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31 points
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Wdym pulling shit out its ass, do you just want him to die and the story to end, everything that has happended so far is realstic for a manga, your saying that stat screens are that foregin?
Thats crazy maybe thats how storytelling works. What do you want from the author or MC, were are at chapter 3 like we should still be in the exposition. I find this story much more unique than others, espcially for not being a manga. Ussually its just the "I used to be the god Empoeror of mankind but i got betrayed by the Hero/King/family patriarch and now i have been reincarnated into the scoundral of the dukes son" or the clasic "I was the (insert trash role) of the hero party and they couldnt recognize what i did for them so they kicked me out but will live to regret it" Chapter 1 was quite fun and sort of funny and the rest is just the start of the story.
User-2174453616 - 1705019052
so braindead... She comes up to him pushes all her problems on him. Even worse it seems she throws him into the arrow. Shes usless and should deserve to die like everyone else, goofy chat gpt ah script.