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I think the dad has a hard time walking a fine balance between being supportive of Mr. Main Character vs keeping him in check - as you wouldn't want your kids to do something you feel would be really bad for them.
It is hard for the dad to maintain the case of "you're failing at life" when his son is independent, successful enough to remain independent - as well as aiming to buy a home - and also married.
DocDoguuAh. So what he did was testing who got programmed. Those who didn't respond to the song were not programmed. Well... No wonder why brain injury means nothing to that guy... Hard to suffer lasting brain problems when your brain is already mostly mush.
daverboyShe's not just the student of Granny, she's also related to Sophia Alexander from Lookism. Valentina's not a wall of muscle like Sophia is, but I suppose durability must still run in the family
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