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1390 points
1660 Comment(s)
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TruePurpleMK Wild432 - 1725991637
So how does transplanting memories="move forward as a family", what ever that means?
TruePurpleMK - 1725989093
So transplant your memories into your spouse (with risk to both of you) so they will be "smart" and thus be able to handle the pains of child birth which will save your marriage.

That plot is dumb at every possible conceivable level. If someone challenged me to write a short story with the dumbest plot I could possibly manage, I don't think I could reach this level.
TruePurpleMK - 1725982578
How stupid. Male or female names barely matter even for humans much less a cat.
TruePurpleMK - 1725982424
I don't get why eh doesn't just pick the cat up and put them down off it. The obvious solution.
Do you know a way to reverse and unblock someone?
TruePurpleMK sumbuddy - 1725955591
Can you reply to someone who has you blocked, just they can't see it? Or reply to someone who's replied to someone who's blocked you?
TruePurpleMK - 1725910308
Your nickname "Tiny" means very small....
TruePurpleMK - 1725883119
Still the man was clearly unhinged considering eh thought that children in a kindergarten were being loud late at night. Yet was surprised to actually find something.
TruePurpleMK - 1725830265
Find out what exactly? Such a absurd unnecessary secret
TruePurpleMK - 1725828421
Why doesn't she shrink as well and why was that not a concern?

I still don't get why you'd lean into looking like a kid instead of just saying you were a adult that looks like a kid. Also saying you're a kid begs the question why you aren't in school.
TruePurpleMK - 1725827453
Every one of these where someone is older than they appear, they always smoke. There seems to be this attitude like smoking is for adults. Smoking is bad for everyone, sure it's worse for kids in some ways. On the other hand a older person has a body less able to deal with the poison because less vitality. Another reason for kids to not smoke is so they don't smoke when adults and don't have a harder time quitting when adults.
Well the author seems to want MC to be ruler of the universe, sticking to one region would go against the main and almost only point of the comic at this point in the story.
TruePurpleMK Labrys - 1725789857
To add one more point. Instead of going over detail by detail how sexist (and copying off each other) many asian writings are with female MC. I'd like to just say reading many of these stories feels like the story was written to appeal to females but were probably written by males. Or at least with male superiors who decide what goes in if the author themselves weren't male. I don't know if that is the case or not. But that is how it seems when reading many of these stories.

Female MC who are so passive, so selfless and without agency. Who fall for nobility (crown princes, dukes, kings etc) males who feel so grateful for the love of these males despite many of them acting like pricks alot of the time. And sometimes they flip it and the female MC is a scamp (not 'I am the villainess' stories but the 'I was a assassin or special agent' type stories) but there is a male love interest to break through their inappropriate maleness and turn them proper female.

Or they are a child and it's all about how adorable they are and how much their complete family unit including father and brothers love them, or will love them one they win everyone over but it was bad the first time around. But then also have a future crown prince love interest (play date with the crown prince who is a brat at the time) like earlier for when they fast forward age. Basically women as property of their fathers and brothers till they are property of their husbands, type feel. Oops, I did sort of go over some of it.
TruePurpleMK - 1725744996
Wouldn't it be easier to just say you are a adult that looks like a kid? Then you don't have to do all this lying, and if you don't reage up, have to explain why you aren't getting older.
TruePurpleMK Labrys - 1725715386
You grossly misunderstand. It's about the trope. Asian writing with female MC overwhelmingly with rare exceptions are a certain way, especially if there is "romance" (and there almost always is). Those typical story elements is what I dislike. Not about the "race" of the character.
TruePurpleMK Mangaguy - 1725688147
Well to be fair I think a propeller would make things harder since now the plane weighs more with a big motor and fuel. You got to establish stability.
TruePurpleMK - 1725614844
It seems like there is no concern for the safety of the people on the plane. How was it assured that when the plane crashed no one would be harmed?
If it was that obvious then this would have happened before and the pickpocket boss wouldn't keep doing it.
TruePurpleMK Lucky13 - 1725517159
Well I bet you a hundred heads of lettuce that it's the priest! And you better pay up if I win!