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That only worked because it wasn't fully a game but "RL" and they were able to find a difficult workaround. If that method existed in the game, MC with their knowledge wouldn't have needed to experiment to discover the method.

It even needed the eagle eyed priest for it to work, a character that didn't even exist in the game except in the tutorial. Hell it even needed all of them working together in concert against 1 vamp, impossible against a army of vamps. Though I expect MC will figure out a more efficient way that depends on it not being a game,
TruePurpleMK Troja1234 - 1712150607
Regardless of what was expected of MCs decision, in order to honor the agreement to send MC back, that was the only option presented. Do you really think MC could kill a god with a regular sword? It had to have a real ability to kill God of Light to really send MC back if MC choose that action, if all that about gods having to keep their promises wasn't BS.

I'm thinking zombies are soulless, why would you think the zombies still had their souls? Corpse golem was made of "unrested corpses" not "souls"
TruePurpleMK Troja1234 - 1712140949
But it was clearly stated god promises have to be kept, or are you saying all that was a lie as well?
Because it's apparently super dangerous you wouldn't want just anyone getting it, much-less the evil fuckers that run this place.
TruePurpleMK - 1712126268
Did they leave behind the soul killing sword?
No matter when they show up, still a stupid game mechanism to have a enemy literally impossible to kill without the right weapon. It's worse of course if you can't even get that weapon before that point, but even if it is reasonably possible to have the weapon by the time vampires do show up, still a bad mechanism IMO.

Which is probably why you never see a game with such a game mechanic. I can't recall a game with such a game mechanic.
Yes/. Whales have "tits" Mammals are characterized by the presence of milk-producing mammary glands for feeding their young,
TruePurpleMK - 1712077524
What kind of game has a enemy literally impossible to kill unless you have specific difficult to get weapons?

If the whole enemy attacking are vampires, won't this mean only a select few that have the star weapons will really be able to fight?
"Austrian" LOL

All mammals have "tits". (as well as hair at some point in their lives) I believe kangaroo "tits" are in their pockets so their young can safely nurse.
TruePurpleMK - 1712008420
"Master I have a question! What is a question?" Oh no, it was stupider than that...
TruePurpleMK BA-N101 - 1711922560
Yeah I can absolutely picture the author being told/deciding they can only do it so much longer and trying to speed things up to not leave a axed ending with lots of loose ends, which I appreciate.
Tone shift isn't exactly sudden except for Mai. It was a number of chapters ago we learned it was a possession and could figure the ramifications of that when GM is a good person.
TruePurpleMK AlexBen - 1711836548
You mean Ghost Moms decision to give back the life of the person xhe's possessing? It wasn't anyone elses decision but GM's.

But as I said before Mai should have been informed of the possessing thing and given time to process this before being told of any marriage that was too soon without any dating etc.
TruePurpleMK - 1711836376
Not capable of marrying? It's simple, you stand in front of a authority who can marry and say "I do"
TruePurpleMK - 1711813154
It's been so long, would someone pls remind me who this is?
TruePurpleMK Supperhey - 1711763115
I didn't say there wasn't corruption, but are you saying every single one of them is corrupt to the last person down to their last bone so that all laws are meaningless? If not, even for keeping up appearances, they'd have to do something about this. Especially if it was made public knowledge.