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Not Important
1495 points
531 Comment(s)
130 Upvote(s)
Not Important - 1714833248
si1foo is absolutely right, and people are hating it because he speaks the truth.
Not Important - 1714797880
Unstoppable Force Meets Immovable Object
Not Important - 1714797154
I wish someone would hurry up and wound this brat else kill a companion so he'll start taking this shit seriously.
Not Important - 1714795998
This is why you don't build stories around useless simps.
Not Important - 1714795138
Simp ruins this whole adventure
Not Important - 1714792693
simps are the worst
Not Important - 1714734165
tl;dr Unless you're utterly fascinated by characters theory-crafting endlessly with no forward progression, skip this one.

Actual explanation: There's no action or adventure to be had. It's scene after scene of the characters waxing endlessly on the MC's power to see and manipulate personal stats, as well as directly farm skills from even weak monsters. The author pretends this is very deep and world-shaking, given the possibility is entirely new to the world setting, but in truth it's just padding to cover a complete lack of anything else in the story. And I do mean anything else.

The characters are not actual characters, they're exposition pieces. The one actual obstacle/antagonistic force MC has (his bitchy office boss) is handled in no time at all, and he has no other real drive or ambition. Even the massive amounts of money he gets from selling skills nets no human reaction—not an alcohol binge, not boosting his parents' living condition, not a drug habit, not whores, not video games, not indulging in a collector's hobby, buying tomes and knowledge books, signing up for some school—nothing. His co-pilot also isn't a character. She eats and wants to eat in expensive places, and she expositions. That's it. That's all she's worth. The other characters are either there to be comical fodder (the guild director showing up long enough to be bitchy office boss #2), burn panel spacing (the two model whose scenes go absolutely nowhere), or are just flat-out empty promises with no long or short-term payoff (numerous "cloak & dagger" agents that don't act in actual govt. muscle capacity likely because the author's allergic to drawing action scenes).

And I mean that. There's no threat of a plot interfering with the endless info dumps. No action. No drama. Nothing. It's technically worse than the books that DO sit and trumpet how amazingly powerful their MCs are—at least those actually do something. This is the working equivalent of someone getting so overly-obsessed with the character creator that they neglect to play the damn game.

Don't bother, not worth your time.
Not Important - 1714733385
And there it is—something that would have been actually interesting to see was jettisoned as unimportant next to the author's compulsive need to masturbate on page through grade school exposition. They could've shown us the bus experiment, it'd have made a nice change of pace to know something's been taken seriously in this story. Instead, we get Tell, and not Show. This story is junk.
Not Important - 1714732937
16 chapters to actually get to something of interest. That's terrible.
Not Important - 1714732454
The author is going to die before this self-indulging experiment is finished. I can't posit that it's actually a popular book, either.
Not Important - 1714728466
The worst thing you can do with a comic book is spend 90% of its run theory-crafting. Fuck that bullshit and get to actual action or drama.
Making loads of assumptions with zero actual evidence. Good luck. You're gonna need it.
Not Important - 1714608967
"It's self-satisfaction and nothing but hypocrisy."
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
Grow up. Fast. Because you live in a delusional state that's going to hurt you by the time you hit 50.
Not Important - 1714356856
Welp time to ignore this one for another year so I can binge all the new chapters
Not Important Mwwq1 - 1714354992
Why do you want a boring ass zombie horror standard? How predicable can you be?