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And while the art quality is fine I guess, the character designs are all either too plain or too busy like The Demon King looks like someone graffiti'd someone else's shoujo manga, both the vampires just kind of look bad - like boring but also the costumes just look cheap somehow which is weird, and the succubus chick straight up looks like someone got one of the Pleiades from overlord and put her in a hornier outfit. I think the only character design I've liked in this series is the main character. This feels like the kind of series that should have started years ago when The New Gate and World Customize Create started like it would fit right in with those series and even then just barely cuz both those series have better openings than this.
I'd say it's got less energy like less intensity then that necromancer sage series probably because this one,at least by chapter 5,is clearly leaning way more towards romance than anything else more interesting going on going with the story, meanwhile that sage one is just generally better written. This is a series that would have benefited from either leaning more dark (like the sage series) or just not even bothering with the darker elements really (like that white healer series), because as is the tone being what it is really makes this story not particularly distinct like the author wanted to make a bright shoujo series but also wanted to follow trends and make an Edgelord Isekai. I'd also say this is definitely one of those series where making it a reincarnation story doesn't benefit it at all, like it actively makes her character a little bit weaker because instead of being a person that got betrayed without knowing why or how who grapples with whether or not she cares about people and you know - having like - internal character conflict. She just went from serving one master to serving another one who also happens to be some handsome guy because as a reincarnator she knows he's legit so there's no need to worry about any planning or thinking for herself or anything, ( especially when she essentially decides she wants to help the demons take over the world and resurrect The Demon Lord mostly cuz he just wanted to see him cuz she fan girls over him in the real world before she died) at least up to chapter 5. This ain't it man.
Ballsdeep69 - 1712873227
I'm not feeling it, something about this is just really Lukewarm to me.
Ballsdeep69 - 1712821003
Bro I knew I recognized the art style it's the same guy/gal/GOAT that made that super nice delinquent series about the dude with the random helpful info.
Ballsdeep69 Manit - 1712818727
Good God I thought this series ended already how are they still milking this.
Well this isn't Japanese so I don't think the Loli thing is going to happen, but this is Korean so the odds of him getting a pet that's just sort of there is high.
Ballsdeep69 - 1712800511
At this point the only way this is going to stop getting sad is after a named character dies, my money's on berkman.
Ballsdeep69 Arvadiel - 1712766579
My mileage on that trope depends entirely upon how well it is weaved into the story, like if it's an established group in some way or expressly talked about at the very start of the series or something I'm usually fine with it, but whenever they have the "secret cult that can use technology above everyone else" or "secret cult that seemingly came out of nowhere but is responsible for even the petty thugs that the characters have had to fight" I hate it
Ballsdeep69 Arvadiel - 1712738977
It is a murim story after all, the only options are "low action, comedic slice of Life" , "get ourselves together figure out every bad thing that's happened was secretly the results of an evil organization" and last but most certainly least "edge Lord revenge fantasy" you can of course mix and match any of the three but the results become unpredictable.
I will note these three only apply when a martial arts is the main genre and not the subgenre, when it becomes the sub genre shit gets real loosey-goosey.
Ballsdeep69 Arvadiel - 1712735820
To Kneel so hard your vertical, it's like boa Hancock's pose inverted.
Ballsdeep69 - 1712698359
Bruh it's been so long I forgot Xiao yu even existed.
I curse you for making me notice, now it's all I see as well.
Ballsdeep69 - 1712580839
It's wild that they think a rich person not paying taxes in America using legal rigmarole and "Charity" donations is something that would make the news and not something most of them do quite often. It just makes me remember that time Google had a meeting somewhere and the guy said "we pay all our taxes" and the entire crowd laughed at him
Ballsdeep69 - 1712569517
This has such a bizarre and specific energy to it like someone saw one of those weird horny Loli manga and said "I want to make the exact same thing but with taste and logic" so is undoubtedly still has a weird energy but it works.
Ballsdeep69 - 1712568555
" but officers she looked 16...". "You're 28 scumbag!"
I didn't even notice till you pointed it out yeah that sword looks really fucked up.
