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Seem like it work as some sort of system shock, his body is resilant to blast so explosions shouldn't destroy his internal organs, what can it do is makings his heart beat again.
i dont think sweat could be carried deep enough, mostly its just stuck in his foreskin. its kinda tight if you stab a human bro , stop covering author nonsense logic lmao.i woulnt bother anyway since its anime logic doesnt exsist at some point.
Wtf is this new systemHateMeSeem like it work as some sort of system shock, his body is resilant to blast so explosions shouldn'...
First off, what detonated it, I want to know that. Secondly, just because it didn't damage his organs doesn't mean it has to Jumpstart his nervous system. Lastly how did it Jumpstart his nervous system, thermal energy can't Jumpstart a nervous system dude
Well, that's what Part 8's Kira Yoshikage is known for. A doctor who work on a ship that use his stand [KILLER QUEEN] by creating dozens micro-sized [SHEER HEART ATTACK] to creat micro explosion that is just enough to destroy blood cloathing that block arteries.
That's not what's happening. Jesus is that hard for readers to read and actually use their brain. The explosion didn't heal Bakugo, you can clearly see how badly injured he is. Edgeshot helped heal him, but the explosion is what got his heart pumping again. I don't care if it is a joke, think.
AFO SHOULD be winning this, but with the power of friendship, Deus Ex Machinas and Horikoshi's awful predictable writing, logic doesn't apply and the man that can kill anything with a single touch or the man with infinite quirks is getting their ass singlehandedly kicked by two kids....
AFO is the most Deus ex Machina to ever exist, he just pulls whatever fucking power he needs. Getting overwhelmed? Super lasers. Got blood-paralysis? Rewrites his whole blood. And that's just in the few last chapters.
HateMe_Lazaroth_AFO SHOULD be winning this, but with the power of friendship, Deus Ex Machinas and Horikoshi's awful...
That's... sort of the point? Like, what do you want? for AFO and Shigaraki to slaugter everyone and plunge the wolrd in chaos? Because this is a hero's tale, and the hero always win, granted, the setting is less than ideal; however, you're enraging at the point of the writers whole idea of "the quirk is only a part of the persone, what that quirk does depends of the will" AFO and Shigaraky use their quirk in a simple manner while everyone around them is fgiving their all to just win.
That's not the point. I've read hundreds of manga, and fyi, in the walking dead comics, the main character Rick is killed by the villain. So the Villains do win sometimes. Thanos won in Infinity war, Satan won in Devilman crybaby, Buu killed all the humans and destroyed the earth, Goku died against cell, Vegeta died against Buu, and so on. It's just that the Villains are set up to be so overpowered, yet the Heroes are beating them not because of their own effort, but because the writing made it that way. They aren't obeying by the laws of the logic of the manga or power systems, they just have the ultimate weapon of being more powerful because Horikoshi says so. They aren't winning on their own volition, it doesn't make sense for them to win, it's just happening because Horikoshi says it is. What's been established is conflicting with what's happening. Based on what Horikoshi himself has set in stone before, THIS RESULT should not be possible, the Villains should be winning. That's bad writing, yes the heroes should almost always win, but you need to establish their means to win rather than just writing it so they can win, even if every odd is stacked against them. There's no grounds for two kids to defeat these Adult villains with much more experience and deadlier quirks without the hesitation to kill or destroy. This is what I mena by the villains should be winning, if Horikoshi was consistent for one day of his life.
You know I said that as a joke, I didn't expect you to vomit all over about how this has been established and such and such when you clearly didn't pay attention to the manga.
The fact of the matter is, they are obeying what was established by the story - AFO has all those quirks but he's still being beaten (barely) at every turn due to his arrogance. The only asspull that's been done thus far that could legitamately be considered an asspull is AFO changing his own blood composition to bypass Stain's Quirkbecause by what's been established in the story in regards to stain's powers.
Shigaraki's quirk is so powerful that him getting to the ground to decay it is the reason why the Heroes made the plan to keep him suspended in the air, and that's been working not because of Horikoshi saying the heroes are more powerful, but because they've made all the contingencies. The only thing straying from that plan was Deku being warped away by Toga.
AFO is arrogant. He's been hyping himself up that he's going to win no matter what happens, and at every turn he's stalled a bit, only for him to assume that he'll win in the end anyway despite the heroes' efforts. If they were established to be more powerful despite AFO clearly having the advantage, then he would've been stopped in his tracks in the first major bout he dealt with, but the man has essentially been wiping the floor with them with their only compensation is that he was stalled for just a few moments, and it's only know he realizes that all the time he's wasted is actually starting to ruin his plans - AKA his arrogance is finally biting him in the ass.
Dabi's been established as this powerful inferno, but it also been established that he's practically a walking corpse because his quirk had a deep flaw in it that would kill him and Shouto was established as the perfect blend, so it makes sense that Shouto would arrive to deliver the finishing touch to end Dabi's terror.
Toga's been established as doing what she does for her own warped view on love, so when Ochako fights her and talks her down (because they had been established as adversaries upon their first meeting) Toga concedes to Ochako's view because she came to understand it when Ochako made the connction to finally get through to Toga. (and Toga's going to sacrifice herself so Ochako can live because Toga loves Ochako and her viewpoint)
These things were established, they're there for you to read it, like really read it and not skim over it.
But in all honesty, I doubt you're going to be convinced - you seem to have this established mindset and refuse to budge on it.
Bakugo's Quirk bringing him back actually makes sense in a way, nitroglycerin is both a powerful explosive and used to treat heart failure in hospitals.
Bakugo's smile is so damn precious.😭 He finally redeemed himself for being partly responsible for All Might's downfall by saving his very life, as well as receiving a gift from him.
I gotta say I have mixed feelings about this plot development. On paper I like a lot of what is happening, AFO getting fucking butthurt at his plans getting reckt, Bakugo finally getting to have his moment with All Might are awesome. But I do not like how we got here. I don't know how you could have fixed this but I gotta say that it irks me when you so heavily tease a character's potential death only to deus ex machina at the eleventh hour. It cheapens the story because you can't help but feel that there are no stakes. Do not make the audience think that a character is in danger only to undercut that later. Either kill the character in question or do not tease their death, especially as heavily as Horikoshi did with Bakugo, All Might, and lets not forget Edgeshot!
Looks like one of 2nd or 3rd user OFA. Why he saw that?1. Maybe bakugo use his quirk, since in movie bakugo use OFA, and we know movie and main story are connected.Or2. Maybe he related to bakugo
SpinelesSHe doesn't get a share of his "pets" experience. He also... not sure if this is in the manga yet so spoiler: He is given a skill by the gods that makes him immune to aggressive attacks (so if any monster attacks him, or he sets off a dungeon's trap) Coupled with the fact that at certain levels he unlocks new shops, there is a real incentive for him to fight and get stronger but he is still a massive coward.
Tim This girl reminds me of Yuucha to Maou; small hero tasked to defeat the demon lord, who doesn't intend to hurt her at all.
When the priestess first started out I figured she would find the actual demon lord, though they could be the princess and she is faking her status screen with a skill, also explains why it acted odd.
[Burnix] and {Akiaraizin}Basically if you put a material under stress, it snaps and pieces explodes everywhere. Not like gunpowder explosion but I think you understand what I'm saying, plus they did mention formation spells, so plus with that it probably had an even more devastating breakdown and sent shrapnel flying everywhere
User-5766752553I guess the shitbag king doesn't want the sister to be freed because he will lose a hostage and rown might start hostile actions agains his domain. He might also lose the confidence of his court and vassals, which could cause revolts.
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