you want. If it didn't really happen it doesn't matter. But we can't afford to fall for real villains. And we definitely can't afford to BE the villains.
BernieBear - 1720205126
Better ease up Hishiro. I can only fall in love so many times πŸ˜…

You already have intelligence without arrogance, humility without bitterness, kindness without being submissive, and you're loyal without being sycophantic. And I found out you're an adult, so I don't have to pretend I give a fuck about that (As if I ever have) 🀣

If you allude to an unawakened femdom kink a second time then my legs are gonna buckle like somebody kicked the back of my knee
BernieBear Osaker - 1720113677
My experiences with them have been good. Just play fair and be honest about your intentions that it's gonna be casual. When someone's that busy and stressed they'll skip the "this doesn't feel special" mess and bang you the first chance they get.

And they won't want their kids to get attached to someone if you're not gonna have a future together, so you might be able to avoid meeting them at all.
I've had it explained to me. It's not fully understood. It has something to do with the ratio of people who respect him. Left number always increases by the same amount the right number decreases, and it's always when people are reacting positively.

So the left number is the people who do, but it's not clear if the right number means someone dislikes him. I think it'd make the most sense for it to include undecided people.

Why the numbers are a total of 360, I'm not sure but I think it's been mentioned that that's the size of Moteshiro's student body. Most of the story happens at the school, so it'd be the most relevant group.
Same. When I saw them taking them home I was like oof. Idk if y'all wanna draw any parallels between yourselves or your love/relationship with two goldfish. Not gonna be the kind of symbol you want πŸ˜…

Maybe do tortoises, or... Wtf, really? I can't name a single other animal that has a long lifespan πŸ™„ I can only think of trees and fungus. Git gud scrub πŸ’©
BernieBear Nero - 1720064952
Sorry to hear about that m8. If it's any consolation, you just saved someone from the same fateπŸ™ Well, others have contributed to my decision not to read that manga, but your words were the most specific and powerful.

Just saying a story is slow or long or boring isn't enough to dissuade me completely, but the effect you described is a big deal. I sure as hell don't need none of that, Thank you very much! 😁

Unhealthy/inaccurate depictions of romance/dating are very harmful. Even after having figured it all out, that stuff is still upsetting to me, because I know it influences people to make destructive decisions.

I'm glad Nagatoro helped you feel better.
BernieBear AweMirage - 1719868656
No I don't care if you don't read this. I already typed it. Same amount of effort.

The person who *said* the phrase "All lives matter." is the one who brought the topic up. Not the person who called it out. It was wrong before anyone said it was, and still would've been if nobody had.

The covered up parts contain politics. If you don't wanna see it then don't tap it. If you tap it you are agreeing to see it. I'm not breaking any rules. Actually as far as I can tell, this site doesnt even have any rules. I don't see any.

This comment situation was a mundane example and not serious one, but blaming someone who was provoked instead of the instigator who stirred it up has historically lead to a lot of easily avoidable large scale harm. And drastically inaccurate interpretations significant events.

For example, those BLM protests blocking traffic and all that mess was not CAUSING trouble, it was provoked. Systemic racism is what CAUSED the trouble. The protests were the effect, not the cause. And no, you don't have to do peaceful protests against destructive acts. That's not how conflict works.

Not gonna push it any further than that. That's all that needs to be said. In this case there was no damage, but that thought process is dangerous when stakes are higher.