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857 points
141 Comment(s)
34 Upvote(s)
Caerulean Conan_Senpai - 1726706807
Caerulean - 1712466892
Not me being genuinely upset that 「コンコーン♬」 was translated as "knock knock" instead of literally anything related to the sound a fox makes.
Caerulean - 1710902593
Somehow, the way the artist draws teeth makes everything 10x funnier.
Caerulean - 1710895922
My god, that titty monster miko ate ~$5000 worth of food in a famires. Absolutely bizonkers.
Caerulean - 1710891737
Caerulean Arc - 1710884239
Caerulean - 1710882855
What the smurf did you just smurfing say about me, you little smurf? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Smurfs, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Smurfda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in smurf warfare and I’m the top smurfer in the entire US smurfed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the smurf out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my smurfing words. You think you can get away with saying that smurf to me over the smurfternet? Think again, smurfer. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of smurfs across the USA and your IP is being smurfed right now so you better prepare for the smurf, maggot. The smurf that smurfs out the pathetic little smurf you call your life. You’re smurfing dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over smurf hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare smurfs. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed smurfbat, but I have access to the entire smurfsenal of the United States Smurf Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable smurf off the face of the continent, you little smurf. If only you could have known what unsmurfy smurftribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your smurfing tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re smurfing the price, you smurfing idiot. I will smurf fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re smurfing dead, kiddo.
Caerulean - 1710878961
I miss Amon, such a cool character design. I wonder if we'll see him again. ... I guess Lilith can come too.
Caerulean - 1710878411
Chapters feel hella short.
Caerulean - 1710877871
I wonder when gates will become cliche enough for someone to write a story where the people in the world are actually aware that gates are usually a form of terraforming and a precursor to the true invasion.
Caerulean - 1710877273
Fried chicken and cold beer is absolutely goated
Caerulean - 1710873073
If earth progressed 10,000 years and he couldn't go back to anything familiar, it might be better to be stuck in a game. But, I would prefer if he was an NPC like Great Mechanic Han instead of another generic op player.

Caerulean - 1710870303
sigh... MC is truly painfully stupid, at basically every turn. Let's see how the author will wipe his ass for him once again.
Caerulean - 1710823432
Assuming there wasn't a translation error, and the cat is out of the bag that the sun god is actually the girl statue, then it's possible that other gods are actually youths as well, so maybe the one who visited the blacksmith is a god who came to visit in order to help him breakthrough his crafting bottleneck.

As to the second half of the chapter... What a clown show.
Caerulean - 1710819455
What kind of idiot would summon after starting the boss fight. Especially on a random chance. You have an eternity to sit and summon till you get a good amount before starting the fight. Honestly this whole manhwa is really trash so far. It promised a hard support priest, but now he's just a death knight with yellow particle effects? So stupid. Why am I still reading it you say? Nothing better to do, fite me.
Caerulean - 1710817667
So tired of necromancy pollution in Korean works. Hopefully this is a one time gimmick, even though he's already made plans to use a full equipment loadout made of bones and a necromancer's staff... Does this guy have any concept of heresy or blasphemy? Does the sun god not care? What's kind about desecrating the dead?

Btw was that a mistranslation back when the sun god was a she? Is that little girl statue the real sun god?
Caerulean - 1710814034
MC's current class is basically priest of the church of the sun, somehow there is a super awesome mythic class and its called... Wait for it... priest of the sun. What a terrible name for something that's supposed to be world topplingly amazeballs.