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Not Important
1465 points
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This ain't math, though. It's a story. The transition of one scene to the next is entirely up to the author. And any author worth their salt is going to be diligent about creating enough details from scene to scene that their reader has a sense of time going one page to the next for every event. And the fact I even called it into question means that the writer done goof'd. Unless caster's really amateur hour, aside of MP saving there's no reason to not fly himself to his destination.
Not Important - 5 months ago
Just find & read/watch Nanami/Nami Sprite.

You're welcome.
The hole in your logic is it applies to the carpet, and still ignores my point. The only logical argument in regard of the opening comment you could have made, someone already made for you:

"... most of the times a flight spell is extremely mana-hungry, and he's about to fight an enemy that's actually stronger than him, going with empty mana reserves would be a bad move"

Wanting to conserve strength at least serves some logic. You, however, fired back as if different objects going at different speeds would be a factor between MC flying and MC using the carpet. Memory erodes as obviously I haven't touched this book in months, but the mechanics to my memory for flight in this story aren't broken down. But if a carpet can be counted on to expedite the trip from point A to point B, then so obviously could a caster doing it all his own. Given no reason to believe carpet is different from caster, there's no reason to assume magic flight of a carpet will be different from magic flight of a caster, aside of MP consumption.

That his targets started out way before him is irrelevant. It's still just a stall technique for the writer to stretch out the saga another chapter or two. If I have to rescind anything, it's attempting to follow your silly argument over speed to begin with.
You don't have to with the shit you're spewing. Just don't direct it at me from now on & we're square.
No one's changed the argument, you're just upset I'm not taking your thoughts as gospel. I don't have to. And you're free to stop replying. In conclusion on speed:

Teleporting > Flying > Horseback > Running > Walking > Crawling
Not Important DammitCarl - 5 months ago
They're "princesses". Technically-speaking, all they are meant to be is simple components for the wellfare of the kingdom. Putting the romance entirely on the shelf for a moment, the facts are MC wasted days playing house because the girls were either pissed at him, wanted to play with him like a toy, were untrusting of him, or just wanted to see the pot stir. Investigation of the grounds & state of the kingdom should have taken place immediately after their safety was assured, but this is a harem story so we get harem hijinks while the plot unfolds quietly in the background.

I get it. The girls all show a smidgen of actual character slightly beyond the store brand standard harem heroine, so you feel you need to defend both them and the feckless MC. It doesn't change a thing, however. Allowing the author has semblance of sense and doesn't get run over by both editor & ratings, they will show this hesitation as a preamble to a later character conflict MC will have no choice but to confront directly. For now, given lack of extra chapters, I'm allowed to feel scrutinizing of a coward MC until the plot actually makes his decisions a source of actual conflict.
Not Important DammitCarl - 5 months ago
You speaking from a romance angle. You shouldn't, as you're obviously not used to it. Truth is he is weighing not being hated over both the investigation and the objective to rearm the kingdom. More than enough context clues exist in his POV for him to discern exactly what he needs to do, and we know for a fact he's not dumb given the various trials till now, including fighting a dragon over days to run its stamina down vs trying to tank & out-damage it. There's also the fact that the eldest has already reached a similar conclusion and is acting. It's further safe to assume if she's willing to go that far herself, then she'd likely help him with her remaining siblings.

So all that is left, then, is MC himself putting platitudes and feel-good relationships over a timed perilous issue. Meaning he's a coward. And not at all considering he would have to risk their ire and patch matters up as best he can regardless of if they go with the plan to unseal the kingdom or not. Immaturity through & through. Thus, a coward and a child.
"It's almost as if the author needed a convenient stall for a character that's been OP as hell until now..."

Fixed your statement. I'll bill you at the end of the month.
It's almost as if people conveniently forget what kind of speeds are needed to generate lift in most objects not born to fly....
Flight is "slow" in most mediums—my brother in Christ, stop reading/watching bad content. Slayers alone will grant you salvation.
Not Important DammitCarl - 5 months ago
Not accepting the depth of the situation from the instant you see the bigger clues of it is lacking conviction. In the heartbeat of knowing "kiss the girl" was the magic catalyst, and he saw seven young women, he should have prepared himself. He did not. He's a coward and a child.
Not Important - 5 months ago
So basically if he learns to apply Danmaku rules to magic he'll become a living nightmare for any monster.
Not Important - 5 months ago
Still no antagonizing. Welp, time to forget this exists for another year.
Not Important - 5 months ago
If some actual conflict doesn't show up soon, I'm going to forget this exists again.
Not Important - 5 months ago
I remember starting this a while ago and wandering off when the author squandered their own literary tools (no, he did not need to be reincarnated, no, the rapes and murders as lessons were displayed in a terrible manner that even RR Martin would balk at). Come back to see it got an axe. Can't say I can think of a series that deserved it more.
Not Important - 5 months ago
Another pointless romcom that could've been a 2-chapter H book instead and likely made far more money
Prudes typically do the translating and think with their hearts before their heads.
Not Important Bubonikz - 5 months ago
Point out a healthy country, period.