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Dice_24K - 1722059905
They didn't gut him? Really?
GOOD.... but frankly, I'd just escalate this to a death sentence. We're dealing with a freakin' Calamity man! There's no time for stupid questions! If he succeeds in whatever he's up to, then far more innocent lives will be at stake than just your kingdom. It'll be a problem across the entire world! Countless lives are at stake here!
Dice_24K - 1722059626
This man admits treason to the empire
and still thinks he has any status?

I knew he was stupid, but whew... It's a surprise he made it this far and he should thank his lucky stars they didn't decide to just kill him.
Dice_24K - 1722059386
Two things:
1) Yes. Carthillon being competent is a good thing. I probably would've threatened to drop this manhwa if he was an incompetent buffoon... but it is completed so I'd just read it anyway.
and 2) The long flashback is OVER! Time to remind myself that Ms. Main Character is no longer overpowered but rather, underpowered.
Dice_24K - 1722058948
I think this is doing that "you will become the calamity" thing. Man, what's with the calamity's obsession with taking her, a good girl, and making her an evil merciless slaughtererererererererer?
I kinda wanna say that I don't think it ended on a cliffhanger. I feel like when he woke up, his unstable mental state and his memories kinda bumped into each other, resulting in that scene.... or some something. I dunno.

Edit: nope. Read the next chapter. My bad.
Dice_24K - 1722058529
For a man who complained about her self-sacrifice shtick and told her to do what she wanted,
he sure went off and did this stupid self-sacrifice shtick instead of doing what he wanted.
Dice_24K - 1722058393
The face of "Yeah, I'mma just ask the question ya'll are dancing around. I don't care about this stupid dance."

The face when you know, but can't say despite wanting to.

I will say, imagine if he just owned up to it. Would she have been reverted back to a kid in chapter 1? Rather, would she have chosen to pass away at all?
The world would certainly be VASTLY different if she had two kids though.
Dice_24K - 1722057862
This is a confession... if she wasn't a blockhead. lol
Chapter 1 explaining how she has zero romance knowledge kinda gives her an excuse, but come oooooooooooon.

Also, Jeffrey should've been crystal clear. She should've preemptively introduced her as his wife starting that scene right there.
Dice_24K - 1722057630
Well, I kinda suspected the blonde, but not to this extent.

This is the equivalent of "good enough for me" when it comes to saving people's lives.

And, he could've told her, confessed - at least partially - that she is reckless and he would lose his mind if something happened to her. Build the relationship to progress past "comrades."
Dice_24K - 1722057364
Eh, she'll be fiiiiiiiiine. This is the actual OP Ms. Main Character. She isn't the weakened one in the main story.

Also, this is a long flashback... not that I'm complaining because this is great.
Dice_24K - 1722057155
I wonder if he confesses to her soon after this, but she shrugs it off as if it's a joke.
Dice_24K - 1722056958
For a moment there, I thought it was the green haired teacher.
Dice_24K - 1722056538
This is the closest we'll get to a smug troll face on Jeffrey.
Dice_24K - 1722056346
Moment of realization where someone places value in your actions... actions that you yourself disregard.

I have this problem too. I'm like "I don't see what the big deal is" about something I had done - and the other person is like "DUDE! No one else would've even thought to do that!" or some something. Self-reflecting is tough when you don't know how to value your own actions.
Dice_24K - 1722055841
But... this is what she wants. Her whimsy has gone in this direction... imagine if it went in another direction. Imagine if she was a vain jerk who looked down on human life. She'd slaughter innocents in the name of "getting rid of the traces and followers of the calamity."
It gets worse the more you consider how far "extremes" are... For example: She concluded that in this academy you're attending, there is a traitor who wants to bring back the calamity -> so she killed every student and destroyed the entire academy too.
And worst of all, Jeffrey would have to side with her as she can probably kill him - or at the very least, destroy the entire kingdom.

Overall, between these two extremes, thank goodness she is the way she is. I love how goofy and humble she is.
Dice_24K - 1722055149
How old is she here? He's 28, as told in the past few chapters...
I know she doesn't show her age properly whatsoever, as she looked 40 when she was over 120, so I'm just wondering...
Dice_24K - 1722054781
Is this why she thinks she can't be with him? Because she trolled him so much?
Dice_24K - 1722054607
She has Red Mist levels of humility, I swear.

No... I'm not trying to enforce the brainrot or whatever. She's just amazing.
Dice_24K Vamp - 1722054237
Dude, take a chill pill. If a casual critic of your actions sets you this far off, then you got problems that I'm underqualified to address.

If anyone is wondering, as of around half a year ago, this manhua had officially caught up to the novel. The novel stopped updating at chapter 496 in January of 2021; in the manhua, we caught up around chapter 460ish.
As stated, the author is legally, contractually required to continue updating this. This is literally where we are right now. As in... scroll up and read something that isn't in the novel because the novel has been dropped.
To clarify again: He dropped the novel, no doubt, but can't drop the manhua. He tried to drop the manhua too, but he can't.

Thing is, this whole argument has fallen into bad faith due to the insults flying around, so... /shrug
And dude... I downvoted you for toxicity. Would you perhaps prefer if I report you instead?
Dice_24K - 1722053208
I dunno what these two goofballs are talking about around a year or so ago. This is a lot of fun. These characters are exceptional and impressive in several ways. I want more backstory... like how did Jeffrey get this strong? Was he just casually born like this? Is it training? Blessings? What? I WANT MORE!