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  • S
    Another good chapter
    • 39
      "These nuts" he said.😁
      • 999+ points4 months ago
        And then the gods Smite him for being hubris
        • He was supposed to have a relaxing second life. It'd be funny if the manga turned dark and tragic towards the end, where he gets his soul permanently shattered for dying for the same reasons he did back on earth.
        • it's funny how in the Anime the character design looks pretty much like a kid around 10, while in the manga, looks almost like an adolecent, about 12, it's not much but since i didn't watched the anime and still catching up, it's very noticeable.
          • 999+ points4 months ago
            Yo which episode is this from the anime
          • Bob (Rex Bones)Demonh8it's funny how in the Anime the character design looks pretty much like a kid around 10, while in th...
            999+ points4 months ago
            Adolescents are usually defined as starting at 10...
            • Demonh8Bob (Rex Bones)
              999+ points4 months ago
              Ah no, Puberty starts around 12, sometimes 11, adolescents are usually considered around 15, depending on the country could start at 14, and some societies have the concept of the tween, short for between, where they put kids from 12 to 15, but that’s usually just a marketing strategy.
              I really don't know of any culture that sees a 10 year old as anything but a kid, a child.

              • 999+ points4 months ago
                “Adolescence is the phase of life between childhood and adulthood, from ages 10 to 19.” Source: World Health Organization
                • Demonh8Bob (Rex Bones)
                  999+ points4 months ago
                  yeah, same org that just a few years ago categorizes homosixuality as a disease, and now want to categorize gamers as dangerous adicts, Adolecense starts at 15,m but believe the government propaganda as much as you want, pretty sure that made you a very happy drone slave
                  • Homosexuality is obviously some kind of weird abnormal condition; we just accept it because, for one, it doesn't cause that much harm in the short term, and secondly, we don't want to hurt people's feelings. In many countries around the world, they simply tolerate it because it's the law, not because they like it... And yes, adolescence is categorised as the age between childhood and adulthood, usually 10-19 or 12-20 if you want to be weird about it.
                    • Demonh8Omni Isekai Harem God
                      999+ points1 month ago
                      How cute, a true believer in government class propaganda, baby, i'm Mayan Descendent, in the old chronicles Homosexuals and Tansvesties are described as just another peculiar part of the society, not more abnormal than a priest or a warrior, heck Chamans where the weirdest, especially Wae Chamans who believe they could took the head of an animal and exchange it for theirs, to create a powerful hybrid.
                      I don't believe in any "normal way of life" i believe in constant change, because the universe is in constant change, those who categorize humanity for other reasons than study and observation, are wrong, and many times, are the enemy.
                      But believe in what you want to believe, i don't tell people how to live their lives.
                      • First of all, I never told anyone how to live their lives. Secondly, life is definitely a constant change, but if homosexuals existed in your culture for millenia, then not much has changed, has it? Thirdly, life is about observation and study; you can't make any judgements, conclusions, or decisions without observing, studying, or even experiencing certain things in life. Believing everything to be government propaganda is pretty close-minded and stupid. And I hold my stance that humans are meant to reproduce, and homosexuality is against that; hence, it's not normal. It's something most people tolerate, but many people recognise its abnormality. Saying that something has been around in old chronicles doesn't make it normal. I mean, wars, assault, rape, theft, prostitution, etc. are as old as humanity, but many people still don't call them normal. I know homosexuality doesn't really "harm" anyone but it's still abnormal.
                    • Bob (Rex Bones)Demonh8yeah, same org that just a few years ago categorizes homosixuality as a disease, and now want to cat...
                      999+ points4 months ago
                      WHO removed homosexuality from the ICD in 1992. They also classify gaming disorder if it's debilitating (i.e. like a gambling addiction), not just widely calling gamers "dangerous addicts". It's also not a government body, it's an international organization.
                      • Demonh8Bob (Rex Bones)
                        999+ points4 months ago
                        ok drone, have a happy life believing
                        • 999+ points4 months ago
                          You really went from "yeah countries (with governments) set the age for adolescence" to "you're a government* drone haha" because I put up some sources. Impressive levels of cope, ngl.
                        • Bob (Rex Bones)Demonh8ok drone, have a happy life believing
                          999+ points4 months ago
                          *government being an international organization that has nothing to directly do with governments outside of set some standards and remind people to, like, wash hands and mask
              • LeonDemonh8it's funny how in the Anime the character design looks pretty much like a kid around 10, while in th...
                999+ points4 months ago
                they have different artist
              • 😀.
                • (●'◡'●)
                  • everything so shiny
                    • MC just kick-started the music recording industry boom.
                      Latest Comments
                      Neko Majin C Someone's biological clock is ticking very loudly.

