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TruePurpleMK Kaen69 - 1716291041
A big issue is putting everything into two camps "capitalist" or "socialist/communist" and group things together that don't belong together. This isn't as much a issue under capitalism since capitalism has dominated the world and has had plenty of chance to define what it is. But "socialism/communism" get's stupid shit attached to it like "socialism is when the government does stuff" or when something calls itself communist, it is.

There is alot of history that has been warped by the victors. Also things like Russia just finished escaping feudalism, it barely had it's feet. Lots of problems that can't be blamed on any socio-economic system.

And then that evil thug Stalin took control who didn't give a fuck about communism. Mao was pretty bad as well from what I've heard, implementing what was in effect feudalism.

What it boils down to is, much of the stuff that would make the world a better place for most people to live in, that would make the world more equal and thus more free, capitalists are against.

Free public housing or cheap public housing with basic necessities of life provided for, for everyone if they want it (feel free to go private source if you like) How will we pay for it? We are already paying alot to not do that. This will be cheaper. Plus so much is wasted with capitalism and so much taxes get spent on other things like military and such anyway.

But the real kicker of a capitalist apologist argument is, how will we get people to work (if they aren't being forced to by capitalist) Well we don't need to force people to work. Maybe if people aren't forced to work jobs will have to be more enticing. Maybe some less stuff will get made. But I think there will be plenty of stuff still made.

If their needs were met, Dad wouldn't have worked to death, Mom wouldn't have lost their home possibly contributing to a suicide.

But this isn't just in a comic. This is in real life. Universal basic needs isn't the end goal, it's just a beginning towards a ideal of compassion and liberty by whatever you would call it.

Also things that need to be abolished, like much of the stock-market and investment capital. Private banks. Landlords of course. It's too much to get why here in comments. And that is for a distant future. Let's start with things like universal basic needs, ranked choice voting and other democratic measures.

TruePurpleMK Cold Fire - 1716286905
Correct, they aren't even remotely socialist.
The last italicized part was a mocking echo of essentially what capitalist apologists argue. I know it wasn't a quote of you
TruePurpleMK Leska - 1716280609
Looks like you will have a long road to learning English. Good-luck!
TruePurpleMK Leska - 1716277582
New to English eh? Keep on trying, you'll hopefully get it eventually.
Would you please specify which "parts" and "two" you are referring to and how you think they "aren't quite right"

One issue is, the term "free market" itself is misleading. No such thing, especially under capitalism. Well initially it can exist, in early days capitalism can be alright, if it isn't implemented in a shity way like was done in Russia and if everyone starts out on relatively equal footing, like if there isn't a history of feudalism, slavery, racism etc more quickly ruining all "competition"

but; more importantly even if humans were perfect, capitalism wouldn't work because humans would then choose a much better political-economic system anyway

True. I was doing a reverse of the usual capitalist apologist argument that "capitalism may be flawed, but it is the best we can do" where people pretend human flaws are turned into virtues under capitalism and there is no other better options.

'Are you greedy and selish? Don't worry, under capitalism those things are good for society! Please don't look at history, or any of the past. Just trust us.'

So you also believe it's time we found something much better than capitalism, Bob?
TruePurpleMK Zen - 1716274119
"you’re the biggest case of projection"

You should learn the meaning of words you use. I am not a corporate scumbag.

Look at this picture, Mom can't even afford shelter. She is begging for their tolerance to remain sheltered having a kid and this fucking "your choice" shit is once again being thrown in their face. They don't give a fuck about the situation her dead spouse's bosses caused, they want their tax called rent right away.

And why is Mom begging to remain in their home if Mom was planning on killing xirself? Could it be the lack of shelter contributed to the suicide?

This is really and not a accidental comment on capitalism and the premise that capitalism is about choice and how capitalism pushes blame onto it's victims. Like textbook commentary on some of the issues of capitalism. Notice the similarity of dialogue when the bosses were pushing off blame for the death of Dad and "choice" and their response to Mom begging to remain in their shelter. Disingenuous comments about Dragonball Z is incredibly intellectually dishonest.
TruePurpleMK Zen - 1716273571
WTF you talking about, they worked Dad to death and said it was Dads choice. It wasn't a matter of "unemployment"
TruePurpleMK Kaen69 - 1716273331
You got the order wrong. It's capitalism corrupting the government, not government corrupting capitalism (for the most part) The only way to avoid capitalism corrupting government is if you have a socialistic government, and even then it's not assured.

Super massive corporations are just the natural and rather unavoidable result of "capitalism". Capitalism isn't "free market" and competition, it's monetizing and controlling everything through money. Capitalism hates competition at the top, big businesses don't compete within themselves because that harms the business. Those corporations internally function like a state run economy.

If humans were perfect, then maybe capitalism could work. Because humans are flawed, we need something else, something better.
TruePurpleMK Cold Fire - 1716272921
Most people in Japan, like most people anywhere, do jobs to have money for food and shelter etc. In those situations the bosses make sure it is known you comply or you get fired or perhaps mistreated and passed over for promotion at the very least. Furthermore in real life some people work extra hours to pay bills because the jobs pay isn't enough with regular hours. And of course a combination of these things. Especially a parent like in this case, having to support a kid and wife.

Most people aren't going to work themselves to death just based on "duty and responsibility". Japanese people care about money for food and shelter, their children and loved ones, etc as well.
TruePurpleMK Cold Fire - 1716272709
But those people aren't leaders of socialist or communist nations.

The issue of capitalism is how people abuse the power and authority it gives to exploit those under them. Capitalism is not all that different than the feudalism that came before it.
TruePurpleMK Cold Fire - 1716272633
How do you know?

Even if that is the case in the comic, it is true in real life capitalism destroys lives.
TruePurpleMK Zen - 1716245519
Karoshi means death by being overworked! Not because they fuxking choose to work to death! Especially a parent! Walked right past my main point! You are taking the side of the bosses blaming their victim! And it is not so unbelievable, this does happen in Japan! Not because of pride of working hard and long though!!!!

Japanese and South Koreans (not exclusively, but especially) are forced to work bad hours and low wages. They even have a special word for worst offenders "black companies". Yes there is a cultural attitude of hard work and not making trouble, but the capitalists have pushed for this and exploited this.

They worked the husband to death and then shoved a mom with kids on the street with no money. The capitalists stole this families future. This is why Mom was doing all sorts of fun stuff first. That is why Mom committed suicide. Not because Mom got "sick" with "depression". I suppose Mom should have seen a shrink or taken drugs with the money xhe didn't have about not being able to provide food or shelter for the family!!!

Don't be a idiot!
TruePurpleMK - 1716238597
Combine Alvins basic reasoning and personality and the elfs hidden power and you could have a amazing adventurer, especially in a world where most everything else is a joke.
TruePurpleMK Zahandu - 1716237963
Hmm? That wasn't the cop as a kid. That was the teen with the umbrella that got possessed by the evil entity of the diorama (or whatever that is called)
TruePurpleMK Dat Folk - 1716237841
Could that even be called "depression", which is probably a term best reserved for medical condition where you are irrationally sad.

This family was destroyed by capitalism.
TruePurpleMK - 1716237610
Interesting commentary on capitalism there.

Notice the use of "choice". Capitalist apologists love to make everything sound optional and a matter of individual choice, regularly shifting all blame to the commoner class workers.

This family was destroyed by capitalism. And it's very believable scenario, especially in hyper capitalist Japan with a very high suicide rate