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758 Comment(s)
881 Upvote(s)
Dice_24K - 1721836157
Honestly, the most upvoted comment at the moment (with a grand total of 6 upvotes) is pretty accurate. What changed by the end is that there is some acquired depth to a few characters. Importantly, we went from having only one candidate for "best girl" position to an actual decision for TWO possible candidates.
Also, a certain plot thread was threatening to extend all the way to the end - which would've been bad -> but it didn't. It finally got resolved so the story can move on to more important things. Goodie.

- The fighting choreography is perhaps the best in all of manhwa.
- - Seriously, if you have an objection, lemme hear it and link me to the manhwa that's superior. I. Want. More!
- - - This manhwa straight up has someone do the Miriki Counter. Early on too; that alone made me wanna continue reading it.
- The art is fantastic.
- Plot is serviceable
- - There are times when you'll go "well, that's convenient" but not in the way you'd expect.
To be more direct, there's a character introduced fairly early on and he's quite the fool as he puts himself in "gonna die" situations a few times over. He barely manages to survive due to stupid reasons every single time. It's the aforementioned dangling plot thread and like... the plot needed certain characters to act really freakin' stupid, muuuuuch stupider than they should've been, to get this stupid ball rolling. Here he is, again, about to die for being an idiot -> oh that's convenient; aaaaaaand he lived, again.
- - Still, as I said, the plot is serviceable and frankly, you can treat that ^ as "well, the author wanted Mr. Main Character to be the one to resolve it." Fair enough I guess, but blargh.
- Characters are along the lines of "the goodies are good and the baddies are bad."
- - That is to say, not super deep. Funny enough, there are a few characters that are exceptionally deep and I was glad to see them again.
- - - The main true final baddie is pretty bad, but at least there's some ambiguity to him.
He comes off as a "the ends justify the means" sort of guy more than a villain, so it takes time for the cracks to form.

- Romance is bad. One character is thrust into the role of "vaguely the female lead" by the sheer virtue of being around the same age of Mr. Main Character.
- - That stupid trope happens; where the girl she sees him with another girl and gets upset with him without a chance to hear any explanation. Like, if they were being lovey dovey, that's one thing, but that obviously doesn't happen - nor does it need to happen for this stupid trope.
Seriously, I wish this trope would cease to exist.

So, 8/10 on a good day. I recommend anyone who likes action sequences to read this because I can't think of anything like it that puts in as much effort to choreograph fights so carefully and so well.
Dice_24K - 1721828894
uh... I... I can kinda appreciate how she is determined to come with him. I do not appreciate the suicide whatsoever.
I'm just anti-suicide generally, so I'm not picking a fight with this instance specifically - but all instances as a whole.

I guess you can argue it's easier on his mental health, but I'd argue otherwise. He stood there and watched her take her own life to come with him. In a way, he drove her to suicide and that should also be a massive mental strain. Especially with how he said "I know you would do that."

He better not mess up and end up being unable to revive her,
Well, in my defense. I don't have enough knowledge/information about Uriel.I just assumed she was a constellation that was part of a nebulae - like, a collective of "The Constellation of the Absolute Good System" - and she's one of them; and doesn't have authority to command all of them.

This might come off as contradictory seeing how she can, all alone, stop the Hour of Judgement stigma from happening. I think that's because Heewon is Uriel's direct incarnation, and Uriel gave her the stigma.
... hmmm.... perhaps...

Thing is, you can make mistakes in some ways. Constellations absolutely don't come off as "perfect" in anyway. Especially when you consider how almost everyone trusted Dokja so far.

Dice_24K Anubis - 1721827854
I KNOW RIGHT! I SAW IT TOO! I'm so happy someone pointed it out like this. Thanks.
Well... you're not exactly wrong... Just remember that it's hard to act when you're someone else's pawn. Furthermore, she probably just trusted Dokja will be fine. Dokja has done nothing if not proven that you can trust/rely on him to win in impossible situations... it's just, this impossible situation is defined by the scenario itself; It's not a more difficult field, but a completely different one.

Uriel is spamming this wish because she knows this will probably get ignored because it's a meaningless gesture. Or, if it doesn't get ignored, it won't matter as she'll only get a stern talking to. Or or, she isn't in a correct state of mind to think straight and care about any consequences.
Dice_24K - 1721763512
Re-reading this as the update is coming up (it's been almost a week)... I just realized, the sword cutting the castle is a death sentence to Serejia. She went from ambiguously traveling with someone who tried to steal the sword - with plausible deniability -> into someone who sided with him (even if she refutes that, who will believe her?) as he attacked the castle, destroyed a chunk of it and had some soldiers killed, after stealing the holy sword.

... unless she attacks him. Don't do it! D:
At least Uriel is trying.
That's quite the cop out. Boo!
I want answers!
Dice_24K YouGotMozzied - 1721756190
I can't tell if he's eating them or not, tbh.
Dice_24K - 1721756140
Also, I wanna take a moment and comment on how nice these are:

The author/artist consistently starts chapters off featuring the characters in random situations. If I have a complaint, it would be how the most popular ones are literally just the beach ones... sigh... man, freakin' weebs coming over to manhua and fishing out the singular piece of fanservice and sticking to it for literal years.
Dice_24K - 1721756053
Background characters in this manhua be like:

This is not a complaint. I find this very amusing.
Dice_24K - 1721755904
Smug face.

His sister will kinda have to accept that her brother has changed. It's not like he's a million year old stubborn corpse who will never change his ways -> nah, he's young and can change his ways on a whim. She may not like what he has become, but that's kind of a personal problem more than anything... especially since she refuses to just be straightforward with this problem. She hasn't exactly told him any of this - buuuuuuuuuuut this might also be because she doesn't understand it herself.

The problem with characters being well written is that you can't just have the answer. Actually, this isn't a problem. It's a problem that so many characters across other works are so poorly written that you can have just have the answer to whatever is going on at any given time; the unfair advantage of being in the audience notwithstanding (sometimes... yes it is that bad sometimes). It's fun to be in this situation, so thanks, this manhua.
Dice_24K - 1721755165

So, these devils are deleted from existence? That IS one of the big deals about Chainsaw Man.
Dice_24K - 1721754988

Kinda sorta mixed messaging with who he loves, but it seems to be Yoo Joong-hyuk... unless the story chickens out by really going through with the "the story killed him" which... mmmmeh.

I would like to note the fact that the stigma of being evil was removed from him AND his modifier is the Demon King of Salvation. Say whatever you like, he is one of a kind. So like, is he officially a constellation now?
Dice_24K Queen Altair - 1721754805
Uriel was like "Wait, I can do that? I can wish for him to not die and it'll matter?"
Dice_24K - 1721708175
Pay to win elements in a pay to play MMO.
Dice_24K - 1721695938
I'd use a flamethrower on him before I even think about worshipping him.
Dice_24K - 1721655160
Cute kitty!

Also, based Jiang He; and not just for the last panel.
Dice_24K - 1721582243
Sigh... I miss when this updated thrice per day. It's updating like thrice a month... it's so slow to the degree that I have no clue what's happening anymore.