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RangaTempest - 1705776386
Kind of hope he divulges his secret as a regressor soon to his close allies now, especially that he has regained the temporal book.
RangaTempest Arang - 1705456386
I think its less flamme created those spells BUT, that her work and research lead to/paved the way for their creation, hence why there are so many mages that specialize in so many diffrent kinds of spells and there are so many "useless" spells out in the world.

Because people are now constantly inventing new spells, flamme meant that her work would ensure that frieren would never be able to collect and learn all the spells that the hundreds and thousands of people keep churning out over the decades.
RangaTempest Kirk Beam - 1705437454
The question then is, does it take place before or after rudi's time?

Part of me does want this to connect if only to have the plot threads left loose from after rudi's time, like nanahoshi's fate/if rudi's family ever help her return back to japan.

Or why nanahoshi and her friends were summoned in the first place, thus allowing for rudi to be reincarnated and also causing the mana disaster.
RangaTempest CdaddyB - 1705327154
Technically it is, the tower is "another world"
RangaTempest - 1704722915
The heck is a trivia tree?
So the thing is with the "MC is banished from the party for being useless, but is actually OP and the core of the party so it falls apart in his absence" trope stories is there is schadenfreude in seeing the old party suck/collapse without the MC but IMO for the story to continue on, that shouldn't be a theme that carries on forever.

That is to say especially with this lot, who seem to think their weakness is due to a curse and not because of the curses they were benefiting from gaile, they will never learn and if kept relevant as part of the story long term will over stay/get annoying, which IMO they are borderline there already.

About all I want in terms of updates is to know they are working some where crummy and hopefully that is the last we ever heard from them...

On the off chance this has a novel, any one care to spoil me to that extent of my above rant? also curious where if the story continues it goes from here.
RangaTempest Whoamist - 1704142863
Did you forget? lord was kind of a moron and only recently realized the error of his ways and put his son in charge in the process.

His son only pulled all this nonsense once all his people were in position and the fool of a former lord probably didn't even notice it all happening, coincidently likely the former lords methods of raising his son caused him to become this twisted in the first place...
RangaTempest Bread - 1703459267
Have you not been reading from start to finish?

That would put Aless the planet he is currently on at risk of being discovered by humanities enemy.

Moreover this world has something unique and not found on any other human civilization, namely: Magic.

He's playing sim city to rebuild their tech and fleet from scratch on this planet, hence why they wanted orphans.
Honestly way better than the previous attempt... the pace was worse in the one before the 2022 reboot.

That said there were important parts to the prologue as well... but spent way too much time and effort on the wall street/investor nonsense...

Though likely thats also how the novel was written.
It made sense, he finally had fully subdued the financial world, the only real major thing to write about was him regrinding his stats again, though maybe some events signifigant to flash back to once "D" day occurs but likely mostly inconsequential compared to the change the world is about to undergo.

Truthfully glad its finally moving past all the finance B.S. this remake did a better job but, for a regressor/inverse isekai story, have been more than ready for the "otherworld" (isekai) to start invading (? if that is even what its called/considered)
Can't say for certainty but I think he likely isn't fully SS yet based on the conversation exchange sun and Johnathan just had "think you will make it in time?"

The main issue beyond time seemed like dungeon ranking, from the previous chapter sun was talking about how many B rank dungeons he would have to run/time it would take to get back to S/possibly cap out at SS running only B ranks.

My theory is that B rank dungeons may be the highest rank dungeons availably until "D" day. Hence why his growth is slow for what seems to be 8 years time skip.

Again a tad bit of speculation there but based on insinuation in the last few chapters I think I'm pretty close to guessing right... any novel readers care to correct me should I be wrong? I don't mind being spoiled.
RangaTempest Arcryser - 1703261152
When the whole pediatrician was garaki (back when his first appearance was just a silhouette next to AFO) my theory was deku's original quirk assuming he did in fact have one, and it was stolen from him was:

Hyper Reneration. My reasoning is twofold, a combination of a fire quirk aka kenetic/energy manipulation, and his mothers ability to move small objects aka control/manipulation of small objects, therefore a fusion/evolution of the two would be manipulating the energy of cells/regeneration in other words. The second reason, was the content of the conversation between AFO and doctor garaki before their faces were fully revealed specifically talked about the hyper regeneration quirk, which I guess is pointed in explaining how AFO was still alive after his "final" show down with all might but I think it was meant to be more than that.

That said, I honestly do thing originally deku having his own quirk that was stolen was a plot thread that was meant to play out, there was a time where horikoshi had an editor (who is notoriously bad... why the hell would they put him on MHA their best comic??) who may have caused horikoshi to dramatically pivot how he was going to do things. For example, nine from ... the 3rd? movie was originally meant to be part of the final arc of this story, but got used up as part of a movie plot instead.
I don't think so? hawks' vestiage within AFO said that would be too much of a fan service?

Though... if that is the case... and the really old theory that deku originally had a quirk but it was stolen from him...

My take specifically on it was if that theory was valid, deku's original quirk was hyper regeneration. Fire/energy and the ability to manipulate/control small things (cells) but also, the first time AFO and doctor garaki was shown (in his villainous capacity before we found out for sure he was the OG pediatrician that saw deku chapter/episode 1) the conversation brought up how it was a shame that they didn't find the hyper regeneration quirk sooner.

I find this even more impactful in so much that doctor garaki's true face wasn't revealed till way later in the series compared to AFO THE MAIN FUCKING BAD GUY... almost.

I believe the no talent editor that horikoshi was given for a bit fucked up his original plan/path for the story though, that plot thread may be off the table all together, or maybe just was never a thing in the first place, but with garaki, head of multiple hospitals and orphanages, acting as a general nobody pediatrician and to give such a non challant explination to deku being quirkless in an era where that should be nearly unheard of given both his parents were... 2nd? 3rd? generation quirk users...

Oh well, we shall see in the coming chapters.
RangaTempest noname - 1703260292
Probably not? something about shirataki's unbridled hatred for everything allows him to over come the wills of OFA, but the way AFO was talking it sounded like he needed take over shigaraki's body to do so.

Or maybe it is that shigaraki could steal OFA now, but there is little point in doing so, only AFO is obsessed with doing so due to it being his brother's quirk, and "his" possession.

Where as shigaraki just wants to see the world burn and has more than enough power without long as he can take deku out.
He was a good villian, I liked to hate him is how I'd phrase it.

Was written perfectly detestable.
Are you daft? he's a villain, no where near as manganous or concerned with raising the next generation as much as ruling over all in fear.

It was painfully obvious once we knew that consciousness existed within quirk factors that AFO wanted to take over shigaraki's body since his original body even with doctor garaki's help was a wreck/REQUIREDE a life support device/mask.

That is to say this was a predictable path of the story telling, I'm honestly just surprised that AFO failed to take over shigaraki. Had assumed that was an inevitability.
Doubt she will remain so after summon, look at sil, she's only small when manifesting in our world technically.
RangaTempest - 1703130251
Thought some one uploaded the wrong pages for a second there in the middle of the chapter, glad I continued reading though x.x
Clean...ish ending... shoulda left out that third play part if the series was going to end there... or is this based on a novel?