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846 points
62 Comment(s)
109 Upvote(s)
Vastolorde8 - 1 month ago
hmmm...where have I read this premise before? everyone, lets name all the manga
Vastolorde8 - 2 months ago
Fate: Im going to put you through hell
MC: Well if I do this I can recover a little...
Fate: you can?... well here is more hell

Basically the full synopsis of this story
yea... a chapter with no nudity...i dont think this is the right manga
Vastolorde8 Demonh8 - 5 months ago
hahahaha. Stereotyping at it worst. Not all Americans are like that. Just like all Japanese are not their stereotype. There is over 330 million Americans, try not to show ignorance by thinking they are all the same. There is a couple good ones fighting hard to change things.... I think lol
Vastolorde8 KiritoKu16 - 5 months ago
I hope to all the gods, the old and the new, that they stay away from 3d cgi if they decide on an anime
Vastolorde8 I watch Anime - 5 months ago
cuball77 is correct. Its the end of one volume and the beginning of a new story. SO STAY TUNED TO ANOTER VOLUME OF ...DRAGON BA....sorry ...i mean Executed Sage
Vastolorde8 - 6 months ago
I kinda like the fresh angle taken with this. I know its not new but its different than the cookie cutter ones out now
Shonen classically do not like to display death much, or any theme considered too adult. The word itself tell you who its targeting. With the onset of more mature and complex themes, Oda has shown a willingness to attempt to reach a wider audience than what it was originally intended for. Death in itself does not determine the genre, but it is one step of many in leading one to a genre switch. Just remember how crazy it was when Ace died; being the first shown death in One Piece after hundreds of chapters. This manga is still shonen but its target audience is widening.
Vastolorde8 Aarken - 6 months ago
Looks similar to what they wore when the Straw Hats fought the Beast pirates. But since the hint was placed early that Moria is gone, there's a very good chance that Nami and co are with him now. Makes sense...
Vastolorde8 Neurofez - 6 months ago
Truth. Shanks is similar to Luffy (or vice versa since hes older) Shanks has a warm heart but is kept in 'evil pirate" form through the comrades around him similar to Luffy kept in "pirate check" through Zoro. Also Bartolomeo powers don't work in the sea, and seeing hoe Oda is starting to make the manga more seinen with deaths its a chance he kicked the bucket. This will force Luffy to confront Shanks directly instead of waiting until the finale. There is a good chance that it will be the Straw Hats (or a portion of them since Oda likes to separate the crew frequently) vs the Red Hairs immediately after their trip to Elbaf
Vastolorde8 Eknek - 6 months ago
....yea..I didn't see the "I" for a sec.....apologies lol
Vastolorde8 - 6 months ago
Hmmmm. I think the MCs sister died and went to this world where she discovered a way to bring all of the jerks here to her for punishment through a hero summoninmg
Vastolorde8 YourAniki - 6 months ago
....writing criticism also opens the critic to taking what they give. Just be ready to receive criticism over your words as well. Honestly I didnt tie this story with any mental or social failings of the author because that would mean a lot of authors need to be institutionalized. The Author of Beserk (RIP) did not want to murder and rape everyone. One Piece doesnt want to flood the world...etc

But I do see your point a little. There are some authors that do have some problems going on in their lives and try to work through them with safe means (means that therapists always talk about) like writing, reading, getting a hobby...or making manga and and anime. NGE is a good example. Maybe this manga is a means for the author to work through some past trauma in life and its actually working. Or maybe its just some crazy idea thought up in a drunken dream; I could care less. Its gives slight entertainment and its not as horrible as some of the titles out there
Several sites are being shut down in an attack against piracy. Free translators are feeling the heat too
Vastolorde8 Murim scammer - 6 months ago
The MC will probably be the foil so they have to set up a deep story about the protagonist so the audience dont see her as just another mob character.... maybe
Vastolorde8 Gakuku - 6 months ago
no its the reverse. Rei mentions the new couple then she states that she got caught. Rei assumed then that the two friends would have been a couple but realized its just friendship after they laughed it off.
Vastolorde8 YA-HA - 7 months ago
..maybe what they needed to unify the people...was a demon. So they decided to summon a whole mess of them
Vastolorde8 - 7 months ago
Shooters gonna shoot. Be the hoop Yuuki. Be the hoop. If not Ill tag in