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Ballsdeep69 The Bot - 1726538556
No in the first chapter she absolutely was not mashing a game controller. It does feel like the author's trying to make us forget that happened though.
Please... Reread the previous chapter my guy... She Already Knew about the Traitors, came to the mc to ascertain his purpose, learned their interests co-align and gave him the deal. given all this, it would be to both their benefits that her disciple be informed. Given your displayed reading comprehension I doubt you'll understand this comment though.
Ballsdeep69 MissBadEnd - 1726517442
Yeah that applies for most any genre, I moreso meant why the idea wouldn't really appeal to or interests some people, like how some people just can't get on board with giant monsters even if you tell them that "no, shin godzilla is really good actually" if the whole basic concept repels someone there's not much you can really do.
She (the pirate Queen) already did, did you not read the previous chapter, that's what their whole conversation is about and she made the deal with him: he gets to go in with her disciple, but if her disciple doesn't come back she's killing him. She already knew about the traitors, did you just... skip that part? Like her boss is onboard and if her boss told her to trust him, she would be inclined to.
Note I didn't say "bad" or "dumb" I said funny, because from an outside observers view it is often a comedy of errors, also, for the sake of argument, he quite literally did just that with her boss before going into the gate. There's no actual reason the boss couldn't have just told her subordinate in private to "trust that guy about the traitors".
Ballsdeep69 Zyxect - 1726500649
The Manga Beelzebub, it's the Zebul Seal, or Zebub Emblem? I haven't reread it in like a year so the name escapes me.
Ballsdeep69 - 1726468748
It's always a little funny when the mc of something just starts killing people and then after the fact explain that "oh no here's why they have to die" like "you would have got my cooperation if you explained earlier" "yeah but it's cooler to look like I betrayed you before revealing that I was good the whole time"
Ballsdeep69 - 1726467443
So no one else noticed that that heroes party happens to conveniently line up with some of the f****** giant monsters he fought, the guy all the way to the left is the wall the skinny guy with black hair is the guy he just killed, that flying thing was probably just that other wall guy's pet or something. I like the way story is disseminated in this it's like if dark souls had story instead of lore.
Ballsdeep69 - 1726465700
Ballsdeep69 - 1726463754
God damn there's a lot of racism in the comments, like holy shit literally frame one first non light skin person and they go off.
Ballsdeep69 - 1726461764
I can really appreciate the sadness and nuance in this on a second read, rather it be the father's attitude being one of the stern begrudging discomfort towards his son like he's disappointed but he doesn't want to appear soft like his wife so he defaults to this brick wall approach that leaves no openings for his son to grow, or his mother that does the opposite and is happy and acknowledges even minor improvements to his condition but maintains an emotional distance out of fear of hurting him further, or the fact that it becomes clear that he wants to get better if he wants to go out there but it's to the point that he physically can't- it's crushing him. living his life from his room for the past 3 years wasn't a cowardly retreat or an admission of defeat it was simply pain avoidance, he tried to go out into the world and the world hurt him every time after one mistake and what he learned from that was "don't go out into the world and you can't make mistakes."
Ballsdeep69 Towan - 1726461149
His behavior actually really tracks if you look at this as someone who is delusional and disillusioned with the world because he got essentially false accused by his society unilaterally, he retreated inwards and retreated to fiction, because fictions largely safer and more predictable fiction can't hurt you or betray your expectations of it the way people can, he's by no means entirely in the right but his actions are all clearly understandable as a trauma response (alongside his mental diagnoses) and what becomes important in that context is how he grows from here.
Ballsdeep69 - 1726460107
It's funny cuz in real life if someone said something like that with the specific context he was in all he would get was a " pause hold up" and a lot of memes with the caption but no one would seriously think he's a pedophile, his delivery on that s*** must have been so bad that it's just made him seem like a creep. Even still they completely f*** this man's life up over essentially a poorly framed reference to a bad joke,
Ballsdeep69 - 1726458273
I did not anticipate them jumping that dude so viciously and immediately that he had to trigger a death -destruct spell
Ballsdeep69 - 1726447890
This man is so petty it's great.
Ballsdeep69 emsax - 1726447186
Every single one of them could give Vegeta a run for his money in that department.
When you make emotional and sexual relationships purely biologically driven it kind of defeats the purpose and eliminates any drama.
Ballsdeep69 - 1726422280