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Thatch Netherfold
1485 points
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The maid was purely bad timing. But the ex? Chew her heart out for all I care.
Yes, that's how impressions work, its difficult to change it from another person's perspective, much less ours. But she willingly recognized her mistakes and being apologetic for it, don't you think she earned a sliver of chance at the very least?
True. But note what Nexus1961 said:

"it was a one-time deal where she was roleplaying 'harsh mistress maid' and he took it wrong, 'cause he was just-dumped by one of the other two girls."

The maid simply had a really bad timing for things, and that's it. Kurosaki is forgivable because she held that façade and impression for so long because he was still unavailable back then (with his ex), its hard for her to change it out of sudden, but knowing that she have indeed f*cked up, explained and properly asked for another chance? I think she deserves another coin toss. The ex, however, unsalvageable indeed.

PS: Only this comment of yours I replied with agreement with certain arguments, but your comments before it are heavily debatable.
Both of you are right, but don't you think this girl at least earned JUST an extra chance to be back with him? Especially when she did so back then was simply because he had a girlfriend back then, not to mention she was only typically dishonest about it as its hard to change impressions out of a sudden?
Yup, this manga can slap me silly for actually creating a LEARNING CHARACTER that deserves to be a prime example of IRL situations as well.
Strictly speaking, yes. For various reasons justified.
Yes, I know that they aren't actually dead, its solely her intention of blackmailing the MC that pisses me off.
Thatch Netherfold - 1708799424
I change half my mind of what I spoke in the previous chapter. She is talented to lead the Ivory Tower, yes, but she's a manipulative b*tch who kills just for the sake of fun, she cannot be trusted as an ally.
An atlernative word for "being" would be "entity". But I see almost no difference in using either, I wrote which word came to mind first.
None as stated so far. The laws mentioned along in this manhua means the world laws, such as law of fire, water, wind, light, darkness etc. The strongest law mentioned so far was the law of time and space.
No problem. To refresh your memory of things, this white haired guy was barely able to equally match a Divine Sect Master when he first came after Yu Yan (the little fire lady beside Nie Li), and that was when he was yet to fully master his cultivation method. And only those of a Divine Sect Master's cultivation level (Martial Ancestor level if not mistaken) are able to travel past the world barrier between the Nether Realm (where the current chapter conflict took place - a gap between the Tiny World and the upper realms) and the Draconic Realm - all while the Sage Emperor is already above and beyond those two realms.

For a non-Draconic Realm entity or resident to dream of being a deacon under the Sage Emperor (leader of the Demon God sect, not to be confused with the Demon Lord who was Nie Li's nemesis of killing his father in-law) is frickin' huge bubble, it'd be truly an utter shame to watch it pop.
Yes, the laws are primitive from the Draconic Realms' perspective (where everyone wields one at the very least); But from the Tiny World, it is akin to godsend. That's how different their values were - especially when everyone from the Tiny World are literally frogs in a deep dry well (Chinese phrase).
Yes, the Tiny World has been set with a barrier that greatly restricts people above a certain level of cultivation from entering, exiting or even maintaining their constitution in it. That was the downside of the barrier - everyone and everything in it (Nie Li included in the past) cannot breakthrough that level unless they went outside of it.
Given that the ability came from a higher floor BEING - that means not only its something definitely beyond the current floor's power limitations, much less the human limitations, the effects provided from it is simply inhuman. Even if its strength isn't 500%, its an absolute, definite advantage against any being or entity on the current floor, an example of this case is like using a level 100 skill against a level 1 mob. Just looking at how that one hand can block the weapon so easily without momentum proved just that.
For Jin Sohan, his body was poisoned over and over again by his masters for experiments, I wouldn't be surprised some craziness was developed during said torture. While Yi Zaha has always been a man of logic and reason, until the f*cking world of illogical humans turned on him to the point he did some really crazy shit just to prove his point.
Its not so hard differentiating them, one moved with purpose (Jin Sohan), the other (Yi Zaha) just wanted to live his life in peace... not until there are no more enemies, that is.
I'm just quoting Yapee to emphasize the loophole of what was NOT said.
I guess this is where Yapee panicked because humans will always find someone to hold responsibility if not on something, even if the means where in good intentions.
Remember, "a logical human leader should not engage in illogcal use of armed forces". But Yapee is a logical MACHINE, he is not bound to any law. And he did not lie, what he offered was a marketing scheme, but with promised returns - like investment with interests.
Oh. That I am yet to know, unless its kind of a spoiler that you read its LN?