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Cookie Muncher
1500 points
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25 boats @ 3 tickets a trip to random destination makes an even 75 people. No one has to die.
But if a set of 2 kills the 3rd it's a guaranteed party.
And 1 killing 2 will give the pick of destination

Most people are selfish so it's basically cutting the survivors in half at least
Whats worse? Him knowing you have stolen imperial jewelry or that you buy stuff at an auction... c'mon
Then as a novelist yourself you must have recognized the problem when a royalty or person of high status says something like "I'm not interested in marriage proposals". It would be the hidden meaning of I have a lover in mind.
twins share the same genetic code (look similar), not necessarily the same birthdate
Cookie Muncher yilo - 1728017107
didn't list it because i dont remember the name. I just remember the mc being on a hospital bed and dying then he goes to another world. when he dies in said world he comes back to the real world. because he likes the isekai world so much he commits suicide to get back there. I remember one of the times he even jumps out the window
probably why the 3 attributed dragon was evil... If the world wanted me dead, I'd try to destroy it too
Cookie Muncher yilo - 1727928238
i've seen an isekai where he "dies multiple times" and every time continues where left off
its nothing special... Just life altering
9 to be exact... Dragging on the ground
Some people grow out a mustache, he grew IN to his
he's super outstanding and passionate. Outside of cooking he's charismatic, but when it comes to cooks messing up things taught he has 0 tolerance for it. He's still patient with new chefs especially children. He reacts accurately for what should be expected in the skill curve
Cookie Muncher KrisCAO - 1727891710
Quick reason
Vegetarians used to eat byproducts of and depending on level could include broth.
There is a spectrum all the way until Veganism which is nothing from animals

So to some up, if it doesn't contain "meat" a restaurant may put it under vegetable group because tofu is an alternative to meat and only contains animal broth.
Cookie Muncher - 1727890019
Typical westernization of Asians.
Shits about to get serious? Asian needs to open his eyes
its more i repeated myself 100 times for each point and the progression is only here because of that. Basically, it feels like the story was told by genos from one punch man. Everyone has their own tolerances towards things, but i personally lose my patience to manga like that.
The setup was good, and I tolerated it to chapter 3
Cookie Muncher Zyxect - 1727507073
most games nerfed 1, 2, and 4 in to the ground so that its not even a viable playstyle. It was more of an era really
Cookie Muncher - 1727506893
tabs on you for being late.... But that mf was hired to do his job, not get paid to walk around a dungeon
love how he says mc uses tricks while tricking ppl into thinking a 2v1 is a 1v1
Cookie Muncher Zyxect - 1727505287
There are 4 different tank concepts
Evade - high AGI, ATK (assassin based, aggro via dps - single target)
Healadin - high HP, RCOV (healer based, aggro via overheal - AOE)
Paladin - high DEF, ATK (reg. Tank, aggro via skills "taunt" - AOE)
Reflectadin - high DEF, RFLCT (thorns) (reg. Tank, aggro via skills "taunt" - AOE)

He doesn't quite fit any of the concepts, but a proper heal tank might feel useless when factoring dps, but the maso pervert really does relieve 1 role to add another dps or full support (De)Buff which could be beneficial. But healers often side job as buffer soooo its usually better for healer/buffer, ATK tank, dps/debuff comp instead of getting fancy.

Long story short, a healers side job takes too much situational awareness to attempt to split focus. Its hard enough to find a healer who can do their job let alone buffing on top. I'd rather my healer stick his thumb up his ass and sit as long as he heals, even more so if he can buff too
think of this as a side story prologue... Its to reflect the character of mc's party member showing that he wasn't truly evil killing his mentor like what was suggested in the beginning... Probably