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Not Important
1500 points
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101 Upvote(s)
Not Important - 1714286144
Warning to anyone lured by cover: Don't bother. The story is less than bland and clear rip from several superior works. The degree of plot is so terrible that Axe-kun was entirely the author's doing, both in the manga and the original light novel.

The plot is: there isn't one. There's no sense of world, no sense of urgency, no sense of adventure. There's no point in MC's monster taming powers, nor any ultimate purpose. The big bad is deliberately designed to wrap the story up so said author can go focus on something else.

Save yourself the two hours of sheer boredom and read something better. This ain't it.
Stop blaming Axe-kun when the fault lies entirely with the author's shitty sense of pacing. 50+ chapters blown on absolute nonsense.
Not Important - 1714284954
Not Important Keimaro - 1714284755
Probably because your topic isn't civilized, but instead snake oil of the latest generation. It's a tired exercise that brings repeated ruin to everyone that buys in on it. And right now, the people in the positions of authority are peddling it to our collective economic detriment. Pro-tip, buttercup: The DuPont family raises stinks about refrigerants ONLY when their patents run out. When that happens, suddenly those CFCs are the worst and awful and absolutely should not be used by the public now that the patent's expired and it's public domain. Please use this latest blend that is now flammable on top of poisonous and likely to catch your house aflame. We have your best interest at heart, dear customer!

But sure, keep swallowing that line of crap while mineral production continues to be blockaded and controlled by 100+ year old family barons and cosigned by all your representatives on your labor, your blood, your tears, and your kids' misery. It's healing the "environment" after all—oh wait, it's not. Because China alone is putting a bigger carbon boot print into the ozone than the western continents combined could ever hope to.
Not Important - 1714283470
Yup. This story is trash. Dude's just taking pages from other more interesting works and doing the bare minimum.
Not Important - 1714283190
Damn, this story really had nowhere to go and nothing to do.
Not Important - 1714281788
With this pacing and complete lack of plot or care, I can understand why it got the axe.
Not Important - 1713952815
There's nothing of merit in the work.

Paneling is chaotic. You cannot convey action, emotion, or much of anything if the layout is too fast-paced to keep up with the many ideas floating on the page.

The art is bad. There's pinups and only pinups—the anatomy of characters are drawn in a way that no action is truly believable.

The logistics are bad. The first big action scene, you're not given scale or presence of the issue as an audience. We are instead lead to believe that someone with a very deadly automatic weapon would actually run out of targets or not be able to neutralize the army by aiming immediately at the leader, given he had full element of surprise. He then runs out of ammo against the bad guys. For record's sake, a quick google shows the average mag size for that gun can run 30 rounds. So how big was this group? Why were they patiently waiting around to die after their first fellows hit the ground in a hail of bullets? Why didn't MC just aim for & neutralize the boss first?

It's not believable, and the actions and setups for transition only get worse as the book goes on (especially the whole kidnapped into slavery bit).

The story is also generic. And with the other flaws dragging it, it makes for a painful display where you'll end up skipping or skimming pages to get to any point of import. Just avoid this one—not worth the time.
Not Important - 1713918963
This entire setup stinks of "They're hating your book, shake things up" notes from the editor.
Not Important - 1713918616
Author needs to get to Miura's level if he wants me to fall for any of this bullshit.
Not Important - 1713819322
Anyone that defenseless gets what's coming to them.
Not Important - 1713731204
I remember why I liked this story. Masaru eventually does get OP and all that, but it actually works to establish that he earns that through experience and careful, sometimes painful decisions. He doesn't look away and take the easy route, and his gains are sometimes hilarious, and other times heartfelt. Plus it's the best harem story damn-near in existence.

I'm gonna pick up the physical books.
Not Important - 1713717128
Fine, since no one else said it:

Not Important - 1713631926
- MILF in trouble
- MILF is the human representation in yet another japanese youkai mystery story
- MILF gets powers
- MILF has to stay a virgin to use them
Not Important - 1713629307
This is junk food. No, not the tasty kind. I mean rice crackers.

There's no tension. There's no character development (No, you grinding junkies, raising arbitrary numbers to justify feats is NOT character growth). There's no adversary, obstacle, or antagonistic force that does not get wrapped up and stomped out within four chapters of its introduction. People like to say mediocre isn't a bad thing, but it really is. You don't want flavorless junk food—you eat it for a sweet hit to keep you up and going a few hours.

This story absolutely will not accomplish that. Take your attention elsewhere.
That's still not how those two words work.
Not Important - 1713624477
Does this shitty MC ever actually get a challenge or is he going to steamroll everything right into the book's inevitable cancellation?