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1318 points
117 Comment(s)
288 Upvote(s)
Kaen69 - 1716186898
Since when king jay has purple eyes?????? I mean shit looks cool. Time to lock in team...
Kaen69 - 1716101411
I find myself enjoying this manhwa with every chapter I read. Such a wonderful feeling.I know kraugel is going to get some sort of a happy ending. I believe in Greed and his snaky little tactician.
WAIT... What??? I am an anime only on Kobayashi maid dragon. Thanks for letting me know imma go read it
Kaen69 User-8353746225 - 1715933783
I understand all the hate you getting. But I have to remind all that this author made DOMESTIC GIRLFRIEND. Don't think that she won't go there. Cause she fuckin can. Remember kids the better the art the higher the chances that the author has or will do ntr
Kaen69 VERNE - 1715933355
Thank you. I genuinely forgot who that was
Kaen69 Kaen69 - 1715933059
I probably should have opened up a dictionary to find some synonyms or some shi. Goddamit the amount of should in this comment
Kaen69 - 1715932907
Okaaaaayyyyyy...There is still couple of chapters left so idk what the author is going to do there. But I have to say there was no surprise in the way this ended. Could the author have used the school years as a better way to devide the story? Yes.Should he have used the side characters better? Yes.There should have been more international heroes, yes. It was the friends we made could have been set up better.And the list of could haves and should haves goes on indeed.But not everyone is the writer we think they could and should be.At the end the message was that in a society of heroes said heroes need heroes of their own. And Horikoshi really tried to show that even heroes fail (All might failing to finish of the villain guy) in more ways than one (allmight's predecessor sensei woman). Deku really did inspire people to act rather than sit and wait for heroes to so all the job. Yes both of these points could have been delivered better. Yes you are disappointed by your expectations. But hey we got some great moments to enjoy and also the worst shipping community to make fun of. All I wish for is for Horikoshi to make a little better plan for his next series and come back to keep delivering that great art of his.(Should you have made a worse comment? Yes. Is a response I can see coming from all the way from sns's grave in the sky)
Kaen69 PointFour - 1715397903
I gotta ask you something. Do you think if the cursed techniques were more versatile the sorcerers could have utilized the binding vows gimmick more. I mean sukuna technique is really just slashes in different forms and given his physique he can sacrifice some things to maximize his technique. But what can choso sacrifice for his? Or hakari? Or even gojo? The techniques we have seen are so set in stone that sacrificing anything to gain a buff in any form seems like a complete mistake. Like you said miwa sacrificing her cursed technique didn't give her jackshit. But that situation also causes some other questions. Sukuna isn't sacrificing anything major but he is gaining so much in the process while miwa sacrificed her whole technique and gained basically 0.5% buff. Idk if there is much sense made in this text but I hope you find something to respond to.
Kaen69 - 1715347558
All the build up. All the fuckin mockings from illiterate so called fans who lack basic reading comprehension(no problems in the previous chapters are not being denied by this statement). Just to finally see the vision. Horikoshi sensei I finally see the vision. DO YOUR BEST DEKU DO YOUR FUCKIN BEST.
Kaen69 - 1715347122
It really is a shame that only sukuna uses binding vows in such ways. So many opportunities could have been given to so many characters. But no the author has something for those 4 arms I guess
Kaen69 Litheria - 1714974871
Nah dog, it's just my dumb ass didn't put any fuckin punctuation. Sorry...
Kaen69 - 1714804179
I gotta whiteboard vibe from pennheimer ripThe jokes are on pointWomen are hotArt is crispAnd life is goodWhat else a manhwa junkie can ask for
Kaen69 ZXZZ66 - 1714803758
Surely will do. Thank you for letting me know
Kaen69 - 1714542822
I saw in the 6 different manga's chapters a comment saying thank you for the translation. Such a heartwarming thing. Imma join in, thank you guys for the translation and thank you for the community for being here to share the hype
Kaen69 TheThird - 1714421075
Sir I believe you thought you were commenting under rent a girlfriend or something of that sort. This has 7 chapters (so far) give the author some room to breathe
Kaen69 - 1714143133
Admin please update
Kaen69 - 1714143099
Admin please update shonen jump series
Kaen69 - 1713902777
Seeing all these people saying "ah yes just like I taught it was him, hmmm, yessssss" makes me question how much attention was I paying when reading this webtoon this whole time like really? Honestly didn't even question who the killers was. So it wasn't that important to me anyway. But the way the fourth wall has been acting these couple of chapters really makes me curious on the real intent and or mission of the fourth wall. Is this another sukuna kurama kind of shpeel where someone powerful is sealed inside an unsuspecting victim? Maybe I dunno. But I am indeed having fun reading this weakly.Thank you author san. Very cool
Kaen69 - 1713755076
Goddamit I NEED a spicier manhwa by this artist. AND I NEED IT YESTERDAY.
Kaen69 - 1713100673
Nah author-san I don't care if his whole family was exterminated you aren't getting any sympathy points out of me for that fucker nuh-uh. Fuck him up Vinny beat him both in the match and after the match. Break his bike and his legs.