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1318 points
117 Comment(s)
288 Upvote(s)
Kaen69 User-5363851124 - 1718912737
Gears are not a necessity as far as we understand to achieve awakening. It's just how Luffy got it.amd her fruit is based on her believing in a possible future. She believes in a future where she can be absolutely free just like Nika so here she is.
Kaen69 Kirida Ryuji - 1718911724
I wouldn't say it's the focus point of her character. We have the MCs and the side characters decisions and actions revolve around them. This is a work of fiction with a pov focused on the Main character be it through paneling or the thoughts and actions of the side characters. On the more realistic note it's hard to pinpoint what mistakes and experiences stick to your memory from your childhood. As we saw this chapter gojo was important for her and she felt like he betrayed her by choosing Hina dolls. While of course you are entitled to your opinion and I am, in no shape or form, here to tell how you should feel about a piece of fiction, I would like to remind that people react differently to the same situations. Let alone to completely different situations.
Kaen69 - 1718593746
Chapters get so chaotic when the author uses all the GFS, don't get me wrong I love it. I just hope he can keep this up
Kaen69 Demonslender - 1718340872
But anytime we saw conquerors haki clash the sky devided and users never got thrown into opposite direction. I mean I would understand if only one of them was sent flying that would mean the one that got sent away had weaker conquerors haki. Until further clarification we can't say anything 100% for sure. But maybe you are indeed correct and that's just conquerors
Kaen69 - 1718300839
So kitetsu blades have some sort of a resonance feature. And the vice admirals are trying so hard to up the stock value. That panel where 4 elders jump the iron giant looks meme worthy idk. But the part of the message that has been cut off I don't see any reason to try and guess it in English. I gotta see what the Japanese audience thinks and what do library of Ohara and sandman_ap say on the matter. But overall good chapter. See y'all next week
Kaen69 ZHIEND - 1717629062
She can drain them both and still be thirsting for more.
Kaen69 - 1717479805
The indomitable human spirit is real, and it lives inside a cop. The author delivers hope even in this absolutely shitty situation. I see your hope author san I will search to find the same hope in me too. Thank you author san
Kaen69 - 1717343828
I'm have a feeling her and that one wandering singer gf are going to be great friends.
Kaen69 - 1716707454
This is the long awaited semifinal for the main plot tournament. Build all the suspension u want ain't no way hummingbird looses here. But the race is still enjoyable
Kaen69 User-5373952318 - 1716519203
I respect your opinion. However I have to share mine. In the diagram you shared it shows the current sea level is above or at least the same level as the tops of the buildings in the ancient wano. We don't have exact heights for buildings so the sea lvl being at the top of them can easily mean a lot of things. But I agree that it seems like even the old wano was a higher located island as you said. But maybe the walls weren't meant for isolation exclusively but also future proofing against the usage of the ancient weapon. An extreme precautions against an extreme threat.
Kaen69 - 1716482596
Wano made the borders to LITERALLY protect itself but ultimately met the same fate. THANK YOU GOD FOR MAKING ME A ONE PIECE FAN.
Kaen69 TruePurpleMK - 1716397324
I mean the things you are suggesting are massive things that will take a considerable funding and change of public perception. I am not even going to mention the backlash you would get from the wealthy and the powerful. And again I do agree with you on the things you suggest but I believe you are clearly not taking everything into account and your suggestions need some sort of rework taking into account the real applications of these changes.
Kaen69 TruePurpleMK - 1716299174
abolishing things that give huge profits to those in control is a challenge much greater than many realise. And I believe the first step for that is to teach people that it is possible that together we are indeed strong. What we need is to first realise identify and abolish all the "bad" things, and secondly find a clear-cut goal to strive for. But alas that won't happen and all these theoretical discussions will forever be bound to the comment section for a work of fiction. Let's hope for a better future while striving to do our best without sacrificing our values
Kaen69 User-8295855828 - 1716288523
one might say a horny path even

Kaen69 TruePurpleMK - 1716288474
I fundamentally disagree. Firstly socialism is great on paper. But so is capitalism. But all these systems forget that people in the grand scheme of things are scummy. We put people in charge to "represent" us but we neglect to see that we are "choosing" the ones begging to be chosen and not the ones fit for the role. And I'm not talking about the US here. The so-called "functioning" socialist countries are not purely socialists either. they looked at socialism and every other political regime and chose the things that could work in their context. Some countries did the opposite. Like my home country was part of the USSR. After the fall of the Soviets, we didn't take the best parts of socialism but the worst parts of the Bolshevik movement. And now the economy is collapsing moreover the people don't trust the government the police or the judiciary systems. That is leading to more corruption. Long story short every country has its history and using that history people with a more in-depth understanding of said history should use their knowledge to actually make a custom version of a given socioeconomic regime. And I would also add that a pure socialist country and a pure capitalist country both will fail but due to different reasons. On a side note, I wasn't expecting a political discussion under a manga where the current plot mission is to get a high school boy's balls back. but hey it is what it is
Kaen69 AGuyInARoom - 1716287816
you love to see it

Kaen69 Arnish - 1716268659
You gotta try man. You need to find that equally degenerate friend
Kaen69 - 1716260259
Look I get it shit is fire no cap. Just try to explain this to someone who has never read or watched this cursed. But make sure to be enthusiastic and try to convince them this is the best piece of fiction. And make sure to describe the fight scenes to the best of your ability. And if you succeed let me know how u did it. I tried but failed 3 times lol
Kaen69 - 1716258268
I am a weebI'm an extreme anime fan if you willAn avid manga reader evenUpon thousands of chapters of manga I have read since 2017, I have cried or gotten seriously emotional a few times.Only one piece has made me cry more than once. That is also one of the many reasons I love one piece. That is until today when I read this chapter of Dandadan. I remember getting very emotional during some other ghosts back stories, but today, the author got a tear out of me again. I can confidently say that this manga keeps surprising me with emotions I thought I wouldn't get from it. The consistently fabulous art that is done by hand(I recently found out that the main line work is done by hand like wtf????). I still need to see the consistency go on a little bit longer and for it to stick the landing to confidently say that this is easily top 10 manga for me.But right now even right now it's easily 8/10. I hope to see this get big and get a great anime.
Kaen69 TruePurpleMK - 1716257121
Great comment. However I would like to add something. Capitalism in it's original state or the way it's intended to exist isn't the only issue. The existence of super massive corporations and their involvement in the government issues is a problem that must not exist. The human greed that is left unchecked by the government is spearheading this issue. The government that is supposed to be by people and for the people is working as a greedy company trying to make the most profit during their elected period. We the people who have allowed this government to rise and prosper. We are at fault for these types of deaths and we again are at fault for failing them as a society. The more generations go on allowing this to continue the more people will suffer be it their choice or be it a result of our choices.