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1480 points
348 Comment(s)
282 Upvote(s)
Noissar - 1 year ago
Man, this one really is starting to nail that feeling you get when you are talking about something you really like and people only ever care about the side things....

If it keeps going on... man... Die a Hero or Live long enough to become the Villain...
Noissar Demonslender - 1 year ago
Yes, it is just beyond stupid. When you consider an organisation or something like a guild, even if it made some people upset there would be have to be a penalty for not preforming basic tasks; pest extermination. How there is not a mandate for such tasks or a penalty applied to more profitable jobs that it is then used to balance the payment/cost of the low profit but essential jobs makes no sense what so ever.

At least some stories uses the 'Knights' as an excuse. Overall it is really just moronic when the neglect can lead to massive infestations and/or stampedes.
Governments start wars. Propaganda rallies the idiots to support those wars. I would say a fair number of people in my area just do not care. Canada has become a sad place to be living in, one can only hope that the recent hard times bring on better people.
Solid point, I try to both passively and actively forget that Zealots exist in any way, shape, or form. I would not be surprised if there were shifts of morons there to polish and dust the entire room every 10mins. People can be amazing in far too many ways...treating trash like treasure and treasure like trash if a very Human thing.
I get where you are coming from, but... no one was even able to touch it... I begs wonder if the previous Hero dropped it of before he died, does it magically appear in a designated location -[because reasons]- can a person wrap it in cloth or earth or something to move it.

Cause if no one is able to even touch it or move the thing, a constant guard on it is not "cost effective"; something along those lines, maybe?
Noissar Demonslender - 1 year ago
Just have to learn the horror that is self discipline and never read part chapters. But man, ya... s'right dirty splitting it into three... that *.1/2/3 hate that stuff too. what do the kids do these days: #TrustIssues ?
Noissar Gakuku - 1 year ago
It is a rare that something good happens when one does not put in any effort, of any kind. Thanks for the replies, you have yourself a good one.
Noissar XCanG - 1 year ago
I think I would have been happier being ignorant of this.... I like to bulk read...
Noissar Gakuku - 1 year ago
It still does bother me a fair bit, but mostly it just leaves me feeling sad to see people dragged down by whatever life has done to them, that they rely on such things.

I know some people are pushed to into the trap of needing to be perfect and when something goes wrong it just kinda breaks them in an awful way. Odd enough I do not tend to put much "stock" in naturally good people, but save that for people whom have been taken down and put through some stuff and actively chose to be a good person. I mean what if cracks open up all over the earth and dinosaurs crawl out of them and start eating people and stuff? Can you really rely of goodness that has never been put to the test? A human that has never been stress tested has never really been themselves...
Noissar Gakuku - 1 year ago
Not a psychology major. But I can understand the confusion on this one and might be able to give a small enlightenment: The outcomes in the story are heavily slanted to a positive outcome ( I think it can be referred to as a type of Mary Sue[?] like character story).

This plays into a sort of mind trap of perfection, with the issue of the story being that near everything the MC goes through is solved with a great moral lesson always being the end result. The amount of positive outcomes is just not reflective of our typical reality and breaks typical levels of expectation if he was to have grown old on earth and had ran a successful business.

So I agree when you say it is mind boggling because this instance does not reflect what has been shown to this point. But the 'Villain' is still human - not robot or monster or anything else. There are people with the thought process that you can "FIX" people and that rarely ever works for various reasons. This may be the reason or it could be some bad writing to cut off a 'winning streak'.