                      Chapter 96 - Kono Kaisha ni Suki na Hito ga Imasu · 1 minute ago

                      User-9551160143 I commented it a while ago and I will do it again.
                      Tabata is definitely Yuno-sexual. You just cannot glaze a caracter in such a way...
                      Even at his worst, being controlled by evil Elf Babidi he is able to release himself from it just to steal the spotlight. I just can't stand it.

                      Chapter 154 - Black Clover · 2 minutes ago

                      Ayumu So she got possessed by her future self temporarily? Or she was acting dumb the entire time and knew bout her future self's life?

                      Chapter 25 - Childhood Friend of the Zenith · 4 minutes ago

                      Illusive Man It's a way of keeping our MC humble.. The last pages said all... He is just a small pawn in a must bigger game!

                      Chapter 28 - Bad Born Blood · 6 minutes ago

                      shinigami Nah its nothing new at this point for both of them, they glaze each other and flirt

                      Chapter 296 - Blue Lock · 8 minutes ago

                      shinigami Another fraud candidate

                      Chapter 296 - Blue Lock · 9 minutes ago

                      KvS333 I'm aware of the concept, but I prefer when stuff like this is explained. If it had been stated that he had brown eyes, or if it was shown from the perspective of someone else that his eyes were a different color. Hell, I would love if it was shown that other people have similarly strange eyes. I feel that any of those solutions would work more for my suspension of disbelief. In Demon Slayer it's explicitly said that the breathing styles are all just weapon techniques, so the viewer can infer that the flashy effects have to be artistic interpretation. That is not the case for this work. Not that it needs to be, or that it makes this a worse story, but it does itch at the back of my mind a bit.

                      Also, I feel it needs to be said that It is never directly stated that others can't see his eye color, so it's equally possible that they're just not regarded as strange in the post-system world. I don't want to attribute to artistic liberty what could just be a lore reason that hasn't been stated. Honestly, that feels like a weird thing to assume about any magic heavy fantasy story. When there are so many possible explanations related to the supernatural, assuming that the author is just exaggerating for effect doesn't come first to mind.

                      Chapter 104 - Player Who Returned 10,000 Years Later · 9 minutes ago

                      Demonh8 40 still a baby from my point of view

                      Chapter 57 - Isekai Yakkyoku · 9 minutes ago

                      shinigami Duh that's the only thing they do now im dying😂😂😂

                      Chapter 296 - Blue Lock · 10 minutes ago

                      shinigami Yeah chris ain't ever beating fraud allegations first isagi now the ninja guy ain't no way he's no. 2 in world.
                      And they finally freed my goat bachira feels like its been years since i last saw him dominate.
                      And we also got our weekly dose of nagi and reo flirting and glazing each other

                      Chapter 296 - Blue Lock · 11 minutes ago

                      Mint Blancmanche never watched that crap and I'm 40yo, you are not on 4chan, no need to act like a spoiled brat.

                      Chapter 57 - Isekai Yakkyoku · 14 minutes ago

                      bladexp210 It can actually happen:

                      Chapter 57 - Isekai Yakkyoku · 19 minutes ago

                      shinigami Sakura was so ready to stand on business.
                      That father was so lucky that sakura's friends were able to stop him.
                      And did sakura fall for her or notce something?

                      Chapter 173 - Wind Breaker (NII Satoru) · 19 minutes ago

                      macaak hmmm so this is only for him to see right? a halucination caused by the flute

                      Chapter 116 - One Hit Teacher, Master Baek · 24 minutes ago

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