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Captain Westwood II
1499 points
56 Comment(s)
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What the hell happened to you to have that thought process? Especially the part where you would be disgusted by a guy relying on a girl? In the face of a snowstorm, regardless of gender, everyone should be treated the same, so that everyone can survive and won't be forced to take things slower because one of them gets sick or somehow injured in the process of weathering a snowstorm because they weren't given the same treatment or tools to survive it. In the face of nature, gender or previous misgiving or grudges should be set aside to ensure everyone can survive.
You seems to be having a bad day here, are you okay? Because the way you typed make this seem like you are just taking out your frustration, but you do have some good points about them, but that wasn't really the point I am trying to make there? What did you think I was trying to say?

Anyway my main point is that an Author's overreliance on cruelty or apathy where it leads to physical suffering and sometimes emotional suffering for the sake of a joke is a big ditraction to me for a manga. It makes the story less enjoyable for me. At no point did I say that the boys should be treated better because of what and whats or they should be treated regardless of their previous behavior?

You're also kind of forgetting the fact that all of them might end up getting frostbites and hypothermia if the MC didn't follow them though. In other words, both boys and grils in this group didn't really plan that much when travelling to the orphanage, so by your logic, shouldn't all the girls be sleeping in the tent with the boys as well or be provided a seperate tent so that they don't rely on the MC too much?

The girls are well-mannered, possibily have more survival skills than the boys, but since the MC pampers them too much, it wouldn't it be wrong to say that they might also end up dying once the MC leave the girls behind? Don't forget, before the MC met these group of orphans, they weren't doing much better either, just barely able to feed themselves, and the girl who became an adventurer might end up getting injured with no money to get treatment or worse dead.
It is just that their fates were turned for the better when they met the MC, and the girls were given more opportunities to learn from the MC and were pampered a lot more than the boys, which in turn just make the "Relying on girl" aspect a lot more pronounced since they weren't given the chance to learn or to grow as a person.

Well, they do behave like dipshits in the past, that is true, but you shouldn't forget that they are still young and I do not blame the MC for treating them like so as the Author intended since the MC is techincally also a young'un. But in the past chapter I just saw one of them get character development and grown into a fine lad, why not hope for the other 3 to grow too instead of behaving like dipshits forever?

The two drastically differing treatment between the boys and girls don't have a sense of comedy for you?

Frostbite and hypothermia are no joke.
Realistically, the boys, even though they are inside the tent will still suffer from hypothermia to the point of near death in this snowstorm, they won't get frostbites atleast. But this is fiction so, they'll survive with no problems. But in my eyes, it still paint the MC here as a sociopath, "Look at how kind I am at providing this tent for you, even though you'll still very likely freeze to death in this heavy snowstorm" although it is probably not the intention the author or artist want to get across.

Then off she goes into her even better shelter not suffering from the cold at all while the boys are in the tent weathering the snowstorm.
Honestly, this entire situation of them in a snowstorm compared to my RL experience of being in a snowstorm, it just made me think that she don't care if the boys just die in the cold or freeze to death even if the manga here depicting her giving them a helping hand, because it is way too little to help them survive while she have or had all the tools or shelter needed to 100% ensure survival while in a snowstorm
Captain Westwood II - 1724945471
Man, this manga is great and all but I can't help but still feel miffed over how the boys are treated.
Having mistreatment happen for comedy's sake is good and all but doing it too much just make the MC or side-characters who support such behavior look very callous or apathetic to emotional or physical suffering regardless of the author's intent. It just make them appear to have a two-faced personality or sociopathic

I hate authors who always use cruelty (intentional or unintentional) or apathy to make comedy happens that way, because at that point it is no longer comedy but mediocrity in storytelling due to their overreliance on it. Well, it is an adaptation of a novel, so these situation will always reoccur I suppose
Captain Westwood II - 1724759569
I really like how stupid the MC face looks and how deadpan his body language are, really accentuate the level of comedy in this manga for me
Yeah, I sort of went along with it without double-checking. Yato just said Hana's father's buddy and I just jumped straight to that house ghost he was referring to
Well, I would say Michiru would be symbiotic since it seems to be possessing her while protecting her, the manga refer to it as a bodyguard after all and they also said that anything affecting this ghost will also affect Michiru in a way during the train ride where Hana try to get her off the train to protect her from the axe ghost.

But for Miko's father, that would be complicated, since both are ghost but his buddy doesn't seem to be doing anything bad aside from protecting them.
I would categorize it as an independent ghost whose purpose seems to be protecting the house and its occupants it is in for now.

The reason why I categorize it as an independent ghost is because Michiru's ghost don't seems to take proactive action that much, where it preemptively eliminate ghost or do threat-analysis on its environment, while the Father's ghost buddy seems to be able to analyze its surrounding and take some form of action depending on how the father acts.
We also still don't know how it get sustenance, well not on panel yet, he probably ate some ghost off-screen or ate some offering that Miko's family seems to offer to the altar
That is true I suppose, the ghost in this manga sometimes act in a deliberate manner, but it is mostly instinctual.

Independent ghost move with an unknown purpose, or have some form of rationality.
Human ghost ranges from retaining full rationality to pure obsession or corruption.
Parasitic ghost are animalistic in behavior.
Symbiotic ghost behave like robots.

But then that doesn't quite explain why those little gnomes are able to hold grudges or remember humans, which imply that they have some form of morality to judge humans with
Captain Westwood II - 1724687679
Hm, the author really likes making independent ghost as undistinguishable as possible between good or evil.

Also, damn, just how did Hana's spiritual power turn that ghost head into a Lambda rabbit? And how did she bestow spiritual power upon the offering?
Captain Westwood II - 1723815816
A manga where the protagonist try to romance their best friend who is actually male instead of a female / secret female?
Bride? Did he marry the Churus?
I don't know, he hid the relationship from other people pretty well, and for some reason he is still able to attend school without anyone else insulting him for 2-timing or 3-timing the girls?

If he does what you suggested, he basically gonna confirm himself that he is 5-timing, and is in an incestous relationship with her sister
He's gonna be socially dead if he did that to all 5 in public
Captain Westwood II - 1722482019
I wonder if their hands are creaking about, drawing those depictions.
Captain Westwood II - 1721913517
See y'all next month
Captain Westwood II - 1721726075
A bit of a forced misunderstanding, but it's a new way to force a misunderstanding just to resolve it next chapter I guess
Captain Westwood II - 1721381986
Blackmail? Blackmail, I bet he's gonna blackmail her once he realizes

You'll have to find out which chapter it is from since it has been a while for me
*Look at World Atlas stating Japan is one of the top 10 loneliest country in the world, ranked at 3*
Quite the conundrum indeed.

Captain Westwood II - 1718688897
I am gonna guess that she will manage to eat the hero, and the hero will be revived, then she is gonna go crazy from all of the memory that they get from the hero?

But, what would be the more unpredictable outcome here?
Isn't that common knowledge? The manga is always better than anime since anime often works with a budget that isn't enough to fund the entire animation, and even if it did, the time constraint isn't enough to allow animators to polish it for release. Unless they got a team of super animators like Madhouse studio or the new animation team from One Piece from the Wano arc