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Yeah this genre is kind of built upon pleasant coincidences.
That monster looks like it's fixing to be part of the god hand or something.
Ballsdeep69 mtrickster - 1720328487
Now if only mineta could have died, Spear to the chest straight neji that man.
Ballsdeep69 - 1720325912
Dwarf dwarf dwarf dwarf r rock and stone rock and stone
Straight up this is the most balanced game I have seen in one of these types of series in a long time.
Ballsdeep69 Midknight - 1720324681
Man might as well go to a parade with all the flags he's got flying.
Ballsdeep69 DarkCent - 1720324482
Yeah level UPS in this work a lot more like traditional RPG level UPS wherever you fight things that are in higher status and number than you you just get a lot of experience, especially if it's a rare spawn.
Ballsdeep69 DarkMoon - 1720323439
I think the problem is he knows is a real world but he's also on that gamer grind set mindset so he's trying to be efficient, and it's not efficient to leave a good hunting ground for worse hunting ground just because something might happen even if it is smart.
I kind of wish more series had a mascot-like character that was just incredibly blood thirsty, like imagine if Tony Tony chopper went for the jugular every single time.
I imagine the skill takes into account high luck due to the fact that it is a skill for the high luck class. Either that or the game he was talking about is just incredibly unbalanced.
Ballsdeep69 Oburci - 1720320047
Going off of what he just said probably unless it caps at like three stacks or something.
Ballsdeep69 - 1720319732
Hold up you get a skill that strong from just putting five points into your class skill, but somehow no one in the history of this world has done that? What?! like I've seen this type of thing before but usually it'll be like the requirement to make the class even sort of good will be something life-threatening and that at least explains why most people don't know about or have the thing because the survival rate to even do the right of passage to get the good part of a class is low, but to get the good part of this class all you have to do is deposit your starting points into your class skill? Why is this class considered bad then?
Ballsdeep69 NAPPY - 1720247070
I think it's a give and take type of power considering she's got nothing but vulnerabilities when nothing is stored, but he didn't mention anything on a limit of storage meaning she could theoretically store a lot of powers and just always be a surprise Jack in the box.
Ballsdeep69 SpinelesS - 1720246299
going by the convo she's working with some powerful magic user, made some kind of deal that he ended up on the short end of (or at least he thinks he is) and as a result she's kind of got an unsteady alliance she has to keep track of while she's advancing her plans.
Ballsdeep69 - 1720218484
This deserved getting canceled, go read something good.
0've gotten so much use out of this image on this website)
Ballsdeep69 M19090 - 1720200561
"did" huh, seems someone couldn't balance on the edge.
I think the problem for me is that some of the gray parts don't feel gray enough while other gray parts seem to have bluntly been added to the picture the moment it was convenient, like toga never seemed particularly great to me because yeah she liked to express love through violence but she didn't really have a particularly bad life before that, her actions were all choices that she largely knew people would view as wrong and messed up but she did anyways, it's like trying to make me feel bad for a serial killer, twice was just sort of a sad end and somewhat a reflection on how the mentally ill are handled in a society like this - I like his stuff(though I got to say the answer to how are the mentally illegal in this society being they either die or we don't talk about it is weird), and spinner was barely a character until they had him attack that hospital and then decided quirk racism was a thing that existed in this world that we've just somehow seen no evidence of because it just doesn't exist in cities -never heard any of the characters that could apply to talk about it either because they didn't matter to the plot yet so why give them development, I honestly think the problem is the opposite - the point is very clear the execution is what makes it feel unclear.
Ballsdeep69 - 1720188888
I still find myself just not caring at all about spinner, oh well.
Ballsdeep69 - 1720147251
This man's on the fly bullshiting is so funny because it never goes well but he continues to do it.