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Cookie Muncher
1500 points
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576 Upvote(s)
went to read it, but it's not there.
Pacing on setup is incredibly hard to give critique for. Some people enjoy the super descriptive imagery of some stories while others like "hey this is bob, he goes to school" end of introduction.

As for pacing, think of ways to draw out a rise, but not to the point where you lose interest. Then hit a climax to resolve the issues you've set up through the conflicts. Usually they are brief, but not OHKO. Generally speaking, it causes disinterest. It should feel like as you proofread it you want to read faster and faster, until your beath can't keep up with saying it out loud, then you should end it. Your fall should have elements of the next rise but also be written in a calmer expression to leave readers still in the sense of euphoria of accomplishment.

Before you start writing you should brainstorm world rules, character personalities, plot, backstories, and think out the general of why such actions occurred. Really put yourself in each of the characters shoes and make decisions like: Snap with your arrogant self then reply to yourself in a passive aggressive manner. Don't just write a blog, make a world.

This is about all I can give advise for something I can't read... Good Luck
Have you ever run with armor plates or sandbags?
But it is hilarious, I do agree
Cookie Muncher - 1710149250
so I'm just putting this out there...
Unbreakable Spear is better than unbreakable sword. With a spear you can cut like a dagger, swing/sweep with the shaft, stab, and with a flexible pole, can alter stab location mid-thrust. It has the ultimate ability of spatial control.
The only time a sword gains the advantage is if they can close the distance at which spear becomes staff.

Gotchya. If you want to argue superhuman and say a swordsman can project ki and throw it, so can a spearman. It just takes more ki to cover a larger surface. You could say but it's harder to deflect the various vectors that a sword can cross, but its just as hard to block a jab with a sword. As long as the spearman controls space, the sword cannot hit.

Lastly, a spear preforms worse against more enemies. IE why phalanx formation has a weak right side. Hedgehog formation can be impenetrable until someone crushes it by being suicidal since people will die anyways. But hedgehog wouldn't be used by superhumans anyways
I like Aaron, the result satisfied me

Let's be real, Aaron couldn't improve because he didn't listen. Training increases muscles and reflexes, but rest and reflection brings enlightenment and muscle repair.
What game do you know that has the technology to promote evolution instantly allowing you to use magic?
Edit if you find one let me know cuz imma hop on that shit rn
Cookie Muncher Jeff - 1710145663
What the heck is with "Don't Move Dark Mark"? Have I missed something?
Is what was asked
I remember him, what I don't understand is "Don't Move"...?
Is what was asked as clarification
told him to drink an unknown potion from the game world. Their relationship is amicable with mutual interests where one cooperates with information and the other with synchronization rate. With his real body exposed drinking something unknown it puts him in a lot of danger
Is the reason he said, "don't move"
Cookie Muncher Izu - 1710140792
at this point... It's been cheating the whole time
first who cares if i kill my friends in game character, i can always help them get back up. Its better than the years to spend coming back. I feel this dungeon was created to reflect the realness of NPCs with people
she said if you can win you can also lose, does that mean the multiplier works for wining? Imagine that hack character running around with more levels than cap lol
Cookie Muncher CdaddyB - 1710137563
from what's been shown, he got sucked into a portal in the game and woke up with a new body in the past. Even if constructs are a thing now thanks to the technology of the game, his new body was born at least 10 years prior to the game release (he's in high school or was). He was approached by the military who had the fear of alien life forms invading earth due to a prophecy. This game they actively play in after a certain point has an awakening quest, where it synchronizes your body and in game avatar. Based on the sync rate, they receive that proportion of the games abilities and stats in the real world.
Cookie Muncher Jeff - 1710136345
immovable lines (now dark lines) told him to drink an unknown potion from the game world. Their relationship is amicable with mutual interests where one cooperates with information and the other with synchronization rate. With his real body exposed drinking something unknown it puts him in a lot of danger
Cookie Muncher Phantom - 1710135335
This should catch you up on the last couple of chapters
Awakened are able to use their abilities and stats to the extent of their synchronization rate in case you forgot since it's been like a year since it was previously shown
Narlo was put to sleep using advanced technology, then had his brainwaves scanned to hijack his in game character. When Ling Ce (MC) found that out, he formed a strike team to rescue Narlo, a member of their raid team. Narlo, imprisoned at the Delro secret island underground, was guarded by a robot that somehow had the abilities of awakened. As a way to sneak in MC and friends flew over and dropped out of the plane in a submarine while MC jammed the radars so the team could infiltrate the island. Upon arriving at the island, they received information that a banquet would be hosted there. They disguised themselves as band members to sneak in when MC was caught by the butler while looking for Narlo. The butler showed his contempt to the Delro family for treating Narlo poorly by helping MC and gang free Narlo.
Cookie Muncher Izu - 1710132839
In order to not be tracked back to themselves, they'd have to completely scrap the design and wipe all data connecting to it. It can be assumed this company is linked to military contract which the Delro family already infiltrated. It wouldn't be hard to pay off individuals in military contract companies which they could easily look up.
All Delro family would have to do is recovery the pieces and send the data in a file to the paid off people to see if they use any of the technology. Even if the company micro-manages the assembly to restrict knowledge of proprietary products, with a list of the tech anyone in assembly would recognize 1 part at least. From there it's only a matter of bribing more people to figure out who has access.
Moral is, it's riskier to use 1 of a kind products because it's easier to find out through espionage. Especially when you consider its impossible to figure out who has something that everyone has. Delro family will have a reason to figure out who was behind the attack
Cookie Muncher - 1710129075
did these company executives forget they are openly declaring war on an assassin who has 100% rate. If he wanted he could just slaughter them all in the real world since they brought it there first
it's a game that reflects itself in reality. Once they lose, they lose levels, gear, and if the guild loses, more. It may not seem like a whole lot, but remember, their levels are now in a region where it takes a while to get just 1 level. For most people losing 1 level means losing almost all the stats that come with it in the real world which could possibly ruin contracts too
Hope these answer your questions and help you in the future too
Zues has been attempting to control the tower by starting various wars to rule supreme. The MC has been attempting to stop the plans as much as possible to retain power within the tower to have a chance at defeating the outer gods. Based on the condition of the duel, it can be surmised that Ares has imprisoned Hercules or has something that belongs to him. MC is using this duel to make Hercules join the faction to kill off Zues to stop the biggest problem at its cause.
"Splatter" black is sound transmission (Arthur to MC)
"Spray" black is thoughts of evil? nature
"Shining" black is screaming of evil? thoughts
"Static" black with white inlay is pure? nature thoughts
Cookie Muncher Kazu - 1710123762
just feels short. I had to double check too. More fight scenes less talking. They put more work into making this flashy, so that does lower panels a little. However this manga average is about 50 panels if that. There is as high as 65 in some spots and i think the lowest is 39. But they always go back and forth
Cookie Muncher - 1710121886
what happened to heaven equal on 40th floor
± Got transferred in a good body that became shitty due to not exerting itself
- had to train hard to get in shape
- had to overcome past relationship
- beat a master who looked down on him
- was discovered by subterranean being
- missed the exit
+ found the heavenly demon's legacy

He's overcome more bullshit with skill and hard work than "got lucky"