As for the last line about pills - if where you are at the numbers are low, you are lucky compare to where I am at. I would say in my area the pills be at the very least 2 out of 10 people but would not be surprised if the really numbers were higher than 4 out of 10. That is hard to say these days because it feels like 8/9 out of 10 appear to use marijuana for the same effect and that could affect the numbers.
Noissar Gakuku - 1 year ago
Yeah... that was poorly done if pages were not missing. It was like a time-skip face planted into a flashback then had an aneurism and forgot just about everything and moved on.
Yeah, it is quite a mess when you put it that way. Right on point with the disloyalty bit too - I did not really think about that. As soon as you mentioned it though; I would have been rather upset if they had just axed all previous comments. Perhaps if it was possible leave the old system/comments functional but make it so no brand new original comments could be made with it would have been better. If it was not a task and a half the best thing they likely could have done was convert all the old ones to the new system, but that just does not seem like a positive effort/resources return.
That is the whole point, no? If it is not super easy and/or requires no effort it will decrease the number of people who would do it. To that effect it was a good first step. Though like you said not having a "divided section for interactable comments as priority." was a pretty big blunder in Quality of Life terms. Though I can say personally I like comments being site bound even if I know it may not really the best type of system but it does put moderation type activities in the sites control for better or worse and not reliant on a third party.
Absolutely! That would be a really good idea. It would require a fair amount of work to have something like that to function (with my lack of understanding on how to setup something of that nature), I think.

The underlying theme of the change is what gives me a favourable stance on it; that being that there is at the very least a levy/cost on the actions, with even that tiniest level of "rebuffing" I get the feel that the "bad actors" have had some wind taken out of their sails. Maybe of have not paid enough attention or am not reading the same things at the same time/after, just feels like the quality of the comments is better overall.

The balancing of points is likely a rather tough thing, though a consideration for the topic would be in the interactions. What I mean by that: if the 'engagement' goes up and you get more than one person downvoting a comment consistently from the same user (what I believe may be an end goal fort the system). You have as an example 3 x 50 = 150points = 3 logins, meaning that it becomes a 3v1 and if you have more people actively using the system then it works out better in that specific instance. Even in that scenario I can agree the login benefit is likely too high and it would be best if was lower while the downvote cost was actually stayed higher, The detriment to the line of thinking though moves to close to forced participation and could have some level of abuse I am not instantly thinking of.
I agree to a point. I do appreciate the reduction in frivolous activities though. The upvotes are just one side to it though, Cause if you consider the cost on the downvotes? that is where the real make or break comes to life; if they do ever add in the name log on the votes with the points counter... A person with a positive point count give a downvote just means more to me than one that can downvote without putting anything on the line - even that amounts to Internet Points hahaha
Noissar ShadowLR - 1 year ago
It is an easy way to explain what is going on without the MC needlessly talking to themselves.

Have you never made it down to the comments and come across comments that make no sense? I generally avoid the comments section because if I am not in an even remotely positive mood and see a comment about why such and such happened; when in my "eyes" from reading that very chapter it was explained pretty clearly (or in the very first panel) or was explained in the prior 1-3 chapters, or is something so basic it should not need explaining upsets me and I get filled with absolutely disappointment.

So the annoying side character (in many cases) is there for those who need an explanation/hand-holding for in far too many cases; for the most basic of things because they would not be able to follow along on their own without the assistance. I would not even care if the could not follow along but the have a tendency to dirty everything like a plague by putting brain rot in the comments and even attacking people whom explain things on occasion.
Applying a DEBUFF using a fist to the face, a true classic.
Noissar Jeff - 1 year ago
I think it is different translators; the quality has dipped in regards to the words/names(specifically this one [immovable dark lines - it was something like that before])/ sentence structure.

Mostly noticeable for me cause I let like 30 chapters stockpile.
Noissar Labrys - 1 year ago
If the label is right, your dream of 400+ got killed and buried right as it was proclaimed in the comments.

I was not dropped so that is a plus.

Edit: being zoomed out a fair bit while reading on a TV, I had completely missed the S3 before it said END.

But they are taking a super long break before starting up Season 4 - so... I hope it is still good in a couple of years when it hopefully make it to 400+
Noissar Time Void - 1 year ago
I know what you mean with how many stories try to make that kind of "misunderstanding" a plot point? it really just makes the characters appear/feel stupid.

In this one though... it does not really do that. He knows the monsters are not really an issue and that he can slap them around, so to speak? He is just trying to keep up a fake image with his(?) Emblem as the reason. He obviously does not think of himself as weak, he was the main force that took down the Demon king. But it was in doing that and it ended in betrayal that he is trying to lead a new life and get over his social issues and gaining any sort of heroic like fame would make that much harder.

Maybe it is better to phrase it as 'emotionally tapped out' and not wanting to rather than not able to?