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1435 points
266 Comment(s)
187 Upvote(s)
Noissar - 1700081859
These comments can sometimes be top of the line! I have lulled myself into the zone of just ignoring/disregarding almost all the quality drops and have missed some funny things. Thank you heroes of the past!
Noissar Lapar - 1700028628
Countless possible reasons aside; He may just see himself as a killer for having killed, justified or otherwise, even if the end result is a positive for the world he knows it was only for personal reasons and does not justify it otherwise. You can even argue that a person with the mindset in such a position would be more "Good" than a normal good person, because taking a life should always have a factor of guilt with it. There is a moral argument that if you can take a life of another human and feel no guilt your 'Humanity' could be questioned.
Noissar Camper - 1700026182
Maybe it is magic glass, I dunno, I do not really judge this one on reality. I mean if you want to point it out even further: it was a the Lotus Guild's table and it was stabbed by one of the woody boys, so I would say it goes a level beyond just stabbing a glass table - it was someone else's table...
Noissar Noissar - 1700023614
It is I from the future, The guess was way off, the truth... well, just say it kinda fits the story a little too well...
Noissar Lapar - 1700019122
Other comments point out that there is a good chance it is the lass from the first (maybe it was second?) chapter.
Noissar - 1700016740
That light beam was so strong it leaped beyond the realms and rearranged dude's face for a single panel. One would need super natural powers to slap those eyes back into place and remove that frame from existence.
Noissar ZECTCustomUnit - 1700009486
The story is kinda fast, but I know what you mean... I feel like I put this down over a year ago and came back to like 2 chapters. I think a big part of it is that a chapter ends and even if something gets solved in it there is just a cliff-hanger that leaves you going: wtf is that about. Then when the next one drops so long after... it is just like "yeah, ok".

Really fails to hit on any meaningful mystery type aspects for me. Ends up being more 'lack of info' than 'building suspense'.
Noissar - 1699850040
It is good to see a Villain die, but I can not help but just sit here and say: "Finally." 
Noissar BBD - 1699843543
lol, thanks for the UP vote very kind of you. Though I can not really be upset about the downvote, what I mean is: in the end is that not exactly what was described? Person just kinda outed themselves...It really ends up like: Tell me you are a emotional self saboteur, without saying you are a emotional self saboteur. 
- I just wish everyone well.
Yeah, Sometimes people can just be down on their luck and need a kick in the rear to get back into the right mindset. It is nice to see that in a story, better that they did not become some no brained followers...
Noissar - 1699603468
This is what happens when you get blackout drunk on depression while double fisting some self doubt/loathing. Basically drowned in the De-nial river but did not die. Far too many bad brain chemicals, needs to take a hit of Jet and go off the rails.
Noissar - 1699592822
Gotta put this one into storage till there is a stock of chapters. Hits a lot of good point, in the right ways, but is WAY!!! too short!
Noissar Mogus Man - 1699592227
Expecting? No...
Surprised? Also No...
Noissar Mogus Man - 1699591018
You are both right and wrong, let me ruin your view of people a little more.

You ever see a dog on a leash run around this way and that, get tangled up in said leash then proceed to have a freak out? Ever see a dog do that day after day, how about a few times within a short period of time?

You ever see a person walk into a table in their own home more than once, how about stub their toes on the same piece of furniture as a near daily affair? Ever know someone that complains about something but instead of just taking some steps to fix it or putting in the effort for it to not be a problem... they leave the problem there and act like the world is against them.

If vomit did not taste awful to humans do you not think there are some that would do as dogs do? 
Noissar Horny Oniichan - 1699587717
That is hilarious!

[Dear Diary: I have done the lords work today.]
Noissar NotAUser - 1699586701
They do have tie down straps or a system of cables and hooks to keep them locked down... but Yeah... what it would take to impale the mood should have just made them stop existing...

Worst offenders are those Helis though...
Noissar Rikudan56 - 1699584860
Yeah... took a few hours for that one to click for me. Was a bit of a mess before they added in the Red Exclamation Point error like icon. Though I have noticed how the new point system has really killed the amount of likes on posts...
This is too on point, well done.
I am not sure why but I will support your hopes in this.
Noissar AtukBrontok - 1699325484
If he does get trapped, I feel like he will break out one way or another because: 'Sister'. I just do not see him leaving her on her own for 10 years.