You are right about My hero academia's failings in this regard though, like one could argue even the worst of scum in Naruto never thought that maybe killing innocents is bad, cuz for most of them when they started killing it was a survival matter. But my hero is set in a modern world with modern moral standards but expects us to essentially feel bad for toga, who's a serial killer, because she shows Love by making people bleed - as if a single person would hold sympathy for her if she wasn't a cute anime girl. Or expect us to feel bad for the man that literally razed a country because he was sad as a child and his powers accidentally killed his family and then when that doesn't seem to work just say "well he was tricked into it" as if there's not a single point in all of his life where he couldn't have realized what he was doing was wrong on his own. Or how Dabi's whole ark kind of became a giant Jerry Springer episode with a massive body count by the end. Like one could argue the series is largely inspired by Western comics but in Western comics when there's an outlandish stakes or threat they either give it an equally outlandish motivation OR write the characters in such a way that it's clear why they'd arrive at doing what they're doing where you never stop to question it. Like Magneto's doing what he's doing because he's a genocide survivor and is paranoid that it might happen to him again and aims to get them before they get him. Or Thanos is doing what he's doing because he wants death to love him because he views death as the only thing that's capable of loving someone like him truly because death embraces all things equally which happened because he was born too big ,too strong, too ugly for anyone on his home world to love him. Or simpler ones - reverse flash f**** with flash because he just hates him that much. But the biggest point is Western comics are keyed in on who you should and shouldn't try to make sympathetic. They never asked you to feel sad for reverse flash they know he's a piece of s***, they might tell you to look at Thanos as a pitiful creature a man so broken that this is how he thinks but they never ask you to agree with him or get in his head or think he's right or even entertain the thought. This series feels deeply like someone who likes Naruto, maybe missed the some of the points in Naruto, liked Spider-Man and said "I can do both"
See I didn't remember the King emma thing though, I mostly remembered that conversation he had with Morro in the ark before granola where morro was taunting him about how he's probably still going to hell for who he was and he basically explained that he doesn't care, even if morro is probably right, cuz this is who he is now.
Morals wise you're right about Naruto, but there was only so many times I could read an arc and have it end with the villain having a sad backstory about why they're a villain before it started to feel silly that we're doing this every single time especially when sometimes it doesn't really explain why they think what they're doing now is right, it just explains that they were sad so I guess that's why they sort of became bad ( looking at you sasori!) like there's only so many times you can pull the same trick before it stops working on an emotional level, especially when, as the genre mandates, stakes have to keep getting raised and threats have to keep getting more severe. Like asking me to feel bad for zabuza way back when wasn't a big ask, especially when kakashi also specifically mentioned that he's just doing what they're doing but for an individual Master instead of a village. But by the time you get to people literally just straight up attacking large civilian centers to get one guy or to prove an arbitrary point, I might still understand them but I don't really care if they're redeemed anymore, like there's only so much mileage a sad backstory can get you, when you're like a 37-year-old man in your edge Lord phase telling everyone to feel your pain and then erasing an entire town to prove a point. I kind of argue fullmetal alchemist did the same thing but more effectively, because even when they had a character be a certain way and explain that there is a reason they're that way, if they crossed the moral event horizon they wouldn't treat them like a victim of circumstances anymore cuz there's only so far you can go along that reasoning before you're choosing to do awful things mostly of your own free will. (Like sloth is viewed as a pitiful creature, greed is viewed sympathetically cuz he actively changed, but there's very little sympathy for envy or lust because though they did similarly awful things they took active pleasure in them often and showed less remorse, like when given chances for self-reflection they actively refuse to change while still being selfish enough to get angry for one of their own dying without seeing any irony in the fact, like how that dude in the white suit that scar killed had no sympathy given to him for similar reasons.) ( As an aside it is still weird that they just sort of let Orochimaru go at the end because like yeah he helped once but he was still kidnapping people for like a decade to experiment on, a lot of them children.)
Ballsdeep69 - 1712473931
Man I'm rereading this and I forgot about the dogs.