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Cookie Muncher
1500 points
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Cookie Muncher - 1710575673
Hey... Go investigate what happened to this area. They aren't competing for power (usually happens after a war).

Ok... Lemme just go die from the person who started and ended it
someone created a "clean energy" option for cars, sold his blueprint at an action and was found dead soon after around 1970s. I'd rather not get involved in something that could lead to a short life
Cookie Muncher Dano - 1710557715
I could write a whole book about the arguments but I'll try to keep it short.

Edis was part of a full team that was summoned, and their party caused disharmony in the lobby as well as caused a negative synergy effect outside of their party. The disharmony caused in the lobby negatively impacted everyone's potential. If people lack the training for the level, they will die no matter whether they are 1star or 7. This happened when a party was forced to leave after MC refused to go.

3) The game has many daily "free" opportunities. You only have to pay for the focused summoning (summoning with higher % at being more than 1star), things you don't have the materials to create, or exceeding the free opportunities like daily recruitment.

4) point works if it's a server invasion list and not tiered (broken down into level groupings) or singular floor lists. Heroes don't have a choice; decisions are done by the admins.
In the novel it goes directly from the top 100 fight to him being at home so 56 would be the place to start. Something it doesn't show in the manga is press grand daughter acquires proof that Se-ah received a low ranking gift. So in a means to harass her gets ready to publish the article. As a trade off it doesn't show Ito Shizuru leaving for Korea
No problem... Sometimes it's clear that jobs aren't done when 1 person covers multiple jobs. Biggest problem is time crunch unfortunately.
Cookie Muncher - 1710312606
nope I mean completion
this guy just hates cliffhangers. How else would a manhwa attract attention to reel people in after a break
still not surprising. Or a spoiler. From chapter 1 (2nd strongest in games) to now, chapter 51 (manhwa), he has obtained a cheat system that puts him on the same path (force) as what baron (future strongest) is on.
With the techniques he knows, the force he has, and the system cheat, how could he not get ahead at an exponential rate. The only reason he's not using othe techniques is his body isn't ready for it, not that he can't. Technique alone puts him plat/diamond if his body didn't disappear after the first move
when a fly buzzes around you, and you shoo it away, is it considered provoked at that point?
when it keeps coming back to piss you off so you grab a flyswatter to crush it
In order:
translator sends in translation, Proofreader then checks for grammatical errors, Cleaner removes all the words, Redrawer reconnects the images, Typesetter inserts the proofread translation into their correct positions (FAILED), Quality check looks over the final draft to make sure everybody has done their jobs (FAILED).

The least they could have done was at least comment if they wanted to go fancy assholes
took me about 10 seconds. Which is extremely slow for me
Cookie Muncher - 1710257374
Didn't he steal the force from this dude... With the same stats you're really worried?
nah he'd demoralize America so he can lift the aspiration of the people. Depicting a country worse off pre-regime is something every influencer does. Controlling a crowd through emotions instead of logic is the only way to manipulate a populace. Thats how Hitler climbed to power
hoping it was 3rd degree burns to leave her "perfect beauty" permanently scarred
psh probably a year for me on this. Need to wait for the break + stock for binge 😱😱😱
as of yet, no one knows the power the regent possesses. The fact that the competition was put up under the Emperor's name means that if he were to attack, he'd have to expose his strength while also going against the Emperor. There is a myriad of reasons he can't do that, but at least a top contestant should be able to hold out with the forces there right? The regent also needs to participate for unification, so he wouldn't be able to do anything that'd cause disqualification. At least Chu Qingcheng wouldn't because it was self defense

Anyways it's annoying but necessary. We all know he needs to fulfill his role later
for sure. I make the same argument all the time with it a necessary means for story progression. It's just annoying is all. We know what will happen but that doesn't stop the displeasure we have
Cookie Muncher Agrel - 1710247334
These are people who may not have ability.
"God please help me. A certain (wo)man had prayed, and her/his prayers were fulfilled"

The god (constellation) bestowed power (buffed, not given) upon the lady golden flower and the crown prince. If I didn't connect the dot between Gong Ja and sword emperor I would have been just as lost
Cookie Muncher Pudding - 1710221745
imagine warming up the misses and she squirts... Does the passive still kick in? Anyways mc totally has a girl with romantic interest in him but he can only laser focus on the crumbs she's dropping 😂🤣😂🤣