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1420 points
1666 Comment(s)
1139 Upvote(s)
If you skipped the second but got the first you were fine as well, correct? Thus we arrive at your point about how the government could possibly insist on people not selecting a class for the first round, unless they knew ahead of time. Plus enforcing people not selecting class would be difficult since you can only see your own cards and own selections. So unless there was some extreme propaganda against class selection and/or a good number of enforcers who could see other peoples classes, who would likely have to hypocritically have their own class to do so.

I'm feeling a plot-hole.
TruePurpleMK - 1725221027
"Hey opponent, I am defenseless!"

Is a phrase you wouldn't catch me saying.
Maybe you don't turn were if you skip the first one or the second one, just both. The story might have even said as much but I can't be for sure of my memory of it. I thought you didn't turn monster if you skipped the second class selection but you got the first

Possibly they had early knowledge of the event as well like the evolutionary group did?

Plot hole?
TruePurpleMK Lexandur - 1725218726
Right, not "communism"
TruePurpleMK - 1725190613
why take off the mask? Even if the poison was stuck to part of the mask, tear off that part. They will know it's a mask but still not know it is you.
TruePurpleMK - 1725189814
I don't like the romantic interest being royalty. But I do like the refreshingly unique personality of the romantic interest,
TruePurpleMK - 1725188942
Isn't too dangerous to "practice" with real throwing daggers? What if one of those daggers hit and killed em?
TruePurpleMK - 1725187831
Granpa should stop playing match maker while someone still has a intact face. No more chopping trees with your face...
TruePurpleMK - 1725186701
Why the hell is MC using guards as target practice? Not a good way to win people over...
TruePurpleMK - 1725186103
All these comments miss another aspect to this, MC calmed the plant down like it was a baby, and that worked, and then MC ate the being that was calmed down from crying. So MC first treated it like a baby and then ate what was just treated like a baby...
TruePurpleMK - 1725183077
"the war is over"

Battle is over, the war continues.
TruePurpleMK - 1725182068
What is this "prohibition" the comic keeps referring to?
TruePurpleMK ABRAKSES - 1725180292
In comment section of a chapter of a comic, I think back before the change from Disqus there was lots of "thot murder" memes and such. I posted my disgust and the shitstorm that followed was extreme. So many posted against me and down-voted me. I argued with them anyway and certainly don't regret speaking out against it. There was so very many comments. It's impressive how sexist so many of those who read comics on websites like this are.

That's when the asshat I watch Anime started against me. First it was negatively replying to all my comments and now it's just a mindless down-vote against any post of mine no matter what it is. I suppose I could stop the downvotes from IWA by blocking them but meh, whatever.
TruePurpleMK - 1725179618
So why ask all those questions first? I thought maybe MC was going to find some way to get activated fresh blood item thingy.
TruePurpleMK ABRAKSES - 1725178252
"thot" is clearly a highly sexist term, at least as bad or worse than "negger" is a racist word. I've even seen whole comment chains talking about "murdering thots" Any post using such highly sexist terms makes me wish I could downvote more than once or have the post removed.

"Hoe" & "bitch" are less bad but still pretty misogynist and will earn my down-vote.

No sense arguing about the misogyny of these sexist terms. The use of these terms speaks volumes. I hadn't even heard of that awful term "thot" before seeing it in comments sometimes. My judgment of it's high sexism factor is strictly from seeing how it's consistently used. Like I've never seen it used in any other way but misogynisticly. Never used regarding male characters and almost always super unfairly harsh against female characters.

TruePurpleMK ABRAKSES - 1725176739
I didn't post in chapter 18. You mean a downvote? Thod=thot, right?

I also have a Disqus account, don't want to confuse it with my MK account.
TruePurpleMK ABRAKSES - 1725175643
Yeah. Obviously the MK stands for MangaKatana. Just in case I confused which account I was looking at.
TruePurpleMK - 1725174156
Maybe Empire shouldn't be invading so much and thus tragedies like this won't happen. You reduce casualties on your side you increase it on the defenders side. Maybe things wouldn't have ended so amicably if the humans were victorious.
TruePurpleMK Chun 0w0 - 1725173672
Really needs to inform em of this whole reincarnation thing along with their future words and let em decide for emself.