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Cookie Muncher
1500 points
2077 Comment(s)
570 Upvote(s)
It has a lot to do with desensitization, world lessons, and propaganda. There wasn't much reward with the Japanese human experimentation whereas Himmler (Right hand man and actual leader of the SS) made incredible medical advancements with human experimentation. Nazis vs Japan was more of a world view vs country domination as well. Nazis believed that the "Arians" were superior and forced others out of the country and anybody who didn't get it were experimented on and slaved away eventually expanding their influence into the world. Japan only attacked to narrow area around them until Pearl Harbor and were quickly decimated after with Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I'm not agreeing with the actions of Japan, but there are strategical advantages of doing war crimes. The rape and slavery of villagers prevents an uprising from having a chance unless fellow villagers are ready to abandon friends and families to free themselves, which most won't do.
Teaching this would be akin to changing the hearts and minds of citizens to become more sadist in war, because it works. Terrorists will always use war crimes, but if we started doing inhumane executions, raping their own, and inhumane torture then they would definitely become more fearful of standing up to the countries. The problem with this is most countries don't do this, so if a war started with major powers, we would be exposing ourselves to the same treatment. A war with a bigger country is the actual worry as anywhere else you could just drop bombs on them and be finished
Cookie Muncher Henrul - 1721074924
I'd be that guy who takes off my headset briefly just to make sure rioters weren't piling up outside my house then go back to my game or reading like it has nothing to do with me
Cookie Muncher XCanG - 1721073675
fuck with vision, then don't move... when disappeared, it'll make it look like he took the hit
does he not realize MC killed him... 2x... And he would never be able to copy spirit sword
Cookie Muncher XCanG - 1721065358
this is what I immediately thought of, but why would he leave a sword path on it. that would only weaken the barrier
the application is limitless...
pull an enemy in, push a javelin into them, pull the javelin back...
push enemies away to keep a constant 1v1 for cqc
work on application to intensify specific locations and rip the human body in half with a double push away from the body at legs
trapper: place poisoned daggers and pull them to targets stealthily
pull and push enemies together for team bombardment
push/pull specific locations to shift balance mid-combat

all sorts of things can be done
Cookie Muncher XCanG - 1721063436
since she got rebuffed, i think mc needs buff. maybe not complete invincible, but dmg reduction
THIS ISN'T EVEN MY FINAL FORM (3rd transformation)
his wish was to be the apex of all organisms. with the body of shoggath on earth, wish is fulfilled. Nothing on earth would be able to kill him, including nukes
Cookie Muncher Gakuku - 1721020271
the woes of having an extroverted friend while being introverted... They just don't get it
Was going to say... I'm worried about what's coming next for MC if it involves medical procedures with sharp needles... 🤔🤔🤔 maybe some murim shit's about to happen
There are many cases of matriarchal leading animals.
However, one great example is the lion family, which hosts a Male Alpha while the shadow ruler is actually lioness. They will select a new younger Alpha for the group if the current alpha isn't up to par. The lioness will also be in charge of hunting.

This just goes to us that whether a female is ruling in the open or behind closed doors they are always in charge 😂🤣😂🤣
Cookie Muncher Noissar - 1721014709
No problem. Like I said, English is one of the hardest languages to learn. It's also hard to learn other languages because every other one uses a different sentence format. I felt that way when learning German and Spanish. It also never helped that when I went to Germany and Spain, people couldn't stand my broken language and told me to just speak English 😱😭😭😭
Cookie Muncher Gakuku - 1720977887
this is the most dad-ly-est joke I've seen in comments so far
Cookie Muncher - 1720969159
you're a vassel of the demon king right?
Something like that
She's the fucking demon king
If you conceal what you know, it makes it easier to use others. At best, they help you... At worst, you get it yourself. This was one of the determining factors i thought of as him just being a psychopath... But I can understand a psychopath wanting to keep an "object" from his world with him and fixating on it
Cookie Muncher - 1720946735
He needs to find a whole seller, not open a shop
Cookie Muncher Noissar - 1720945924
the original basis is TRAVELER needs to go somewhere. He sees 2 OTHER PEOPLE. When he QUESTIONS WHERE TO GO, ONE of the people he questions will tell the TRUTH, and ONE WILL LIE. He only gets 1 QUESTION. How will he know the direction?
When put this way with the highlights, there is no more jumbling of info.
English doesn't really use tone to dictate word definition. Tone in is used to express seriousness where an inflection identifies punctuation (.?!). it just has common words (there [place], their [person's possession], and they're [abbreviation: they are]), spelling rules that are broken (I before E except after C [receive] broken -> [weigh]) often because words are taken from old English, and ridiculous slang (lemon: A type of fruit [because it's sour, lemons can refer to something bad]).
In all honesty, slang is the #1 killer of translation
Cookie Muncher - 1720894215
dude legit saw through the purpose of this match, exploited the piss out of it, and fucked over anyone not his friend
cum in me...
Its not my safe day either
Becomes #1 enemy of south again after pregnancy
2 months later shotgun wedding announcement