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  • A sneaky snake trying to cause chaos? Meh

    The stupid snake hurting little Biyoo?!

  • Poor dog, loyal to the end ):
    • P
      Duke is probably the revolutionary
      • T
        999+ points2 months ago
        Hm...I don't think he would be. After all, the Revolutionary needs to kill the Duke. The scenario would be fucked if the Duke can be the Revolutionary. It is however much more likely that the Revolutionary serves the Duke. Why? If the Revolutionary is on the Duke's side, he has to never fear him and as long as he keeps the Revolutionary alive, there will be no other Revolutionary either. It is actually quite the sound strategy.
        • Wandering GhostPageOneDuke is probably the revolutionary
          999+ points2 months ago
          Ye he is
          • Han YoojinWandering Ghost
            999+ points2 months ago
            He is not.

            He WAS one before, but not in the current scenario.
        • L
            • I'm a bit confused, I thought Kim wasn't a constellation yet? How is he able to influence the channel?
              • ZahanduModernAgnarr
                999+ points2 months ago
                Dokja is a constellation. He became a constellation after the banquet, when he was resurrected and gained his 5th fable (or story). but he didn't have any modifier at that time until he sacrificed himself to become the demon king and saved his friends thus his modifier is "Demon King of Salvation"
                • 999+ points2 months ago
                  Ahhh, but if I remember correctly, that modifier is temporary, right?
                  • ZahanduModernAgnarr
                    999+ points2 months ago
                    no, I don't think it's temporary
                    • 999+ points2 months ago
                      Ahh, I confused the modifier for the 73rd demon king. I get it now, ty.
                      • N
                        359 points1 month ago
                        It will be his modifier tille the end, he's a constellations but also an incarnation, so he can do a bit of what constellations do, but if he pushes too much the plausibility or whatever it was called falls upon him and he receives some punishment since constellations cannot mess directly into the scenario
                • Suicidal_KiraModernAgnarrI'm a bit confused, I thought Kim wasn't a constellation yet? How is he able to influence the channe...
                  88 points2 months ago
                  he still is a constellation considering he used the constellation aura (idr the name) a few chapters ago, it's probably cuz of his 73rd demon king authority he can use that name for the channel.
                • P
                  NOOO I CAUGHT UP馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶
                  • Oh shit, i got cought up, 20-245 in 2 and half days, interesting and great so far so good, maann i wish i could read more
                    • can't wait, can't wait.
                      • Please let the dog constellation be good 馃檹
                        • Why not use the blonde kid to message the constellations he wants to come to the channel?
                          • T
                            999+ points2 months ago
                            But he has nothing enticing to lure them, apart from his shared interest with the Black Flame Dragon.
                            • Croaker512Thatch Netherfold
                              999+ points2 months ago
                              How about the fact that Kim dokja is there? I think that would be enticing enough for the ones he likes and that like him.
                              • T
                                999+ points2 months ago
                                Remember, the Dokkaebis are NOT in favor of him. If they know he's still down there (no to mention that most constellations are pottymouths), the game is over when they knew of that before he returns to the scenario.
                                • 86
                                  User-5379458886Croaker512How about the fact that Kim dokja is there? I think that would be enticing enough for the ones he li...
                                  98 points2 months ago
                                  Keep in mind there are 3 nebula's that want Kim dead, while the constellation Wukong, Uriel, secretive, and dragon wouldn't sell them out. It would seem a bit odd for 4 very strong constellations to join a random new channel, wouldn't you say?
                                  • 58
                                    User-9344859858Croaker512How about the fact that Kim dokja is there? I think that would be enticing enough for the ones he li...
                                    838 points2 months ago
                                    well Uriel was already in the realm, so it wouldn't be long for her to find this channel
                                    • RoidofthevoidCroaker512How about the fact that Kim dokja is there? I think that would be enticing enough for the ones he li...
                                      736 points2 months ago
                                      Blond guy/girl doesn't know that hes kim dokja she thinks he yoo joonghyuk.
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                                Adz This man is in love thats why its called BL

                                Chapter 296 - Blue Lock 路 3 minutes ago

                                The_Lurker Alright, back to leaving them behind

                                Chapter 79 - Sounan desu ka? 路 4 minutes ago

                                Mighty Keyboard Warrior Well realistically it probably took EP! only a couple of minutes. It probably took just as long for you to find and upload a meme.

                                Chapter 32 - I鈥檓 Gonna Live with You Not Because My Parents Left Me Their Debt But Because I Like You 路 6 minutes ago

                                Skay24 Well that forest is special, and there will be a lot action to. They don't need rig the competition. As that forest is special almost magical for how it work on the people who enter it. There will assassination attempt on the king...

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                                the Last Archmage Man, where your balls at, bro? She only sees you as a puppet. Man, get that titty out your mouth and move the fuck on.

                                Chapter 42 - Ruling Girl Kubaru-chan 路 7 minutes ago

                                Hent A.I.

                                Chapter 234 - I Am the Fated Villain 路 8 minutes ago

                                Anakin Skywalker I WANT JUSTICE FOR MY MANS IKKAKU!!

                                Chapter 569 - Bleach 路 10 minutes ago

                                Gakuku Just as much as the fact that "women don't like lies".

                                I dare you guys to answer truthfully when women ask whether they look fat.
                                Especially when they ask that while cooking (read: holding 10 inches razor sharp knife or smoking hot 12 inches cast iron frying pan)

                                BTW, I thought face-blindness is just a movie plot. But it's a thing?!!

                                BTW again, then does it makes it hard for ya reading comics? I mean with the chars faces.

                                Chapter 70 - Douyara Watashi No Karada Wa Kanzen Muteki No You Desu Ne 路 13 minutes ago

                                Bob (Rex Bones) Is there a credible source you have on prediabetes that isn't contradicted by another just-as-credible source? Or what exactly the cutoff is for prediabetes? Or what lifestyle changes need to happen to prevent or delay diabetes given a prediabetic diagnosis? I don't remember anyone in residency saying anything about actually medicating it, because it's an arbitrary cutoff that doesn't actually mean anything.

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                                Anakin Skywalker HEHEHEHEHE

                                Chapter 568 - Bleach 路 14 minutes ago

                                Anakin Skywalker man.. the cover art got me tweaking... looks like it's time for a little "sparring" with the younglings...
                                (lights the Youngling Slayer 2000)

                                Chapter 567 - Bleach 路 16 minutes ago

                                Diddy leveling Bro 15 minutes 馃檶馃檶 that's a lot of time

                                Chapter 32 - I鈥檓 Gonna Live with You Not Because My Parents Left Me Their Debt But Because I Like You 路 17 minutes ago

                                Midnight_Phoenix He'd just do it

                                and i can't upload nike's logo so just imagine it

                                Chapter 2 - Absolute Dominion 路 20 minutes ago

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