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1986 Upvote(s)
That checks out. She's trying to pull a sneaky sneaky on him and... well, I don't think it'll work, overall. Though... if she succeeds, that would be the end of humanity which will eventually lead to the end of herself too.

She'd use his powers to delete devils -> to erase practically everything until there is only war. A war that will end only when humanity ends.
Dice_24K - 1730821550
I think I get his ploy...? Allow rumors to spread that he's completely inept in multiple ways - but throw a saving grace that he's good in one way. It's... honestly, I wouldn't have taken the risk but hey, I didn't live 100 lives.
Dice_24K - 1730821186
Did he just barf out the "Snow Devil" or something?

Also, is the devil that represents WAR really falling for Denji's miserable appearance? (Like, his appearance when he's miserable)
Dice_24K Demonslender - 1730821019
Well, this situation with the tutor can be directly linked to a situation IRL -> imagine a private tutor specifically hired to work with a child who has autism. Would it be acceptable if the tutor blatantly looked down the child?
The look of sheer disinterest spelling out "if you died in front of me while I stepped on a bug, I'd be more worried about my shoes."

The setting is ye olde times so like, it is expected; I don't think Mr. Main Character is surprised. Still, it still sucks that it's happening, ya know? Like taking medicine that tastes horribly. You can brace for it all you want, it will still taste horrible the moment you drink it.
Dice_24K - 1730820584
Unironically, he's not wrong about the talent thing. Every manhwa and even manhua I've read feature corrupt people at the top who are quick to decide to "snip it in the bud" <- where "it" is a character with talent.
Dice_24K Demonslender - 1730820198
Yeah... what's with using months for baby ages instead of years? It happens often IRL too.
Dice_24K - 1730819227
SMH skill issue.

Also, the go-to thing a baby can do to "attack" the person carrying them is pull on their (facial) hair.
Dice_24K - 1730818577
Should've killed him. Hit him with "you, who is without mercy, now beg for it?" I mean, look at this scum, do you think he'd show mercy to your dad if you failed to stop his magic?

I know it's a different story between killing and hunting demons vs humans, but this trash attacked your dad. Not that you need more reasons to justify killing him, but it exists: that demonic energy.

Whatever happens, do NOT go the Batman route.
Dice_24K - 1730818063
Eh, it's fantasy. If you've suspended your disbelief enough to accept the plot so far, you can suspend it a slight bit further to just shrug this off too.

Furthermore, you can just say "it's a fantasy world! Maybe they all breathe helium and oxygen is poisonous to them!" There is no proof otherwise so like, it isn't impossible. lol
Dice_24K Demonslender - 1730813995
Literally where I thought this chapter was going.

Also, poor maid, panicking over the baby.
Dice_24K - 1730752402
This story starts with Ms. Main Character at around 10 years old; time passes and she barely reaches 11 years old; then a time skip happens and she's 14. No really.
Then a final time skip happens 9 chapters before the finale of FOUR YEARS finally getting her to 18 years old. You will spend most of the time looking at three dudes romance her with the thought of "she's 14. Her dad is protecting her well but I sure wish he was more definitive." Or you'd be a weeb and think he needs to stop so she can get romanced directly which... eww...
Also, chapter 207 is the epilogue and chapter 206 is the finale.

That annoying detail aside, this entire work's strength can be described in one word: CUTE!
It has an interesting start and some well written characters, interesting lore and all that jazz. There are a few problems:
1) The Emperor isn't written. Think of evil qualities and throw them at him and that's literally all he is: an embodiment of all that is wrong with the world with no rhyme or reason behind it.
2) and this one is more important: the pace is super slow. Anything that can be done in two panels is done in two chapters. I'm not hyperbolizing for the funny but I'm dead serious: the pacing is super slow. I was tempted to say "languid" to avoid saying "slow" as some people take offense to that (I dunno why) but it isn't just languid, but even slower than that -> hence "super slow."
This is made super apparent when the pace picks up from super slow to "normal pace" for the last few chapters and I'm like "oh my god, they had a normal conversation for once."

3) The art is nice and cute and all, but it cannot do action. The important parts of action are kinda communicated, but aren't properly shown. This is mostly fine on the basis that there is almost no action anyway. 99% of what happens is talking and being cute.

To reiterate on number 2, if it was all on a normal pace, forget 200 chapters, this would've been over from start to finish in about 50. Not much happens overall.

So uh... if you're good on the super slow pace and you're here for the cute, then 8/10.
Else, 5/10. Maybe 4/10.
I feel like if you skip from chapter ~6 or something down to chapter 196, you won't really miss anything... I already read it all so I can't verify if it is true or not, but if it is, then maybe 2/10. As you can see, I'm not the target audience for this but the first few chapters were good.
Dice_24K - 1730749936
She is finally 18. Aslan, Phon and Alber hitting on her can officially be "not creepy."
Dice_24K - 1730746480
Dice_24K - 1730744270
Dice_24K - 1730729986
So, how do ya'll pronounce "Aubutz?"

Me? Aww-butz, with emphasis on the "but." heh
Dice_24K - 1730652193
I gotta say, Mr. Main Character is a lot kinder than I expected. He only brushed aside three of these people who attacked him - instead of just slaughtering them all. I feel like he could literally punch a hole through all three of them in about the same time it took him to shoo them away.
I cannot understand that. I'm sorry.
Aaaaaaaaaaand what audible sound does that make?
Dice_24K - 1730585465
Oeuf! Low blow! Unintended low blow, but low blow nonetheless!
Dice_24K - 1730585246
Gotta get me a broom like this.