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Demonh8 - 1722990426
BTW did Sakura Become a Born Again?
maybe they go even further and *gasp* they will hold hands
Demonh8 - 1722990161
Well. for those who complained about the lack of future couple on the ending, i just love both issues XD
Demonh8 - 1722962040
The moment you realize, yes, you have a waifu, and you have to improve your game now XD
Demonh8 HateMe - 1722961484
well, big empires carried blacksmiths with them on long campaigns, obviously, a blacksmith needs a forge, and that's a very slow and difficult to move placement, so having a crafstman who can make repairs and improvements on the field, and not only to weapons and armor, but to the movil command posts and whatever you use to protect food, horses, medicaments and potions and injured personal, that's a huge asset to any army, especially one that want's to hit as fast and as hard as they can, obviously an average citizen has not much posibility to show this to the king, but a noble, he could have trained and use he's position to prove he's point, i can garantee you that not soldier in this world is gonna trash or humilliate a Mechanic (unless is on an stupid movie), because they keep the army moving, are you gonna bully and humilliate the medic who is patching soldiers in the front? heck no, same in the old days, yes you could be a berserker who killss dozens with your bare hands, but you never gonna humilliate the people who make your food, or the ones who make your weapons and armor, unless of course, you want to find yourselve alone in the middle of the enemy army.
Demonh8 - 1722877591
Well, not bad, i mean the noble could have make more effort to demonstrate that crafter are useful as backup on a battlefield, after all, what good is an army if they don't have weapons or armors, what power an army can have if they don't have a confortable place to rest before the battle, i mean, those are the kind of things that a true warrior knows and cares for, and if they have that, they will be loyal to the one who gives them those things, that's an angle i never see explored in this kind of stories.
Demonh8 - 1722877035
i don't know you, but this tenkaichi Budokai arc, it's feelling really boring.
Demonh8 - 1722788923
ok, so who's surviving you enjoyed more, Pai the boobied girl, or the Shield Guy who return to hes wife?
Demonh8 - 1722788400
ah, the 10% "theory" a theory that never existed, but stupid people repeat like if it was a fundamental rule, well stupid people still believes that there is a definition of madness, and that democracy works.
Work adicts don't exist, that' a gringo stupidity, a person who overfocus on it's job has a mental problem, not even economic problems but mental, of course, gringos has one of the worst mental healt systems on the world, well it's not like ours it's so much better, but families and friends, heck even neighboors are usually more supportive than what gringos have.
So a person who overfocus on work has a mentan issue, and when that issue is subdued or dealed with, that person priorities change, many times inmediatly, so they focus on being happy and if a family or helping others make them happy, well that what they gonna do.
If you are overfocusing on your work, don't even think it, get help, if your family, friends, or health system doedn't help you, well sadly, you gonna have to be your own help, i mean is uber hard, but is doable, sodon't overfocus on anything, try to get balance on your life, Remember, you have to work, you have to study, you have to eat and you have to play, that's the way to live a long happy life.
Demonh8 - 1722631219
well, that was actually a good ending for this arc, the princess is growing up, the escape was pretty logical and the antagonist is still free to cause more trouble, plus humilliating some stupid guards, it's a nice end of this arc
Demonh8 - 1722618428
How this become, so boring, certanly the MX is not an action Heroine, or Villanese, but wasn't an useless dumb monkey before, now she seems to be the avatar of the most useless damsel in distress ever, what in 7 hells happened?
Demonh8 - 1722618060
Well, we have a teaser trailer, and it looks very good, hopefully the anime won't get picked by hidive and everything will be ok
Demonh8 - 1722464382
Smooth, i always liked the Herbalist, a nice person who knows who is worth it, also like the new, what did they call it? entourage, or something like that, and the prince getting all tsundere.
Demonh8 - 1722355646
good, i tought this series wa axed, i'm glad it's back
Demonh8 - 1722286255
Nice combo, now is sushi time XD, oh wait wrong dungeon manga XD
Demonh8 - 1722267238
Domb monkey: Oh they are just like the avengers
No stupid Disney Brainless Monkey, they are a traditional Japanese Small Factory Team.