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Captain Westwood II
1499 points
56 Comment(s)
93 Upvote(s)
Captain Westwood II - 1706544487
Oh hello there. Didn't expect to see you so soon.
Captain Westwood II - 1705813994
So, she's basically a hybrid, something that think of itself as human but is half-dead and half-alive?
Captain Westwood II - 1704511208
Hm, I'm bored already. The storyline is getting too shallow, it move fast but it is just a river that you can dip your toes into and it wouldn't get past your ankles
Captain Westwood II - 1703345450
I wonder which Cliche they are going for?
Hey, that's still a spoiler for any new folks coming in
It is still a spoiler by the way. Although it is an implicit spoiler rather than an explicit one, because you are still explaining how the story will go, thereby spoiling the plot by allowing people reading your comment to predict future chapters more accurately
Captain Westwood II - 1699152166
What kind of personality is this MC supposed to be again? Submissive, Assertive, Creepy, Simp, Perverted?
And that conversation, what the hell is happening in it? This is like the third time that it been "Shoehorned" in just to get the plot going. There's that one time he goes out in his birthday suit, to get spotted by the chubby girl, and the other one where he for whatever reason decided to be Assertive for no fucking reason despite being submissive the whole time by flirting with the pirate captain when he saw how submissive her real personality is. Instead of sympathizing or respecting her boundaries, HE CROSSES IT and sexually harassed her then it was glazed over like nothing happened in the next few pages, apparently, if he saw a girl shaving her armpits he would totally stay and look at her shaving her armpits so he just shave his beard in front of the pirate girl who is distressed or embarrassed to look at him shaving despite her asking for him to stop shaving in front of her and he found her reactions funny?
Now, that is fine, I understand that it is a manga and it would be funny if it happened fictionally whether it be man or women, but pick at least 1 core personality trait and stick to it and so it wouldn't be that infuriating, but seeing the MC flip-flopping around is not enjoyable for me.
Then there's that alcohol scene, for a salary man who worked in a black company, he's super weak to alcohol for whatever reason, surely the company or co-worker invited him out to drink a few times right? If he can't handle his alcohol then he should have been fired instead of working at that place, but "there's not enough info about his past world life so that get a pass" over my dead body. The more you think about that alcohol scene, the less sense it makes, because why would a salary man who seems to have no friends, and implied shitty co-workers and boss, and worked in a black company, not rely on alcohol for stress relief? If it is not alcohol then what did he rely on for stress relief before coming to this? Looking at thin books? Cause it don't look like it since he didn't make any reference to thin books or adultery, but he does have some knowledge of how sex works or has some level of sex ed in his head. Oh, maybe he was an exhibitionistic freak since he gone out in his birthday suit in that one chapter? Doesn't seem like he really did it for stress relief back in the original world and he didn't get fired so it mustn't be that right?
He didn't miss the modern games, he didn't miss the convenience of internet, and he didn't even miss his family from the original world, so what sort of personality he should have? Fucking blank until the author makes up whatever bullshit he wants?
The girls he makes are interesting and somewhat likeable too and I enjoyed their interactions between each other when their personality is consistent, except for the MC who seems to break his consistency every now and then
Captain Westwood II - 1699099851
The MC is basically a Denji from Chainsaw man, except that he has common sense, not that simp-ish and not as creepy, and is somewhat? of a functional human being in human society. He also get girls.

I really liked how the beginning started off, it has a lot of depth that I had to spent a lot of time reading a page and comprehending it, I really liked how the romances are setup.
Unfortunately, since it has a comedy tag a lot of those depth in later chapters got swallowed by characters that has interesting personality "Quirks" and "Aspects" that I didn't need to spend a lot of time to comprehend the pages.

I would recommend this manga if you have a lot of time to spend on your hand, but if you don't got the time, then it won't be enjoyable. It's like eating a bar of black chocolate with a 80% cacao content, enjoyable if savored but awful if rushed
Well, the translator seems to be more of an amateur hobbyist, so this might be the only update we'll all ever get until he decide to translate it again or another translator pick it up
Captain Westwood II - 1698845660
They just caught a lolicon spirit in the previous chapter? I swear, if it is a Deus Ex Machina to move the plot along, I'm gonna be pissed
Captain Westwood II - 1698550303
Huh, the translators are redoing the chapters? I wonder what happened to cause that? What is page 26 talking about; the page above the 26?
Captain Westwood II - 1697965190
Oh... I expected a more silly outcome or conclusion but looks like it narrowed down to it being "I was secretly working to get a gift". Not that there's anything wrong with it. I expected the misunderstanding to last until he show up with a gift in his hand, but this plotline works too I guess.
Captain Westwood II - 1697867689
The background is still inconsistent, the manga author looks like it has some quality control problems either with themselves or the assistants. The characters can be as pretty as the author want but if the background's quality is inconsistent or has lots of empty backgrounds, it will just ruin the experience. It really need more time to polish itself, either their editors are not allowing time extension or the author is not managing it well enough
He ripped it off of her dress, he didn't really suck the gem out. Then again, having the panel being that small didn't help that much
Some said disqus want to distance themselves from pirate sites, now we have someone saying Disqus are doing questionable practices? I wonder which one is true and false?
Captain Westwood II - 1697726722
Did they really need to get rid of disqus and use the new comment system?