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if that makes you happy, keep beliving that kid, have a nice life
a lil kids who nevee passed Comprension de la Lectura, you are so cute when you think you can extrapolate info whitout any knowledge or content.
Demonh8 - 1733787088
well, finally something that wasn't in the anime
Demonh8 - 1733704071
I like the mask on the sister, i always find way more interesting stories that show how many things happen at the same time, that the world is big and complicated and not just a simple straight line that simplistic Disney/marve shows, then again, sadly many people never developed their brains enough to understand this kind of writting, well, it's not totally their fault, their education system and their parents fail them too.
Demonh8 - 1733674910
Bad Memories, this happened to Medics in Mexico city, on September 19 1985, when the city was hit by a 8.1 earthquake, that collapsed a hospital, many Medics died, or get trapped, others, just stand up and started helping those trapped by the rubble.
Demonh8 Bruce - 1733673702
i think that there is a german word for that XD
Demonh8 - 1733511187
pretty useless for an alleged heroine, guess MC has to save the day, again XD
Demonh8 - 1733432218
Damn it, Pirates of the Caribean, tha means Disney is the evil mastermind behind everything, i knew it, that damn Rat is Everywhere.
Demonh8 MIXEDMINDS - 1733415689
Demonh8 - 1733351230
suposed to be an scar? i tough it was like a wine mark, but then again, the art style is shoujo so
Demonh8 - 1733336120
Love this crazy story, and i guess we will know more about the falling of their original city soon.
Well Sadly the second season of the anime, it's not good, Animations started kinda good, but it has fallen in quality really hard, stiff animation, ugly models, and the shortening of the storylines really hurts the anime, and since it's the point where all the worldbuilding started, let many watchers really confused and they left the show.
I think the worst part has been the Horns scene, in the manga was a sweet powerful scene, in the anime, an afther tough, sad, well anyway, at least the VAs keep the quality, but they are fighting alone against way too many errors.
Demonh8 - 1733269630
So another great series get Axed, i am not surprized anymore
obviously, you failed on your reading comprehension courses, well it happens, don't worry, one day you will understand.
Demonh8 - 1733247208
So if i have to guess, that's the sister messing with the main action, forcing the MC hand.
You know, it's very sad the fact that so many Manga authors are working so hard into elevating the Story level by efective interesting world building and triying different ways of telling an story, and so mny dumbos complain because make their emty heads hurt when things are not super easy to understand and everything it's on Disney levels of story telling, well, i guess that's why Michal Bay, Marvel and Fast and Furious movies make so much money, why Naruto and One Piece have 1k episodes of nothing, people just hate to think, or worst, are scared of thinking.
it's because of the style of writting the author choose, it's a reflection of a game, when you play a game, only you only affect character descitions, or the NPCs directly in contact to you, basically you never affect other characters and actions that have to be happeninig in order to the story be able to exist, obviously, those actions and descitions only exist inside the head of the writter of the game story, here the MC it's only interacting with a few characters, while the story keeps going involving many other characters in a deep realistic world building, i can understand that many people find it complicated since they are used to the MC centric style of writing, but for those used to complicated stories like Lorf of the Rings or Game of Thrones, this is very basic.
The MC don't have the ability to become skinny, it's a side effect of spending he's Mana reserves, he's ability it's to regain the weight quickly to replenish he's reserves.
Slurs are only slurs for racists, and i block racists, so bye
I'm mexican, so that makes no sense to me, and i am pretty sure Japanese people don't care at all since their self designation is Nihon for japan and NihonJin for Japanese, therefore, it's only an slu for those who are racist.
Demonh8 ZECTCustomUnit - 1733020504
i haven't even finished the anime, it has a really really sloooowww pacing, the Jap VAs don't help, the Mexican Dub has more felling and make it watchable, but not a really big improvement, but the English version it's a crime, seems like they couldn't get any young voice actor and used some filter yo make the voice sound younger, and the end result is that the MC sounds like a chipmunk from Alvin and the chipmunks, it hurts to listen it.