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Captain Westwood II
1499 points
56 Comment(s)
93 Upvote(s)
Captain Westwood II - 1718298371
I wonder if they'll really let the Vegapunk Judas live after the recording tried to expose the meaning of D to the world, or she'll just live a life of a caged bird?
Captain Westwood II - 1718004085
Hm, is it dead again?
Captain Westwood II - 1716896342
Oh right, completely forgot that the girl actually gives off an exotic scent that attract spirits to haunt her
She basically told them to marry each other. Look at her obscured word bubble then compare it to what Nico said, it ended with an N
Robert G. Ingersoll “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power,”
He's basically the embodiment of that phrase.

Well, it is true that he try to be evil but, he's just too good of a person. Now that he has power, he's just displaying his true nature out front, except that it has been twisted by his past life's trauma.
It also doesn't help that the people around him have morality on the galactic scale while he base his morality around the planetary scale.

This universe literally have aristocrats building an entire planet filled with lavish brothel where they kidnap the prettiest women just so the lord have private access to it. A pleasure planet for the lord's personal use and no one else. And almost no one bats an eye at it since it is considered a somewhat normal vice. While we would be mind boggled at the fact that someone made such a planet by our moral standards
Captain Westwood II - 1714313019
Well, I find it absolutely hilarious at the way the author derails the story as well as incorporating elements of Buddhism into it.
The heart sutra is so funny to me since I am chinese so I could literally hear him reciting it.

But I could also imagine how devastated some of the more conservative chinese would be if they read this chapter
Captain Westwood II - 1714111176
I'm gonna be disappointed if nobody bring up any counterpoints about his so called "Evidence". In their world, were there such cases where a human became a raid boss or a boss? The memory sharing is one thing but that video is just too weak, it just show a child freezing a big monster, how does that evidence even point to her becoming a boss? If anything that is even more of a reason to doubt the future sight thing
Captain Westwood II - 1713927750
Oh, it turned into a manga. I hope it keeps the same pacing as the novel. Something to not be rushed over and built up slowly, where it give ample focus to side-characters and world-building, and not just the main characters
Captain Westwood II - 1713722492
Apocalypse is in play? Damn, I wonder what crazy things he can do with that sentient book. I'm excited to see what they be cooking next chapter
I am Chinese though, is that bad?
Captain Westwood II - 1713183134
Oh, damn. Was my guess right or is it something else entirely?
This story has Bakarina qualities to it, but it take a slightly different approach with its storyline, and the protagonist is... well, stupid but not as stupid as Catarina I suppose
Oh, I have adblock so I didn't realize that
Captain Westwood II - 1712888529
I might as well put this site here for everyone at this point.
It is a site that uses MTL or GPT to translate mangas or manhuas; mostly manhuas
It ain't pretty but it has no censorship atleast.
You can select which language you want to translate the story into at the top.
Apparently it is a website with loads of intrusive ads, so make sure you have an adblock
Pretty boring by my standards, although the villain is pretty sub-standard, the other characters have nothing special to them like almost all other Isekai. It might as well be another Point A to Point B Isekai

Incredibly convenient Villain, Incredibly convenient coincidences that let the protagonist live, Incredibly convenient side-characters who are surprisingly supportive of the protagonist on first meeting. Makes the former main /secret main lead of the otome game fall in love with her fairly quickly for whatever reason
Demons are good, humans are bad.

Another story with no real substance that differentiate it from others, like a villain that have compelling reason, or the story having a mix of both good and bad from the humans and demons, or an intriguing political landscape. Just like almost all other Isekais I have read
Oh, it is the translators? That is fucking stupid, what's the point of censoring when everyone who will be reading this are adults or teens at best on a pirate site? I thought it was from the author's themselves which is forgivable but translators? Not so much.

Now, I understand why they asked people who are reading their translation to donate to them instead of directly to the author now.
Selfish fucking hypocrites, the lot of them
Well, at the start of the novel or manga sometime after some chapters, it is the empire that lost, we did see some journalist interviewing some folks to learn about Tanya some long chapters ago.
Captain Westwood II - 1710659428
Why is it that the story always have to make things convenient for the Villains to pull this off in the city street?
Captain Westwood II - 1709016469
The adaptation from novel into manga is alright I suppose. Missing a few pieces here and there but being able to see a visual representation is good enough for me
You're absolutely right about, but just because he was dealt a bad hand in life doesn't excuse those creepy behaviors. If those can be excused because he was dealt a bad hand, then a lot of those cases can be applied to criminals and juvenile kids in detention in real life, and that wouldn't be good. The only reason we end up liking Denji is because we could literally read his life story and understand where those behavior comes from.

Liking a character or a person doesn't mean those bad parts or flaws should be ignored and pretend that it doesn't effect the people around them. Besides, the people Denji is surrounded with is extraordinary, so his flaws or behavior issues that would become a problem in a normal situation wouldn't get the chance to shine much in such extraordinary circumstances. but it made for exciting storytelling and characterization.

Honestly, your line of reasoning for Denji seems similar to people on the internet saying that Makima isn't "Evil" since she just made due with what was given to her, I mean sure, her circumstances shaped her into the Control Devil that we know of in the manga until her rebirth but how does that excuse her previous incarnation's actions? Yet despite being evil, people like her anyway, and people like Denji despite exhibiting creepy behaviors a couple of times.

Despite his flaws, I like him anyway